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1、小艾老师带你了解美国电影中的校园生活第一站:美国电影中的校园生活!第一站:美国电影中的校园生活!School Life in American Movies我们热爱电影,我们在电影中寻找生活。让我和你一起走进光影世界,走近你所不了解的生活。Attention, please!电影特快,本站停靠美国电影中的多彩校园!你心目中的美国校园是什么样的?是古朴或现代的校园建筑?轻松又活跃的课堂氛围?开放创新的学术环境?还是丰富多彩的课外活动?你想了解在美国学习是什么样的吗?你想知道美国的同龄人都在干些什么吗?你想知道什么样的校园里能走出比尔盖茨和乔布斯这样的风云人物吗?那就请走进我们的课堂,让我带你透过

2、电影这扇窗户,看看大洋彼岸的校园生活! School Life in American Movies时间:时间:3 月月 8 日(星期四),日(星期四),20:00-21:00活动地点活动地点: 语音大厅 主讲老师主讲老师: 小艾老师主持人主持人: 小艾老师 内容:内容:运用电影中的素材,从多角度介绍美国高校、高中校园生活,简析中美教育方式及校园文化的区别1. 教学教学 Teaching & LearningCurriculumcourse arrangementsteaching methodsassignmentsSchool facilitiesCharacter education【互

3、动 1】sharing and discussing2. 课外活动课外活动 Extra-curriculum ActivitiesStudents UnionStudent societiesAcademic groupsArtsSportsPublic affairs【互动 2】sharing and discussingSchool Life in American MoviesDo you know anything about school life in America? What are the campuses like?What do the students learn?Wh

4、at it is like to study in America?How is it different from the school life in China?Not many of us have the chance to go to America and see the school life there for ourselves, but at least we can see it from the movies.Tonight, lets take a tour in the movie world, and have a look at the school life

5、 in America.1. High-school MusicalTo find what the students like and what they are good at.The schools support them and help them realize their dreams.Stanford University2. 17 AgainExpectations of parentsAdolescence problems3. Legally BlondeHarvard UniversityA scene in the classroomLearning style: s

6、elf-learning and heuristic educationProfessional practice, internship4. Social NetworkInnovation spiritStudents with special talents5. Sydney WhiteCampus democracy: Everyone can compete to represent the studentsCultural diversity6. AcceptedA reflection on the education systemWhat to teach and how to teach?What to expect from education?“You dont need teachers or classrooms or fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves. ”(Bartley Gains)



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