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1、趣记录:美国教授跑马拉松织围巾难度:适中 作者:沪江英语 来源:每日邮报 评论:2 Most men cant knit and even more cant run a marathon. But David Babcock does both, at the same time.许多男人不会织毛线,更多的人不能跑马拉松。而大卫巴布科克两样都会,而且是同时完成。On19th Oct, the 41-year-old University of Central Missouri graphic design professor set a Guinness world record for l

2、ongest scarf knitted during a marathon.The previous record was set by Susie Hewer during last Aprils London Marathon with a scarf that measured 6 feet, 9 inches.这名41岁的男子是中密苏里大学设计系教授,本月19日他边跑马拉松边织出了一条长约四米的围巾,创下了跑马拉松时织成最长围巾的世界吉尼斯纪录,打破了英国女子苏西3个月前缔造的纪录,当时苏西一边跑马拉松一边织围巾,织了一条6英尺9英寸(约2米)长围巾。Before the race

3、in Kansas City, Babcocks goal was to beat Hewer by three feet but he ended up nearly doubling her with a scarf that measured 12 feet, 13.4 inches.在于堪萨斯州举办的比赛之前,巴布科克的目标是超过苏西的成绩大约3英尺,结果他织出了12英尺13.4英寸(约4米)的围巾,几乎是苏西织出围巾长度的两倍。It was his first time running a marathon and it took him 5 hours, 47 minutes an

4、d 27 seconds to finish.这是他第一次参加马拉松赛跑,他花了5小时47分钟27秒跑完全程。Mr Babcock began knitting and long-distance running, separately, three years ago. He decided to merge the two activities since both were a little boring and he thought it would be a fun challenge.三年前,巴布科克先生开始织毛线、长跑,但两件事并不同时进行。当他开始觉得有点无聊时,他决定将两件事

5、合二为 一,并认为这会是“一个有趣的挑战” 。Over the years Mr Babcock has developed a system for how he knits while running.数年以来,巴布科克先生已经练就了织毛钱兼长跑的运动方法。To protect himself from possible injury he uses plastic needles and attaches a stopper at the end so the scarf doesnt fall off.为了预防可能出现的危险,他使用的是塑料编织针,而且在末端夹上了夹子,这样围巾就不会从

6、针上掉下来。Hes only fallen once while running and knitting, and that was early on when he wasnt paying attention to a pothole.他边织边跑的过程中只有一次跌倒了,那是他刚起跑不久,没有注意到地上有坑。He keeps yarn in a fanny pack and only uses acrylic materials since natural fibers absorb sweat.他把毛线装在腰包里,看起来有些滑稽,而且他只织腈纶毛线,因为这种天然材质更吸汗。Mr Babc

7、ock, like prior-record holder Ms Hewer, ran Saturdays race to benefit an Alzheimers disease foundation.苏西当时是要为阿尔茨海默病(俗称老年痴呆)研究机构募款,巴布科克这次尝试也是希望为阿尔茨海默协会募款。I think it will be great particularly for my kids to be able to say, “Dad did it. Dad broke a record.“ Hopefully that will lead them to their own proud moments, Mr Babcock said.巴布科克先生说, “我感觉非常棒,尤其想到我的孩子们可以说, 我爸爸做到了,他打破了世界纪录。 希望这件事能激励他们创造自己的荣耀时刻。 ”


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