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1、第 1 页Time New Roman1 Tim Spicer 是美国维京尼亚州阿灵顿市维克菲德中学十二年级的一名十七岁 普通学生。他是当天奥巴马到该校讲演时的司仪。2 tune in 收听., 收看., 调准收音机的波长; 调准电视机的频道; 调谐, 调入Eg:Lets tune in CCTV , its time to watch news.3 outstanding 英autstndi 美atstnd, atstn- ADJ 杰出的;出众的;优秀的 If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that t

2、hey are very remarkable and impressive.ADJ(款项)未支付的,未结清的 Money that is outstanding has not yet been paid and is still owed to someone.ADJ 未解决的;未完成的 Outstanding issues or problems have not yet been resolved.ADJ 重要的;显著的;突出的 Outstanding means very important or obvious.Eg:The most outstanding feature is

3、innovation.4 understandable 英ndstndbl 美ndstndbl ADJ-GRADED(行为、情绪等)可以理解的,正常的,合情理的 If you describe someones behaviour or feelings as understandable, you think that they have reacted to a situation in a natural way.ADJ-GRADED(论述、理论等)容易理解的 If you say that something such as a statement or theory is under

4、standable, you mean that people can easily understand it or in the way you would expect.Eg: Its understandable that the teacher is angry,because no one turns the homework in.5 keep up with 英ki:p p wi 美kip p w 跟上, 不落人之后;齐肩并进;紧跟Eg:We must keep up with the times.第 2 页6 extra 英ekstr 美ekstr adj.额外的,补充的,附

5、加的;特大的,特别的n.附加物,额外的事物;临时演员;号外;上等产品,上品adv.额外地;格外地,特别地复数:extrasEg:We need the extra help.7 adjust 英dst 美dstVERB See also:well-adjusted;改变(行为或观点)以适应;调节;习惯 When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behaviour or your ideas. VERB 调整;调节 If you adjust something, you change it s

6、o that it is more effective or appropriateVERB 整理(衣服) ;校正,校准(机器)If you adjust something such as your clothing or a machine, you correct or alter its position or setting. V-ERG(使)适应(光线变化)If you adjust your vision or if your vision adjusts, the muscles of your eye or the pupils alter to cope with chan

7、ges in light or distance. -adjustmentEg:Adjusting the environment is animals instinct.8 8 inspiring 英nspar 美nspar ADJ-GRADED 鼓舞人心的;有激励作用的 Something or someone that is inspiring is exciting and makes you VERB 鼓舞(inspire 的现在分词) ;激励;启迪Eg:Ive always liked listening to inspiring speeches.9 stay on track

8、保持跟踪;留在轨道 ;坚持减肥;达到目标;思路Eg:If you want to stay on track, you need to eat a little food everyday.第 3 页10 set high standards提出高标准 for树立榜样 withEg:He sets high standards for this test.11 dedicated 英dedketd 美ddketd ADJ-GRADED 献身的;一心一意的;热忱的 You use dedicated to describe someone who enjoys a particular acti

9、vity very much and spends a lot of time doing it. ADJ 专用(于)的;专门(为而)设计制造的 You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing. VERB 奉献(dedicate 的过去式和过去分词) sth for sbEg:I stayed dedicated to what?12 make a difference有所不同;造成影响;扭转局势Eg:I can make a

10、 difference world!13 every single one每一个单独的Eg:Every single one of them smiled at me.14 assign 英sain 美san Vt. 分派,选派,分配;归于,归属;法律 把(财产,权利、利息)从一人 转让给另一人;把编制 toN. 常用复数法律受让人,接受财产等转让的人,受托者Eg:The boss assigns work to every stuff,but he does nothing.第 4 页15 come up with 英km p wi 美km p w PHRASAL VERB 想出,提出(计划

11、、想法等)If you come up with a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it.PHRASAL VERB 设法拿出(所需钱款)If you come up with a sum of money, you manage to produce it when it is needed. Eg:Is that the worst you could come up with?16 mayor 英m 美me, mr n.市长;镇长;(英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰由议员选举产生的)镇长;(民 选的)市长Eg:They select him t

12、o work as mayor.17 senator 英sent 美snt N-COUNT; N-TITLE(美国、澳大利亚等国的)参议员 A senator is a member of a political Senate, for example in the United States or Australia.see usage note at:governmentEg:That senator was Obama.18 Supreme Court Justices最高法院的法官Eg:His dream is to be the Supreme Court Justices.19 d

13、ebate 英 dibeit 美 dbet 简明释义 n.讨论;辩论;争论;辩论 vt.& vi.辩论;仔细考虑;思考;盘算 with Eg:Do you have anything to add to this debate?20 military 英militri 美mltri adj.军事的;军用的;讨厌的;好战的n.军人;军队;武装力量第 5 页-militarilyEg:He was born in a military family.21 decide nothing less than完全决定Eg:How hard you learn will decide you grade.

14、22 determine 英dit:min 美dtmn vt.& vi.(使)下决心, (使)做出决定vt.决定,确定;判定,判决;使决定;限定vi.主用于法律了结,终止,结束-determinationEg:How can you determine that he is right?23 problem solving 问题解决Eg:Problem solving focuses on your ability.24 insight 英insait 美nsat n.洞察力,洞悉;直觉,眼光;领悟;顿悟 intoEg:She has a keen insight into character

15、.25 critical thinking 英kritikl iki 美krtkl k 批判性思维Eg:Dont keep critical thinking to confront everything.26 boost 英bu:st 美bust vt.促进,提高;增加;吹捧;向上推起vi.宣扬;美国俚语(尤指在商店)行窃,偷窃n.提高,增加;帮助;吹捧;加速助推器Eg:How can we boost our economy?第 6 页27 quit on退出;放弃;辞职Eg:He didnt want to quit on you , did he ?28 struggle 英strl 美strl vi.搏斗;奋斗;努力;争取n.打斗;竞争;奋斗Eg:We should struggle for our dreams.29 take a turn 转变;


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