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1、百度搜:英语教练 抢占免费真人口语陪练名额石家庄英语培训课程排名最新口碑榜如何寻找更适合的职位如何寻找更适合的职位1. Search in your spare time:There is nothing wrong in searching for employment in your after-office hours. Use the weekends or try getting up a little early so you can use an hour or two to do the searching.在空余时间里找:在空余时间里找:下班后找工作肯定不会错,同时也可以利用

2、周末或者早起一两个小时找。2. Dont use you work email:This is a common blunder a lot of job seekers make. It can also show that you are applying in your office-hours. Also, your office email ID password can be changed by the office.不要用你的公司邮箱:不要用你的公司邮箱:这是很多想换工作的人在找工作时犯的大忌,同时也能看出你是在上班时间申请。更何况,公司可以改掉你工作邮箱的密码。3. Subm

3、it carefully:A lot of companies post anonymously. So make sure to research on the company you are applying to. You never want to end up applying to the same company you are presently employed to!仔细审核:仔细审核:很多公司是匿名发布招聘信息的,所以你要好好调查下你申请的公司的情况。你也不想到最后又被现在的公司雇佣吧!4. Ask but keep silent:This is a difficult

4、thing. While it is necessary not to discuss with your colleagues that you are looking for a new job, it is also recommended that you ask close and trustworthy acquaintances for any references they may have for you.百度搜:英语教练 抢占免费真人口语陪练名额悄悄询问可信赖的人:悄悄询问可信赖的人:这个并不容易办到。你不必告诉同事你正在找另一份工作,不过你可以问信得过的熟人,他们可能会提

5、供你一些意见。5. Network: You can join your niche specific groups, follow companies and update your profile regularly to show that you are a knowledgeable person in your job. If you show a keen and genuine interest in this kind of networking, there are high chances offers will start pouring in from hiring

6、managers themselves.利用网络:利用网络:你可以加入和你求职相关的小组,关注各种公司并且经常更新你的信息,这样可以表明你在自己工作的领域还是颇有见识的。如果你对这种求职方式感兴趣并能加以利用的话,相信很多招聘经理都愿意向你递出橄榄枝。4. 餐厅安排1) Im afraid we cant seat you at the same table. 恐怕没办法让您们做同一桌。2) Would you mind sitting separately? 您们是否介意分开坐?3) Would you like a high chair for your child?要不要给您的孩子拿一张

7、高椅呢?4) Im afraid that table is reserved, sir. 恐怕那张桌子已经有人预订了。百度搜:英语教练 抢占免费真人口语陪练名额5) Would you mind sharing a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗?6) Some other guests wish to join this table. 别的客人想跟您共享这张桌子。7) Would you mind moving over a little? 您介意移过去一点吗?8) Another guest wishes to sit at the counter. Could you move do

8、wn one seat, please? 另外一位客人想坐在柜台边。您可以挪过去一点儿吗?9) Excuse me, sir, but may I pass? 抱歉,先生,我可以从这儿过去吗?10) Could you move your chair closer to the table, please? 您可以把椅子拉近桌子一些吗?4. 餐厅安排1) Im afraid we cant seat you at the same table. 恐怕没办法让您们做同一桌。2) Would you mind sitting separately? 您们是否介意分开坐?百度搜:英语教练 抢占免费真

9、人口语陪练名额3) Would you like a high chair for your child?要不要给您的孩子拿一张高椅呢?4) Im afraid that table is reserved, sir. 恐怕那张桌子已经有人预订了。5) Would you mind sharing a table? 您介意和别人同桌吗?6) Some other guests wish to join this table. 别的客人想跟您共享这张桌子。7) Would you mind moving over a little? 您介意移过去一点吗?8) Another guest wishes to sit at the counter. Could you move down one seat, please? 另外一位客人想坐在柜台边。您可以挪过去一点儿吗?9) Excuse me, sir, but may I pass? 抱歉,先生,我可以从这儿过去吗?10) Could you move your chair closer to the table, please? 您可以把椅子拉近桌子一些吗?


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