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1、 龙猫备忘录 1 用于龙猫的抗生素用于龙猫的抗生素(Antibiotic list for chinchillasAntibiotic list for chinchillas) 请谨慎使用以下抗生素(Remember antibiotics to be avoided by using the PLACE rule.) Penicillin(青霉素) Lincomycin (林可霉素) Ampicillin,(氨苄青霉素) Amoxicillin (阿莫西林) Clavamox AKA Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate) Cephalosporins(先锋

2、霉素族抗菌素), Clindamycin(克林霉素) Erythromycin(红霉素) 安全抗生素(Safe antibiotics) Bactrim AKA Sulfamethoxanol and Trimethoprim (甲氧苄氨嘧啶,三甲氧苄二氨嘧啶) Baytril AKA Enrofloxacin(恩诺沙星) Chloramphenicol(氯霉素) Gentamycin(正大霉素) Doxycycline(强力霉素) Flagyl(甲硝哒唑) 用于龙猫的家庭急救装备用于龙猫的家庭急救装备(Chinchilla first aid kitChinchilla first aid

3、kit) 我们饲养龙猫的时候,是不能预见意外将于何时发生的。而及时有效的救助治疗有时候不仅能解 决,缓解龙猫的病痛,更可以挽救龙猫的生命。因此,在家中准备一些急救装备,针对龙猫进行 一些及时有效的治疗,不仅是我们的义务,更是一个合格主人理应承担的责任。 急救电话-将兽医办公室,电话等相关信息放在家里触手可及的地方。 Emergency phone #s - have your vets office and pager and some even give out home numbers on hand 医用(消毒)滴管及注射器-用于人工口腔给药,滴眼。 Sterile Droppers o

4、r Syringes - for giving medicine orally or to the eye, and hand feeding 艾斯克营养膏-促进食欲,提高生病龙猫体能的药物。 Nutrical - an appetite stimulant that boost energy in sick chins 高营养草粉-当龙猫因病欠胃口,其能提供冶疗过程中所需的营养。 Critical Care a nourishment product replacement for chins that are not eating 吐毛膏,化毛膏,欧车前亲水胶-治疗便秘,有助于恢复肠胃功能

5、。 Petromalt, Laxatone, Metamucil psyllium and bran mashes good for constipation, fur build up/impaction (good for fur chewers) 龙猫药用浴沙-预防及治疗龙猫癣菌病。 Tinactin, Desenex Foot Powder - used in dust-baths as preventative treatment for ringworm and also to help in curing ringworms 玉米淀粉,面粉-可帮助夹伤龙猫止血。 Corn Sta

6、rch, Flour - helps stop bleeding from nipped nails 水果钙片,营养补充剂 Calf Manna-用于产后龙猫调理及骨伤龙猫恢复。 (注意过量饲喂或 引发健康意外伤害) Fruit Flavored Tums or Calf Manna - for extra calcium in pregnant or nursing moms or for chins with bone injuries (also controversial-due to an over amount of calcium can cause problems) 止泻济(

7、Kaolin Pectin) ,碱式水杨酸铋-洋车前子产品对轻微腹泻治疗有益,但最好找到致 病病因,最好尊兽医医嘱给药。警告警告:Kaopectate & Pepto Bismol (药名)含(药名)含水杨酸盐水杨酸盐不能不能 给龙猫服用! (这些非处方药最近经过配方改良添加了给龙猫服用! (这些非处方药最近经过配方改良添加了水杨酸盐水杨酸盐)用于动物的止泻济(Kaolin 龙猫备忘录 2 Pectin)已经由美国 DURVET 有限公司研发,仅含高岭土,果胶,香料,食用色素作为添加。 Kaolin Pectin, Pepto Bismol psyllium products are good

8、 for mild diarrhea, but best to find out what is causing diarrhea, best to ask vet the amount to be given - WARNING: Kaopectate & Pepto Bismol that contains salicylates should NOT be given to chinchillas (These OTC medications recently went thru a formula change and now contain salicylates)! Kaolin

