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1、-A- Adelman, Howard, “Discovering the Mind, Goethe, Kant and Hegel, by Walter Kaufmann“ - 13, 3 (March 1982): 1-3.Ahlers, Rolf, “Analytischer Kommentar zu Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes: Die Architektonik des erscheinenden Wissens. By Claus Artur Scheier . Darstellung des erscheinenden Wissens: Sy

2、stematische Einleitung in Hegels Phnomenologie des Geistes. By Ulrich Claesges“ - 17, 1 (Fall 1985): 73-76.Ahlers, Rolf, “Die Idee als Ideal: Trias und Triplizitt bei Hegel. By Katharina Comoth“ - 19, 2 (Spring 1988): 194- 200.Altizer, Thomas J. J., “The Critical Theory of Religion: The Frankfurt Sc

3、hool. By Rudolf J. Siebert“ - 20, 2 (Spring 1989): 234.Avineri, Shlomo, “The Discovery of Hegels Early Lectures on the Philosophy of Right: Vorlesungen: Ausgewhlte Nachschriften und Manuskripte. By G. W. F. Hegel. Band 1: Vorlesungen ber Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft: Heidelberg 1817/18, mit nac

4、htragen aus der Vorlesung 1818/19, nachgeschrieben von Peter Wannenmann. Ed. by Claudia Becker . et al. with an introduction by Otto Pggeler . Philosophie des Rechts: Die Vorlesung von 1819/20 in einer Nachschrift. By G. W. F. Hegel, ed. by Dieter Henrich . Die Philosophie des Rechts: Die Mitschrift

5、en Wannenmann (Heidelberg 1817/18) und Homeyer (Berlin 1818/19). By G. W. F. Hegel, edited and with an introduction and commentary by Karl- Heinz Ilting“ - 16, 2 (Spring 1985): 199-208. -B-Berki, R.N., “Hegels Retreat from Eleusis: Studies in Political Thought, by George Armstrong Kelly“ - 10, 1 (Se

6、ptember 1978): 7-9.Berman, Robert, “Critique, Norm, and Utopia: A Study of the Foundations of Critical Theory. By Seyla Benhabib“ - 21, 1 (Fall 1989): 114-122.Bernstein, Richard J., “J. J. OMalley, H. P. Kainz, and L.C. Rice, editors. The Legacy of Hegel: Proceedings of the Marquette Hegel Symposium

7、, 1970“ - 6, 4 (June 1975): 1-3.Blanchette, Oliva, “Hegels Phenomenology of Mind: Analysis and Commentary. By C.V. Dudeck“ - 13, 4 (June 1982): 9-10.Blanchette, Oliva, “Hegels Phenomenology, Part I: Analysis and Commentary, by Howard P. Kainz“ - 8, 2 (December 1976): 3- 6.Bracken, Joseph A., S.J., “

8、Romantic Idealism and Roman Catholicism: Schelling and the Theologians. By Thomas F. OMeara, O.P.“ - 15, 2 (Spring 1984): 211-215.Breazeale, Daniel, “The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte. By Frederick C. Beiser“ - 21, 2 (Spring 1990): 190-197.Breazeale, Daniel, “Fichtes Wissensc

9、haftslehre of 1794: A Commentary on Part I. By George J. Seidel“ - 25, 1 (Fall 1993): 79-84.Brod, Harry, “Hegel on Economics and Freedom. Ed. by William Maker“ - 20, 2 (Spring 1989): 242-247.Brown, Robert F., “Attempt at a Critique of All Revelation, by Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Translated, with an In

10、troduction, by Garrett Green . The Unconditional in Human Knowledge: Four Early Essays (1794-1796), by F. W. J. Schelling. Translation and Commentary by Fritz Marti“ - 13, 2 (December 1981): 4-6.Brown, Robert F., “Schellings Idealism and the Philosophy of Nature, by Joseph L. Esposito“ - 9, 3 (March

11、 1978): 5-7.Burbidge, John, “G. W. F. Hegel: Gesammelte Werke, Band 11. Wissenschaft der Logik, Erster Band, Die Objektive Logik (1812/1813). Edited by Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke“ - 10, 4 (June 1979): 5- 7.Burbidge, John, “G. W. F. Hegel: Gesammelte Werke. Band 12. Wissenschaft der Logik

12、, Zweiter Band, Die subjective Logik (1816). Edited by Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke“ - 13, 2 (December 1981): 7-8.Burbidge, John, “Hegel. By M. J. Inwood“ - 17, 1 (Fall 1985): 92-94.Burbidge, John, “Hegel and his Critics: Philosophy in the Aftermath of Hegel. Ed. by William Desmond“ - 22,

13、2 (Spring 1991): 227-228.Burbidge, John, “Hegels Quest for Certainty. By Joseph C. Flay“ - 17, 1 (Fall 1985): 55-58.Burbidge, John, “Das Wissen in Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. By Hans- Peter Falk“ - 17, 1 (Fall 1985): 86-88.Burbidge, John, “Wissenschaft der Logik. Teil 1: Die Objektive Logik; Band

14、 1: Die Lehre vom Sein (1832). By G. W. F. Hegel. Edited by Friedrich Hogemann and Walter Jaeschke. (Gesammelte Werke, Band 21)“ - 18, 1 (Fall 1986): 67-68.Burbidge, John W., “Donald Phillip Verene, ed. Hegels Social and Political Thought“ - 12, 2 (December 1980): 4-6.Burbidge, John W., “Warren E. S

15、teinkraus, editor, New Studies in Hegels Philosophy“ - 6, 3 (March 1975): 1-3.Butler, Clark, “Hegel and the Human Sprit: A Translation of the Jena Lectures on the Philosophy of Spirit (1805-06) with Commentary. By Leo Rauch . Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post- Kantian Idealism

16、. Translated and annotated by George di Giovanni and H. S. Harris, with two essays by the translators“ - 19, 1 (Fall 1987): 105-111.Butler, Clark, “Hegels Dialectic and its Criticism. By Michael Rosen“ - 15, 1 (Fall 1983): 112-116.Byrne, Laura, “Hegels Ontology and the Theory of Historicity. By Herbert Marcuse, trans. by Seyla Benhabib“ - 21, 2 (Spring 1990): 197-203. -C-Christensen, Darrel E., “Michael Theuniss


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