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1、空中旅行 英语杂志AIn the Economy cabinJoey: Mom, look at this! Theyve got Madagascar and Madagascar 2! Ive got the first 3 hours of mytrip planned out.Annie: Thats great, honey. Right now you should be paying attention to the flight attendants, though.Theyre giving you important information.George: Your mot

2、her is right, Joey. You can start watching your TV shows and movies once we takeoff. Okay?Joey: Okay.Flight Attendant: At this time, we would ask that you turn off all portable electronic devices. One wehave reached a 1)cruising altitude, you may begin using 2)approved electronic devices.A在经济舱乔伊:妈妈,

3、你看这儿!马达加斯加第一部和第二部!我前三个小时有事情做了。安妮:太好了,宝贝。不过现在你得注意听乘务员讲话。他们在告诉你一些重要的信息。乔治:你妈妈说得对,乔伊。等飞机起飞后你再看电视节目和电影。好吗?乔伊:好的。乘务员:现在,请关掉您随身的电子设备。等飞机达到巡航高度, 您可以使用允许的电子设备。B20 minutes later in the First Class cabinFlight Attendant: Hot towel?Nancy: Excuse me?Flight Attendant: Would you like a hot towel?Nancy: Um, yes. S

4、ure!Flight Attendant: And you, sir?Drew: Yes, please.Flight Attendant: Ill be back shortly with your dinner menus and wine list. flight attendant leaves toservice other customersDrew: Dinner menus? Hot towels? A wine list?Nancy: This is 3)nuts.Drew: Its definitely an experience!Nancy: Ill never forg

5、et it.Drew: I think were going to be saying that a lot in the next 10 days.Nancy: Thats for sure. Im going to try to catch some Zs pretty soon. I want to sleep as much as I cannow so that once we land, I can hit the ground running!Drew: Sounds like a good plan. Ill wake you up if they come by with a

6、nything else that you wouldnt wantto miss.Nancy: Great.B20分钟后,在头等舱乘务员:您需要热毛巾吗?南希:什么?乘务员:您要热毛巾吗?南希:嗯,要。当然要!乘务员:您呢,先生?德鲁:要,谢谢。乘务员:等会我给您拿菜单和酒单。 (乘务员离开去为其他旅客服务)德鲁:菜单?热毛巾?酒单?南希:太夸张了。德鲁:真是一次难忘的体验啊!南希:我永远不会忘的。德鲁:我想这将会成为我们以后10天里的话题。南希:那是一定的。我要抓紧时间睡一觉。现在多睡会,等着陆后我就能精神焕发了!德鲁:好主意。一会儿如果有什么你不想错过的事情发生,我会叫醒你。南希:好的。

7、CIn the Economy cabinJoey: Dad, you should see this view. Its amazing! Its like were flying on top of the clouds.George: Its pretty unbelievable, isnt it? Wait till the sun starts to set. Its really beautiful.Joey: I bet. What movie are you watching?George: Inception. You?Joey: Bolt.George: I though

8、t you were going to watch Madagascar.Joey: I was, but then I saw Bolt and its sweeter. Ill watch the Madagascar movies after. George: Good thing weve got a lot of time, huh?Joey: Yeah! Hey, Dad?George: Yes?Joey: When the flight attendant comes by, can I order my own drink?George: HahaSure, why not?J

9、oey: Can I get a soda?George: Sure.Joey: Thanks, Dad.George: No problem.Joey: Oh, and Dad?George: Yes, Joey?Joey: I think this is going to be the sweetest family vacation ever.George: I think so, too, son.C在经济舱乔伊:爸爸,你应该看看这些风景。简直太美了!就像飞在云端一样。乔治:非常不可思议是不是?等到太阳升起后就更美了。乔伊:是的。你在看哪部电影呢?乔治:盗梦空间 。你呢?乔伊:闪电狗

10、。乔治:我还以为你会看马达加斯加 。乔伊:我是想看了,不过我又看到了闪电狗 ,这个更好看些。过会儿我再看马达加斯 加 。乔治:幸好你的时间很充裕,不是吗?乔伊:没错!嘿,爸爸?乔治:什么事?乔伊:一会儿乘务员来的时候,我能为自己叫杯饮料吗?乔治:哈哈当然可以了。乔伊:我能要杯苏打水吗?乔治:可以。乔伊:谢谢爸爸。乔治:没关系。乔伊:哦,爸爸?乔治:怎么了,乔伊?乔伊:我觉得这是最美好的一次家庭旅行了。乔治:我也是,儿子。机上餐饮 除了正常餐点之外,对于身体状况不好、须控制饮食的人,飞机上还有许多特殊餐点可以 点,不过这些特殊餐点通常都必须于搭机前一至两天预订,不接受现场点餐。常见飞机特 制餐如

11、下: vegetarian meal 素食餐 diabetic meal 糖尿病餐 low-calorie meal 低卡路里餐 low-sodium meal 低钠餐 low-protein meal 低蛋白餐 high-fiber meal 高纤维餐 fruit meal 水果餐 child meal 儿童餐 baby meal 婴儿餐很多人认为既然机票这么贵,就要在飞机上多跟空乘员要食物、大吃大喝才能“捞够本”, 其实这样对身体并不好。因为在三万英尺的高空中,人类的消化系统运作得比较迟缓,摄 取过多食物会造成消化不良。此外,干燥的舱内空气会造成体内水分流失,使得消化过程 所需的水分缺乏,更不利于消化。喜欢在飞机上喝酒的乘客更要注意,由于座舱内的干燥 空气和气压的关系,酒精的作用比地面上更强,在飞机上喝一杯等于在地面上喝两三杯, 特别容易醉,因此飞机上有人酒醉闹事的新闻屡见不鲜。单词单词1) cruising altitude 巡航高度 2) approved pruvd (a.) 被认可的,经核准的 3) nuts nt (a.) (非正式)疯狂的


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