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1、SIPG 集装箱物流全程 实时在线监控系统集装箱物流全程 实时在线监控系统Online Real-time Monitoring System For the Whole Process of Container Logistics ChainOnline Real-time Monitoring System For the Whole Process of Container Logistics Chain包起帆包起帆Bao QifanShanghai International Port Group包起帆包起帆Bao QifanShanghai International Port Gr

2、oup提纲提纲Contents商业化模式探索商业化模式探索Searching for a good commercial mode商业化模式探索商业化模式探索Searching for a good commercial mode4项目进展介绍项目进展介绍Origin and process of the E-tag system 项目进展介绍项目进展介绍Origin and process of the E-tag system 3系统介绍系统介绍Introduction of the E-tag system2意义和必要性意义和必要性Significance and necessity意义

3、和必要性意义和必要性Significance and necessity1集装箱运输以其高效、便捷、安全的特点成为交通运输现代化的重要形式。据统计,近十年来中国沿海港口集装箱吞吐量增长率一直保持在集装箱运输以其高效、便捷、安全的特点成为交通运输现代化的重要形式。据统计,近十年来中国沿海港口集装箱吞吐量增长率一直保持在30%左右,左右,2008年集装箱运输总量超过年集装箱运输总量超过1.2亿亿TEU。2008年上海港集装箱吞吐量达到年上海港集装箱吞吐量达到2800万万TEU,位居世界第二。在高速发展的过程中,广大客户对集装箱物流提出了新的需求。,位居世界第二。在高速发展的过程中,广大客户对集装箱

4、物流提出了新的需求。Container transportation plays an important role for its efficiency, convenience and safety. According to the statistics, container throughput of China has remained a growth rate of 30% for past 10 years, and has exceeded more than 120 million TEUs in 2008. The container throughput of Shan

5、ghai Port has reached 28 million TEUs last year, ranking second in the world. In the process of its rapid development, more and more customers have raised higher demand for container logistics.1. 意义和必要性意义和必要性Significance and necessity由于目前集装箱物流过程中集装箱自身不载有信息,信息的传递还依赖于传统方式。集装箱的流向、流转和识别基本上还是处于人工、半人工状态。信


7、来效益。Since no information could be obtained from the container itself, the information delivery during the container transportation still relies on conventional methods. Identification and monitoring of containers are still under manual or semi-manual conditions. It is difficult to share information.

8、 The high costs of container logistics has become a bottleneck restricting its development. The process transparency of container logistics, by using of modern information technology, will organically integrate material flow, capital flow and information flow of each node in the supply chain, finall

9、y reducing logistics costs, reengineering the logistics process and bringing great benefits to those enterprises in the chain.?信息化需求信息化需求 Informationization Demand近年来不断发生的恐怖袭击事件以及偷渡、走私、失窃问题,引起了全球各界的广泛关注。特别是,全球集装箱物流安全保障形势相当严峻。近年来不断发生的恐怖袭击事件以及偷渡、走私、失窃问题,引起了全球各界的广泛关注。特别是,全球集装箱物流安全保障形势相当严峻。In recent yea

10、rs, the terrorist attacks and smuggling problems have caused extensive concern by all the fields in the world. Especially, the issue of security of global container logistics is quite serious. 下面请注意后面几个事件。下面请注意后面几个事件。 Please note the following events.?安全需求安全需求 Security Demand事件一:据西雅图时报事件一:据西雅图时报2007

11、年年4月月5日报道,美国华盛顿海关当天凌晨在西雅图一个集装箱码头抓获了日报道,美国华盛顿海关当天凌晨在西雅图一个集装箱码头抓获了22名偷渡客,这批偷渡客躲藏在一个名偷渡客,这批偷渡客躲藏在一个40英尺集装箱内。英尺集装箱内。Event 1: The Seattle Times reported (published April 5, 2007) that 22 stowaways were spotted by U.S. Washington Customs hiding in a container. Its a 40-foot container on the vessel Rotterd

12、am. The third edition of Europe Journal事件二:据欧洲日报事件二:据欧洲日报2008年年4月月12日报道,泰国当地日报道,泰国当地9日发生了日发生了54名缅甸偷渡客被闷死在集装箱内的惨剧。名缅甸偷渡客被闷死在集装箱内的惨剧。Event 2: The Europe Journal (published April 12, 2008) reported that Fifty-four migrant workers from Myanmar suffocated in the back of a seafood truck in southern Thaila

13、nd while being smuggled to the popular resort island of Phuket. 事件三:据上海劳动报事件三:据上海劳动报2008年年7月月2日报道,仅一名卡车司机盗窃集装箱货物价值超过百万元。日报道,仅一名卡车司机盗窃集装箱货物价值超过百万元。Event 3: According to Labor Daily China on July 2, 2008, goods valued more than 1 million RMB were stolen by only one container truck driver.相关资料显示,全球一年在集

14、装箱货物失窃方面的损失达相关资料显示,全球一年在集装箱货物失窃方面的损失达300500亿美元。亿美元。 Related information shows global cargo loss 30 50 billion Dollar every year because of thief.事件四:事件四:2008年年1月底,在日本发生的因食用中国饺子而产生农药中毒事件也引起了国际社会对于食品安全的广泛关注,中日双方共同就此事展开了调查月底,在日本发生的因食用中国饺子而产生农药中毒事件也引起了国际社会对于食品安全的广泛关注,中日双方共同就此事展开了调查。 Event 4: At the end

15、of January, 2008, great concern has been widely aroused among the world on the food safety as hundreds of Japanese reported feeling ill from eating insecticide-tainted dumplings from China. Japanese and Chinese officials have launched a full investigation into this food poisoning case.与此同时,食品安全问题引起了

16、人们广泛的关注。近期,各大媒体先后曝光了一系列问题食品事件。与此同时,食品安全问题引起了人们广泛的关注。近期,各大媒体先后曝光了一系列问题食品事件。Meanwhile, food safety issues attracted wide attention. Recently, reports on food safety have been carried by much of the mainstream media. 日本东洋经济周刊报道称,日本食品行业人士分析认为:饺子中毒事件的根源极有可能出现在漫长的运输和保管过程中,也就是物流过程中。日本东洋经济周刊报道称,日本食品行业人士分析认为:饺子中毒事件的根源极有可能出现在漫长的运输和保管过程中,也就是物流过程中。Reported by Japanese Economic Weekly, experts in food industry believed that, the contaminatio



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