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1、个人简历的各种奖励和职位的中英文对照个人简历的各种奖励和职位的中英文对照浜轰汉缃?鏍唴- 鏃織鍒嗕韩 鏈杩戜娇鐢?鏃織 鐩稿唽 鍒嗕韩 鍏叡涓婚 浜轰汉鍐滃満 杩炴帴缃戠珯 娌睙澶栬閮惤 鐘舵? 鐣欒 绀肩墿鍟嗗煄 VIP 浼氬憳 浜轰汉娲诲姩 璞嗕竵鏂囨。涓夊浗椋庝簯 鏅壒鑻辫鍚姏 鐓 墖缇庡宸潑 淇变箰閮? 澶 瘜璞? 姝緺椋庝簯 缃戦娓告垙 闆嗗悎缃?娲诲姩闆嗗悎 璁哄潧 鏁磋泭涓撳 鎶曠 鍏儴搴旂敤 禄绠悊鎴戠殑搴旂敤 娴忚鏇村搴旂敤 璧勬枡缂栬緫 闅愮璁剧疆 搴旂敤璁剧疆 甯愭埛璁剧疆 閭欢璁槄榛樿琛儏 瀵逛笉璧凤紝璇鎯呬负 VIP 涓撳睘鐣欒琛儏锛?寮閫歏 IP 鍗冲彲灏芥儏浜敤銆

2、?绔嬪嵆寮閫?棣栭涓汉涓婚瑁呮壆濂藉弸搴旂敤娓告垙绔欏唴淇?鍗囩骇 VIP鍏呭奸個璇疯缃悳绱?鎼滅储 閫鍑?鍒嗕韩鎴戠殑鍒嗕韩 褰撳墠鍒嗕韩 杩斿洖鍒嗕韩棣栭禄鍒嗕韩 涓汉绠鍘嗏斺斿悇绫诲瀛噾銆佸悇绉嶇 鍙枫佸悇绉嶈亴浣嶄腑鑻辨枃瀵圭収锛堝啓绠鍘嗙粷瀵圭敤寰楃潃鐨勶級鏉簮锛?08 淇鐨勬棩蹇?涓銆? 鍥藉鍙婃牎绾 椤广佺 鍙?鍥藉濂栧閲? National Scholarship鍥藉鍔卞織濂栧閲? National Encouragement scholarship涓夊瀛敓鏍囧叺 Pacemaker to Merit Student涓夊瀛敓 Merit Student瀛範浼樼鐢? Model

3、Student of Academic Records绐佸嚭鎵嶈兘濂? Model Student of Outstanding Capacity鍏堣繘涓汉 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student浼樼宸綔鑰? Excellent staff浼樼瀛敓骞查儴 Excellent Student Cadre浼樼鍏遍潚鍥憳 Excellent League Member浼樼姣曚笟鐢? Outstanding Graduates浼樼蹇楁効鑰? Outstanding Volunteer鍏堣繘鐝泦浣? Advanced Class浼樼鍥共 Outstanding L

4、eague Cadres瀛敓鍗忎細浼樼骞查儴 Outstanding cadres of Student Association瀛敓鍗忎細宸綔浼樼涓汉 Outstanding Individual of Student Association绮剧鏂囨槑鍏堣繘涓汉 Spiritual Advanced Individual绀句細宸綔鍏堣繘涓汉 Advanced Individual of Social Work鏂囦綋娲诲姩鍏堣繘涓汉 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities閬撳痉椋庡皻濂? Ethic Award绮剧鏂囨槑濂? H

5、igh Morality Prize鏈浣崇粍缁囧 Prize for The Best Organization绐佸嚭璐尞濂? Prize for The Outstanding Contribution宸綔鍒涙柊濂? Prize for The Creative Working鍥槦寤鸿濂? Prize for The Team Contribution浜屻? 鍚勭郴姣旇禌涓庡椤?澶栬绯伙紙 Foreign Language Department 锛?璇濆墽姣旇禌 Drama competition鑻辫婕旇姣旇禌 English Speech Contest鍏郴杈璧? Eight Depart

