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1、Appreciation of A tale of two citiesA tale of two cities is one of Dickens most important works. Charles Dickens is an outstanding English writer. He created some of literatures most iconic characters, with the theme of social reform running throughout his work. The continuing popularity of his nove

2、ls and short stories is such that they have never gone out of print. His writing style is florid and poetic, with a strong comic touch. Dickenss novels were, among other things, works of social commentary. He was a fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian society. His lite

3、rary style is also a mixture of fantasy and realism.1. Full of romantic elements in the suspense novel -A Tale of Two Cities 1.1 Strong romantic elements in Dickens novel It is generally regarded Dickens as a realist, but not a romantic writer. However, French historian Kazha thinks that Dickens is

4、essentially a romantic, he classified Dickens and the Bronte sisters as a romantic writer, to Thackeray called realists. His argument on the later research on Dickens is very enlightening. British novelist, George Gissing and Jester Dayton found the romanticism in Dickens creations, Gisssing think t

5、hat Dickens and Shakespeare, are the supreme idealist, he even directly called Dickens a “romantic realism “ 1 ; Jester Dayton that shaped the characters of Dickens is not a person like“ God “, he called England Dickens,“ the last myth of writers, perhaps the greatest myth of writers “ 2 . Modern Br

6、itish poet T.S. Eliot said that “Dickenss characters and the characters Dante and Shakespeare, like, all belong to the scope of poetry“ 2 . Indeed, the spirit of idealism to the romantic way Dickens can never exclude. In his work, romantic love is often described; the struggle of good over evil is r

7、omantic; figure of joys and sorrows of life and death is often romantic parting. Specific to the “Tale of Two Cities,“ the novel, Carlton and Pross complete of their noble acts are on the very romantic, even when Cruncher from bad to good are also very impassioned, romantic and exciting atmosphere.

8、A Tale of Two Cities is a true reflection of the times that all kinds of conflict and discord, quirks, depression, vitality and their unusual wealth. Although the details of Charles Dickens described unique, the characters sharp and detailed observation of the external characteristics, he may be des

9、cribed as a “realist“ is not appropriate.1.2 A suspense novel with wonderful story Dickens is good at creating suspense. . A Tale of Two Cities is particularly successful in dramatized the plight of individuals with personality conflicts by a good structure and the tense atmosphere in the social his

10、torical background. At the beginning , the writer didnt tell us the reason why Dt.Manette as a prison for 18 years. When Charles Darnay ask to Dr. Manette that he want to marry Lucie, Manette seemed to be aware of what cause for alarm, again and again to stop Darnay, asked him to repeat the morning

11、of the marriage; the same evening, Manette again fall ill, the spirit of it Lost in the days of the Bastille. Even wondered for a moment the reader, however, not be explained Dickens. Readers can not help asking: what is the link of Darnays life experience and Manette? Until the end of the book, peo

12、ple knows the link of Damay and Manette . By use of suspense, Dickens make the Manette as a person who see the bright side of human nature, and bring a wonderful story and the beauty of works of art for readers.2. The benevolence spirit and in the novel.2.1 The justification of the revolution A Tale

13、 of Two Cities“ was written in the 19th century 50s, a period of rapid economic development of capitalism. The capitalist development brings evils and impoverishment of working peoples lives lead the British society to the edge of the outbreak of a social revolution. As early as 3040years in 19c, th

14、e working class to fight for political rights, on a grand scale across the country launched a “charter movement.“ Which Lenin called as the worlds first broad, truly mass, political, proletarian revolutionary movement3 And this makes Dickens clearly aware of the 50s Britain and 18th century French s

15、ociety is very similar . For this reason, he decided to create a novel set in the French Revolution to Criticize the British social reality, provide a reference for the contemporary English, it is the background that the novel “Tale of Two Cities“ in 1859 come out. “Tale of Two Cities“ is a historic

16、al theme of the novel, but Dickenss focus is firmly targeted at the real life. Works of the late 19th century French and British social life, extensive descriptions of the French Revolution broke out to explore the root causes are to the French Revolutions various social crisis and the reality of British society together, in an ancient metaphor for the modern use of way, warned the British rulers of the bourgeoisie: the cruel exploitation and oppression, the people



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