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1、外研社高中必修外研社高中必修 1-61-6 单词与短语单词与短语Scott 外研社高中必修 4 单词与短语Module 1【单词】1.? brick n. 砖2.? concrete n.混凝土3.? mud n.泥4.? alternativeadj.替换的5.? crimen.罪;罪行6.? prediction n.预测7.? riskyadj.危险的;冒险的8.? resource n.(usu.pl)资源9.? material n.材料10.? rely v.依赖;依靠11.? solar adj.太阳的12.? urban adj.都市的;城市的13.? loadv.装;装载14

2、.? arrestv.逮捕;拘留15.? criminaln.罪犯;犯人16.? fire v.开火;启动17.? limit n.(usu.pl)范围18.? outdoors adv.户外19.? online adv.联机地20.? catalogn.目录21.? commandn.命令;指令22.? recreation n.娱乐;消遣23.? chargen.费用;价钱24.? powerv.提供动力25.? flick v.轻打;轻弹26.? switchn.开关;v.交换;调换27.? surgery n.外科手术28.? outpatientn.门诊病人29.? clinic

3、n.诊所30.? disabilityn.失去能力;伤残31.? attach v.系;贴;连接32.? spaceport n.宇宙基地33.? optimistic adj.乐观的34.? dishwasher n.洗碟机35.? definitelyadv.无疑地;确定地36.? eventually adv.最后;终于37.? colony n.殖民地38.? predictv.预言;预料39.? shapev.造成的形状40.? pad n.(动物的)脚41.? doormat n.门前擦鞋垫【短语】1.? run out 用尽;用光2.? for sure 肯定地3.? rely

4、on 依靠;依赖4.? get rid of 除掉;去掉5.? free of charge 免费6.? use up 用尽;用光7.? look out 小心8.? for a start 首先9.? on the way out 即将被淘汰;即将过时10.? arrest sb for sth 因为逮捕某人11. loadwith把某物装载到上12.? place an order with sb for sth 向某人订购某物13.? carry out 实施;履行14.? attach A to B 把 A 系/贴在 B 上15.? in space 在太空中16.? be optim

5、istic about 对乐观的17. be pessimistic about 对.悲观的18.? in progress 在进程中19.? at birth 在出生时Module 2【单词】1.?trolleybus n.电车2.? wire n.电线 wireless3.? suburban adj.郊区的;市郊的 suburb = outskirts4.?display v.展示;陈列 on display/show5.? cab n.出租车;计程车6.? permit n.执照;许可证7.? receipt n.收据8.? fare n.车费9.? air-conditioned a

6、dj.带空调的 air-conditioner10.? limit v.限制 limited unlimited limitless 无限制的,无止境的11.? destination n.目的地12.? impressive adj.给人印象深刻的 impress impression13.? route n.路线14.? provide v.提供15.? convenientadj.方便的 convenience at ones convenience16.?pedal v 骑车;踩的踏板17.?single n.单程票 = single ticket 18.?return n.往返票 =

7、 return ticket = round-trip ticket19.? explore v.探索 explorer exploration20.? roadwork n.(usu.pl)道路施工21.?blow v.吹响(乐器/号角等)22.? horn n.喇叭;号角23.? react v.反应 reaction to /on sth.24.? solution n.解答;答案 solve solution to sth.25.?moodn.心情;心境 in good/bad mood26.? congestion n.拥塞;堆积 congest congested27.? regi

8、stration n.登记;执照 register 登记; 注册【短语】1.? be connected to 与相连2.? be/get stuck in 被困在 = be trapped/caught in3.? in no time 马上;一会儿4.? get around 到处旅行;四处走动 get around sp = visit sp5.? be under construction 正在建设中 = be being built/constructed6.? switch off 关上(电灯/电视) ;断掉(电源)= turn off7.? keep cool 保持冷静 = ke

9、ep calm8.? no way 肯定不;没门儿 = impossible9.? matchwith使和匹配10.? be worth doing 值得去做be worthy of being donebe worthy to be doneIts worthwhile to do sth.Its worthwhile doing sth.be worthy of + n. (有动作意味的名词) e.g. action, movement11.? drive sb mad 使某人发疯12.? suffer from 遭受的痛苦/折磨13.? whats more 而且 = in additi

10、on = besides = also = moreover = furthermore = and that14.? by means of 通过的方式15.? the rush hour 交通堵塞时间;高峰期16.? even though 即使 = even ifas if = as though 好像,仿佛Module 3【单词】1.? communication n.交流;沟通2.? communicate v.传递信息;交流3.? unconscious adj.无意的;不知不觉的 subconscious4.? vary v.变化 varied various a large/g

11、reat variety of5.? formal adj.正式的 informal6.? aggressive adj. 攻击的;挑逗的;挑衅的 aggress aggression 7.?traditionally adv.传统地 conventionally8.? weapon n.武器 = arms9.? gesture n.姿势;姿态10.? threatening adj.恐吓的;具有威胁的 threat threaten11.?deal n.协议;交易 make a deal with sb.12.? involve v.包括 be involved in 1.卷人,陷入 2.包

12、括 3.参与,参加 13.?slightly adv.轻微地;稍微14.? forehead n.额头15.? bow v.鞠躬 bow before sb. = give in to sb. = yield to sb.屈服于16.? informaladj.非正式的17.? youth n.年轻人C;青春【U】 a promising youth18.? palm n.手掌19.? spread v.张开 spread out 20.? slap v.掌击21.? conscious adj.意识到的;自觉的 be conscious of 意识到22.? ankle n.脚踝23.? e

13、yebrow n.眉毛24.? lip n.嘴唇25.?wrist n.手腕26.? bend v.弯腰27.? hug v.紧抱;拥抱28.? stare v.凝视;盯着看29.? wipe v.擦;抹;揩 wipe out30. religion n.宗教 religious 31.? host n.主人 hostess lioness actress32.? toast n.祝酒;干杯 make/propose a toast to = Lets drink to33.? sip n.一抿之量;小口喝 take a sip 吸一口34.? blank adj.空白的 a blank ch

14、eque/check 35.? panic v.恐慌;惊慌 panicking panicked pinic v.36.? rude adj.粗鲁的 = impolite37.? invitation n.邀请I feel greatly flattered/honoured/proud by your invitation to address the meeting. 蒙您邀请在此会上演说,我深感荣幸。38.? requestn.请求;要求 make a request for sth. = ask for sth.39.? favor n.恩惠;善意的行为 do sb. a favor4

15、0.? liveadj.现场的 a live broadcasting 41.? performance. n.演出, 表演, 进行, 执行 perform performer42.? performer n.表演者43.? classicaladj.古典的;古代的 classic 经典的44.? applause n.鼓掌;拍手give sb. applause for 称赞某人的., 因.而夸奖某人win meet withapplause 博得喝采45.? judgment n.判断;意见 judge argue- argument46.? prolong v.延长47.? equality n.平等 equal v./adj. equally48.? handclap n.拍手49.? social adj.社会的 society50.?infectious adj.有感染性的 ?infect v.51.? funeral n.葬礼 give sb a state funeral 为某人举行国葬【短语】1.? on guard(保持)警惕 = with caution keep watch/alert2.? make a deal with 与


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