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1、教育信息技术学院教育技术学(师范)专业人才培养方案Bachelor Program of Educational Technology (TeacherEducation)By the School of Informational Technology inEducation一、培养目标总体目标:培养德、智、体、美全面发展,掌握教育技术理论基本理论与方法、基本知识与技能,具备应用现代信息技术分析和解决教学中具体问题的能力,能够从事教学系统与教学资源的规划、设计、开发、应用、管理和评价的教育技术学学科高级专门人才,包括政府职能部门、企事业单位和其他相关行业的教育信息化专门人才以及各级各类中小学

2、和职业技术学校信息技术课程师资。目标 1:培养学生掌握信息技术课程教育的理论与方法、知识与技能,胜任各级各类学校,包括中小学校、职业技术学校和高等院校的信息技术课程教学工作。目标 2:培养学生利用教育技术学理论与方法、知识与技能解决企事业单位、政府职能部门和其他相关行业的现实问题,包括信息系统建设规划,人员培训、资源设计开发、应用、管理、评价等。Training TargetsOverall objective:This program aims to prepare professionals of educational technology forlocal governments, o

3、rganizations, relative companies and ICT teachers of K-12 schools. Studentsshould master the basic knowledge and methods of educational technology, be able toapply ICTto analyze and solve educational problems, design, develop, utilize, manage and evaluateeducation systems and resources.Target 1: To

4、prepare professionals of educational technology for local governments,organizations, relative companies and ICT teachers of K-12 schools.Target 2: To train professionals to apply ICT in analyzing and solving educational problems,designing, developing, utilizing, managing and evaluating education sys

5、tems and resources.二、培养要求总体要求:要求学生德、智、体、美全面发展,系统掌握教育技术基本理论与方法、基本知识与技能,具备信息技术课程教学的基础知识与技能、具有应用现代信息技术分析和解决具体教学问题的能力,以及规划、设计、开发、应用、管理和评价教学系统与教学资源的能力。知识结构:A1:具有从事教育技术工作所需要的与本学科相关的教育学、心理学、传播学、信息科学与技术和艺术学的知识,掌握本学科相关的基础性数理知识和自然科学知识;A2:掌握教育技术学专业的基本理论知识,了解本专业发展现状和趋势;A3:了解教育信息化领域的标准,相关行业政策和法规;A4: 掌握中小学与高校教育技术

6、课程与信息技术课程教学的基础知识与基本技能。能力结构:B1:运用现代教育理论和现代信息科学与技术,对教育信息技术环境、教育信息资源和教育过程进行设计、开发、利用、管理和评价的初步能力;B2:分析和解决教育信息化实践中问题的初步能力;B3:具备较强的信息技术课程教学实施能力;B4: 具有熟练应用英语的能力。素质要求:C1: 具有较好的道德品质、健康的体魄、良好的心理素质;C2: 具有一定的信息素养、科学素养、文化艺术素养和求实创新意识及能力;C3: 具有较强的组织管理、交流沟通和团队合作能力。Training RequirementsRequirement in whole:Students a

7、re required to be well-educated. They must grasp the basicknowledge and methods of Educational Technology , get the ability of researching and applyingICT to analyze and solve educational problems.Requirement for Knowledge:A1: Pedagogy, psychology, communication, information science and technology a

8、nd art, andalso the mathematics and nature science.A2: Basic knowledge of Educational Technology and its current situation and futuretendency.A3: Standards, policies and rules of educational informationization area.A4: Basic knowledge and skills of informational technology course in K-12 schools and

9、universities.Requirement for ability:B1: Skills of applying modern education theories and information science and technology todesign, develop, utilize, manage and evaluate educational information environment.B2: Capablility of analyzing and solving problems in educational informationization practic

10、e.B3: Proficiency in teaching informational technology courses.B4: Proficient in English.Requirement for QualityC1: Healthy moral,physical quality and mentalityC2: Information literacy, science literacy, culture literacy and creative thinking.C3: Abilities of organizing and management and should als

11、o be communicative andcollaborative.三、授予学位理学学士 Degree ConferredBachelor of Science四、课程结构比例表( Curriculum System)课程类型Type of Courses课程性质Character of Courses学分Credits占最低毕业学分比例Lowest Percentage creditsof公共基础课程Public Basic Courses必修Required Courses3521.1%选修Selective Courses106.0%学科大类课程Basic Discipline Co

12、urses必修Required Courses29.517.8%专业领域课程:核心课程Courses in Specialty : CoreCourse必修Required Courses3722.3%专业领域课程:方向课程Specialty-Oriented Course选修Required Courses19.511.7%专业领域课程:实践课程Courses in Specialty : RequiredPractice Courses必修Required Courses2515.1%专业领域课程:实践课程Courses in Specialty : RequiredPractice Co

13、urses选修Required Courses106.0%总计Total166100.0%五、教学计划表表中各列由左及右, 依次为“课程编码”、 “课程名称”、 “周学时”、“学分”、“开课学期”。Teaching ScheduleList as the following, from left to right,are course code, course title, credit hour / a week, (courses of theories and practice), credit and semester number.1 公共基础课程(Public Basic Cour

14、ses )(1)必修 35 学分(Required Courses / 35 credits)44C26481思想道德修养与法律基础Moral Cultivation and Bases of Law4-04 学分第1 学期48Y16620军事技能Military Training2.5W1 学分第1 学期48Y16540军事理论Military Theory2-02 学分第1 学期2-12.5 学分542D5072a大学体育(1)Physical Education (1)0-21 学分第 1 学期41E43381基础英语(1)Basic English (1)4-04 学分第 1 学期41

15、E43382基础英语(2)Basic English (2)4-04 学分第 2 学期42D5072b大学体育(2)Physical Education (2)0-21 学分第 2 学期44C18540中国近现代史纲要Modern and Contemporary History of China2-02 学分第 2 学期44C22980毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Mao Zedong Thought and Introduction to SocialistTheory with Chinese Characteristics4-04 学分第 3 学期41E42741高级英语(1

16、)Advanced English (1)2-02 学分第 3 学期41E42742高级英语(2)Advanced English (2)2-02 学分第 4 学期42D5072c大学体育(3)Physical Education (3)0-21 学分第3-6 学期42D5072d大学体育(4)Physical Education (4)0-21 学分第3-6 学期44C18740马克思主义基本原理Basic Principles of Marxism2-02 学分第 4 学期44C23040思想政治理论社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theory0-42 学分第 5 学期44C15440形势与政策Situation and Policies2-02 学分第5-8 学期(2)选修10 学分“人文与艺术”、“自我与社会”、“自然与科技”、“教育与心理”各模块下设若干门课程,每门课程 2 学分,36 学时。总共需要选修 10 学分,其中至少需在“教育与心理”模块修读 4 学分,其余模块任选 6 学分。2-12.5 学分6


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