6、ments Invitational Debate Competition榛戞澘鎶璁璧? Blackboard Poster Design ContestPPT 璁捐澶 禌 Courseware Design Competition鏂囨槑瀹胯垗 Outstanding DormitoryOK 鏉鐞冩瘮璧? OK Cup for Basketball Game鎴戝績椋炴壃姝屽敱姣旇禌 鈥淢 y Heart Flies 鈥?Singing Competition涓枃绯? Department of Chinese Language and Literature)锛?璇楁瓕鏈楄姣旇禌 Poetry

7、Recitation Contest璇楁瓕鍒涗綔姣旇禌 Poetry Creation Contest鎽勫奖澶 禌 Photography Competition閲戣瘽绛掓瘮璧? 鈥淕 olden Microphone 鈥?Competition鍏存垜涓崕婕旇姣旇禌 Speech Competition on Revitalizing China璇句欢姣旇禌 Courseware Design Contest鎶垔姣旇禌 Press Writing Contest瓒崇悆姣旇禌 Football Match涓夌瑪姣旇禌 Essay Contest鍐棩鐜繚閽堢粐姣旇禌 Knitting Contes

8、t on Winter Environmental Protection鏁板绯?Department of Mathematics )锛?鐧诲北姣旇禌 Mountain-climbing Competition缃戠粶宸甯? Network Engineer Certification鍏浗寤烘 姣旇禌 National Mathematical Modeling Contest鐭瘑椋庨噰姣旇禌 Knowledge CompetitionPPT 璇句欢鍒朵綔澶 禌 Courseware Design Competition缁忔祹绠悊绯?The Department of Economics Gra

9、de A,B,C)鏃鑳藉姏鑰冭瘯 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 锛? 锛? 锛?鍟嗗姟鏃鑳藉姏鑰冭瘯 Business Japanese Proficiency Test鍟嗗姟鑻辫璇佷功 Business English Certificate 锛?闆呮? IELTS (International English Language Testing System)鎵樼 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)BEC 鍒濈骇 (BEC Preliminary Level 锛岀缉鐣负 BEC

10、 Pre.)BEC 涓骇 (BEC Vantage Level 锛岀缉鐣负BEC Van.)BEC 楂樼骇 (BEC Higher Level 锛岀缉鐣负BEC Hi.)鍏浗璁畻鏈虹瓑绾 冭瘯 National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)Rank I: DOS 銆乄 INDOWSRank 鈪? VISUAL BASIC 锛孷 ISUAL FOXPRO 锛孮 BASIC 锛孎 ORTRAN锛孋锛?FOXBASERank 鈪?: PC technology 銆両 nformation management 銆両nternet technology 銆丏 ata

11、 baseRank 鈪? Ability to systems analysis and systems project鍏浗璁畻鏈轰竴绾 瘉涔? First-level Certificate for National Computer鍏浗璁畻鏈轰簩绾 瘉涔? Second-level Certificate for National Computer鍏浗璁畻鏈轰笁绾 瘉涔? Third-level Certificate for National Computer鍏浗璁畻鏈哄洓绾 瘉涔? Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer瀵兼父璇?

12、Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card)瀵兼父璧勬牸璇佷功 Guide Certificate绉樹功璇? Secretary Card涓骇娑夊绉樹功璇? Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card浼氳璇? Accounting Certificate浼氳浠庝笟璧勬牸璇佷功: Certificate of Accounting Professional鍒濈骇鑱屽姟锛堝姪鐞嗕細璁級璇佷功 Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level涓骇鑱岀 Intermedia

13、te Certificate绠悊浼氳甯堣瘉涔? Certificate in Management Accounting娉唽浼氳甯堣瘉涔? (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant娉唽閲戣瀺鍒嗘瀽甯? 锛圕 FA 锛塁 hartered Financial Analyst鐗硅鍏浼氳甯? 锛圓 CCA 锛塗 he Association of Chartered AccountantsCAD 宸甯堣璇佽瘉涔? CAD Engineer Certification鐢靛伐璇? Electrician certificate鎶宸瘉涔? Technician Certificate鏁欏笀璧勬牸璇? Teacher Certification蹇冪悊杈呭鏁欏笀璧勬牸璇佷功 Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate鎶叧鍛樿祫鏍艰瘉涔? Clerk for the Customs Declaration鎶叧鍛樿瘉涔?


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