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1、个 性 化 教 案授课日期: 2013 年 10 月 27 日 星期天年级:三年级 课时:2 课时 学员姓名:课题:module 4 unit 7 教师姓名:王小芳教学目标一,前七个单元的单词巩固和记忆二,综合运用难点重点一,前七个单元的单词巩固和记忆二,综合训练单词训练身体部位: 搭配:头 (摸)your (单数)头发 (梳)your ( 不可数)眼睛 wipe your eyes (清洁你的眼睛)脸 (洗)your ( 单数)耳朵 (清洁)your ( 复数)鼻子 (摸)your (单数)嘴巴 牙齿 (刷)your (复数)手臂 (举起)your (复数)手 (洗)your (复数)腿 (

2、举起)your (左腿/右腿)(单数)脚 (摸)your (左脚/右脚) (单数)脚趾 (摸)your (复数)身体 名词:先生 太太,夫人 小姐,老师 爸爸 妈妈 孩子们 兄弟 哎呀 哦,啊 唔 太阳 彩虹 颜色 苹果 糕;饼;蛋糕 形状 早上 下午 傍晚 英语 纸 画,图画,照片 喂,你好 (2) 名字 女孩子 老师 球 鸟 外星人 故事 时间 页 线 句子 单词1 This is my father/mother/sister/brother/grandma/grandpa. father mother2 Thats me. sister brother grandma grandpa1

3、 This is his body/arm/hand/leg/foot. body arm hand leg foot2 This is her mouth/ear/eye/nose/head. head ear eye nose mouth3 These are his feet. these1. 兄弟 This is my _.2. 他的 _ name is Jiamin.3. 你的 Whats _ name?4. 我的 _ name is Janet.5. 漂亮的女士 Whos that _ _.6. 我们的新老师Shes _ _ _, Miss Lee.7. 见到 Nice to _

4、you.8. 也是 Me, _.9. 早上 Good _. 10. 下午 Good _.11. 怎样 _ are you?12. 身体好 Im _. 13. 谢谢 _ you.14. 洗手 Please _ your _ before(在之前) eating(吃东西).15. 洗脸 Please _ your _ after(在之后) getting up(起床 ).16. 刷牙 Please _ your _ after eating.17. 梳头 Please _ your _ before going out(外出).18. 眼睛 Sally has two big(大的) _.19.

5、嘴巴 Tom has a big _.20. 鼻子 Jim has a high(高的) _.21. 头 Peter likes to shake(摇) his _.22. 脚趾 Touch your _.23. 双臂 Raise your _.24. 左腿 Raise your _ _.25. 右臂 Raise your _ _.26. 身体 This is my _.三、请选择适当的词填空。1. The boy _ (are / is) Liu Xiang.2. The girls mother _ (is / are) beautiful.3. Look _ ( at / on) the

6、 boy.4. Is _ (he / she) Sams daughter?6. _ (Is / Are) they tall? Yes, they _ (arent / are).二、请根据问句内容,把相应答句的大写字母编号写在括号内。.Part II:A. Is that boy your brother? ( ) 1. Hes Lindas husband.B. Is your mother tall? ( ) 2. Shes my aunt.C. Do you have any goldfish? ( ) 3. No, she isnt.D. Who is that man? ( )

7、4. Yes, he is.E. Whats this? ( ) 5. Yes, I do.F. Whos that lady with short hair? ( ) 6. Its a turtle.三、请选择适当的词填空。4. Is _ (he / she) Sams daughter?5. _ (Whos / Whats) that girl? _ (Shes / Hes) my sister?8. Jack and Lily _ (is / are) brother and sister.9. Look at _ (I / my) family tree.10. Whos the wo

8、man _ (with / in) white hair?11. Uncle Jack is a tall _ (man / boy). 16. _ (Who / What) are they? Theyre my brother and sister.MODULE1nau:模块 1n00:03.13RELATIONSHIPSnau:亲戚关系n00:04.99Unit 1 Look at My Family Treenau:第一单元 看看我的家族树状图n00:10.25Dialoguenau:对话 n00:14.801 Look and listen. Then read and act in

9、 groups.nau:1 看一看,听一听。然后组队阅读和表演。n00:23.07Shally: _, Janet?nau:萨莉:那是什么,简妮特?n00:28.49Janet: Its _ tree.nau:简妮特:是我的家族树状图。n00:30.47Sally: _Betty Webb?nau:萨莉:贝蒂韦伯是谁?n00:32.10Janet: Shes my _. And Frank Webb is my _.nau:简妮特:是我奶奶。弗兰克韦伯是我爷爷。n00:37.01Sally: They have three children, right?nau:萨莉:他们有三个孩子,对吗?n

10、00:39.03Janet: No, Linda isnt their daughter. David and Linda are husband and wife. And theyre _.nau:简妮特:不对,琳达不是他们的女儿。大卫和琳达是夫妻关系。他们是我的爸爸和妈妈。n00:48.57Sally: Oh!nau:萨莉:哦!n00:49.812 Learn these words, and then listen and read the dialogue. Try to fill in the blanks.nau:2 学学这些单词,然后听一听、读一读对话。试试填空。n01:01.

11、10Sally: _John Jones?nau:萨莉:约翰琼斯是谁?n01:04.52Janet: _my grandfather.nau:简妮特:他是我的外公。n01:06.57Sally: So Mary is his wife and _ grandmother.nau:萨莉:那么玛丽是他的妻子,也就是你的外婆。n01:09.71Janet: Yes.nau:简妮特:是的。n01:10.61Sally: Is Jim _?nau:萨莉:吉姆是你的舅舅吗?n01:12.22Janet: Yes, Hes my grandfathers son and my mothers .nau:简妮特:是的,他是我外公的儿子,我妈妈的哥哥。n01:17.53Sally: Whos Susan?nau:萨莉:苏珊是谁?n01:19



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