9、pectin for use in animals, manufactured by Durvet, contains only kaolin, pectin, flavors, and coloring for pallatability. 抗菌素膏(如:新斯波林(皮肤、眼睛局部发炎治疗药))-针对局部伤口划伤的治疗。 Antibiotic cream (e.g. Neosporin) - topical anti-bacterial cream good for wounds, nicks, and scratches 新斯波林(皮肤、眼睛局部发炎治疗药)粉-止血,有助于回复创伤。 Neo

10、sporin powder - to help stop bleeding and promote granulation of cuts, nicks and wounds Pedialyte(在国外是 OTC 药物,电解质平衡盐溶液,用于婴儿和儿童呕吐或腹泻后电解质和 液体的补充,以防止脱水。主要成分为葡萄糖和水,另外含有少于 2的枸橼酸钾、氯化钠、 枸橼酸钠和枸橼酸。 )-防止腹泻,发烧后脱水。 Pedialyte, Gatorade good to replace fluids and electrolytes lost after diarrhea, shock, or after

11、suffering from heat stress 果绿定(杀菌剂) ,Hexadene 溶液,盐水-用药前清理伤口。 Glyoxide, Hexadene solution, or Saline - for cleaning wounds prior to dressing 毛巾-用于包裹稳定龙猫方便治疗或者将龙猫转移治疗。 Towels - for wrapping up a chin to administer meds or to place over bedding during close monitoring period 小剪刀 Small pair of scissors

12、棉签 Cotton Swab, Q-tip 无菌绷带 Sterile pads and bandages 纱布 Gauze wrap 镊子 Tweezers 无味湿纸巾-清理污物。 Unscented Wet Wipes - to clean soiled fur 大理石板或瓷砖-当空调不运作的时候给龙猫降温。 Marble Slab or Tile - for cooling down chins in case air conditioning goes out 灌装山羊奶-用于给小龙猫补充体能,或者更重要的是用于失去母亲小龙猫的喂养。 Canned Goats Milk - for su

13、pplementing kits, or more importantly, as a replacement in case the mother dies 电热垫-使生病龙猫及龙猫幼仔保持体温。 Heating Pad for keeping sick chins and kits warm 便携笼-方便将生病龙猫带至兽医处。 Carrying case-for trips to vet 在龙猫水瓶上标注记号,确认龙猫每天都在饮水。 Marker-to mark water lines on bottles to make sure chins are drinking 冰块,用以应对炎热

14、的天气。 Hard, frozen ice pack-for warm weather 袜子,或自制袋子,用来放冰块。 Socks or homemade bags-to put ice pack in 盛放婴儿食品的瓶子-饲喂生病的龙猫。 龙猫备忘录 3 Jar of baby food-to feed sick chins 果醋-刺激生病龙猫的食欲。 Fruit vinegar-to stimulate appetite in sick chins 1% hydrocortisone cream-用以减轻瘙痒和刺激。 1% hydrocortisone cream-to relieve i

15、tching and irritation 阿胶-对伤口有帮助,但需要在使用前遵医嘱需要在使用前遵医嘱。 Skin Glue to help sealskin wounds, but check with vet before using to see if he allows 婴儿梨形喷射器 Infant nasal bulb syringe 婴儿药用滴管 Infant medicine dropper 肛门温度计 Rectal thermometer 龙猫备忘录 4 龙猫毛色计算器(根据图例显示的颜色理解) 计算器网址:http:/ 父亲父亲: 米色 No Beige Hetero-Beige Homo-Beige 白色 No White White 丝绒 No Velvet or TOV Velvet or TOV 碳黑 No Ebony Light Ebony (or Carrier) Medium Ebony Dark Ebony Extra Dark Ebony (“Homo“) 蓝/ 紫


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