河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 unit 4《he said i was hard-working》period学案1 人教新目标版

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河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 unit 4《he said i was hard-working》period学案1 人教新目标版_第1页
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河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 unit 4《he said i was hard-working》period学案1 人教新目标版_第2页
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《河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 unit 4《he said i was hard-working》period学案1 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 unit 4《he said i was hard-working》period学案1 人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4He said I was hard-workingPeriod 1 人教新目标版 河南省南乐县张果屯乡中学八年级英语下册 Unit 4He said I was hard-workingPeriod 1 人教新目标版 Learning goals Learning goals 1. Students learn to report what someone said. 2. Learn new language He said he was mad. He said he could speak three languages. Perio

2、d 1Period 1 Step 1 Revision Step 1 Revision Task 1. Dictation Task 2. Ask and answer. Questions about the past progressive tense Step 2 Presentation Step 2 Presentation This activity introduces some new vocabulary and provide oral practice using the target language. Task 1. Ask four students to stan

3、d in front of the class, and the teacher asks them the following questions as a reporter. 1. What are you going to do when you grow up? 2. What are you going to do next week? 3. What are going to do after school? The students will give different answers, then ask a good student to report what they s

4、aid. I am going to be a doctor. What did she say?-She said she was going to be a doctor. I am going to have a party on Friday night. What did he say?-He said he was going to have a party on Friday night. I am going to do my homework. What did she say ?- She said she was going to do her homework. I a

5、m going home after school. 1What did she say?-She said she was going home after school. Say In this unit we are going to learn to use words like to report what someone said. Task 2. Read the instructions. Then ask a student to read the four questions. And write the words on the Bb. Explain what soap

6、 opera is Task 3. Ask the students to Look at the pictures, point out the TV screens in the picture. Ask one girl to read what Marcia said. What did Marcia say? She said She said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. Repeat the other pictures in the same way. Step 3 Listen and nu

7、mber the pictures in activity 1a. Step 3 Listen and number the pictures in activity 1a. Task 1. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen Task 2. Play the recording a second time. Students number the pictures. Then check the answers. Step 4 Pairwork Step 4 Pairwork 1c. Ask and answer q

8、uestions about what the people in the soap opera said. Step 5 Listening and circling (2a.) Step 5 Listening and circling (2a.) Task 1. Read the instructions. Learn the key vocabulary. Task 2. Point to the five sentences and ask different students to read them to the class. Then say: You will hear a

9、conversation between two people who are talking about a soap opera on TV.Circle True or false after each statement. Play the recording twice and students circle their answers. Then check the answers. Step 6 Listening Step 6 Listening Task 1. Read the instructions. Task 2. Play the recording again an

10、d check the answers. Step 7 Groupwork Step 7 Groupwork Task 1.Read the instructions for the activity. Task 2. Point to the pictures in activity 2b.Ask the students to use the words and pictures as they have their conversations. Task 3. Have the students work in pairs. Task 4. Check the answers by ca

11、lling on different pairs to say a conversation to the class. 2Task 5. Grammar Focus Review the grammar box. Ask the students to say the statements. Pay attention to the following: Direct speech Indirect speech am, is , am having, go, will, can was , was having, would , could, went a present situatio

12、n a past situation When you report what someone said, you use words that talk about the past. Step 8 Reading and writing Step 8 Reading and writing Task 1. Read the instructions. Point to the newspaper story and then to some of the blanks students will fill in. Task 2. Ask several students to read t

13、he article to the class, saying blank each time you come to a blank line. Then ask the students to fill the blanks on their own. Then check the answers. Step 9 Writing Step 9 Writing This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Task 1. Read the instructions. And then ask se

14、veral students to say out their ideas about the next episode. the other students judge if the episodes are good or okay. Then get the students to discuss their episodes in groups. The students can imagine anything they want. Task 2. Finish the newspaper article. Ask one or two students to read their

15、 episodes to the class. Step 10 Groupwork Step 10 Groupwork This activity provides an opportunity for students to practice their speaking and listening skills in role plays. Task 1. Read the instructions. Then ask the students to work in groups of four students. Task 2. Ask students to complete the role plays on their own. Task 3. Ask a few students to role plays to the class Step 11 Homework Step 11 Homework 341. Review the vocabulary and target language. 2. Finish the episodes on your own.



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