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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 TheThe OlympicOlympic GamesGames话题素材体育运动话题词汇1swift adj. 迅速的;敏捷的 2.applaud v. 鼓掌欢迎;热情称赞3volunteer n. 志愿者 4.champion n. 冠军5cheer v. 欢呼;喝彩 6.take an active part in 积极参加7break_the_record 打破纪录8compete_with_sb._in_sth. 和某人在某方面竞争9a close game 势均力敌的比赛 10.stand_for 代表;主张11on a regular basis 定期地

2、 12.strengthen friendship 增进友谊13build_up_ones_body 强身健体 14.go all out to do . 全力以赴做15recorder holder 纪录保持者经典佳句1The most important thing in the games is not to win but to participate.比赛中重在参与而不是取胜。2As_far_as_Im_concerned,_running is not_only a good way to build up our strength but_also help us relax a

3、nd relieve_the_pressure of learning.就我个人而言,跑步不仅是强身健体的好方法而且有助于我们放松,缓解学习压力。3The five rings on the Olympic flag stand_for the five continents on the earth, which_means any country can_take_part_in the Olympic Games.奥运五环旗中的五环代表地球上的五大洲,这意味着任何国家都可以参加奥运会。精美语篇The Olympic Games, first held in 776 BC, hashas

4、a a historyhistory ofof moremore thanthan oneone thousandthousand yearsyears. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries trytry theirtheir bestbest toto bidbid for hosting the Olympic Games. And every country doesdoes itsits bestbest toto get more medals in the Games.2There are five r

5、ings on the Olympic flag, whichwhich areare consideredconsidered toto symbolizesymbolize thethe fivefive continents:continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and America. The Olympic motto is “Swifter, Higher and Stronger.” The Games can promotepromote thethe understandingunderstanding andand friend

6、shipfriendship amongamong differentdifferent peoplespeoples andand differentdifferent nationsnations. 高频单词1ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老的2compete (vi.) 比赛;竞争competition (n.) 竞争competitive (adj.) 竞争的;有竞争性的competitor (n.) 竞争者3Greece (n.) 希腊Greek (adj.) 希腊(人)的;希腊语的 (n.) 希腊人;希腊语4magical (adj.) 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的magic

7、 (n.) 魔术;法术;巫术5volunteer (n.) 志愿者;志愿兵 (adj.) 志愿的;义务的 (vt. magical2I lived in _ you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.答案:what3Only athletes _ have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted _ competitors.答案:who; as4Its in the Summer Ol

8、ympics _ you have the running races, together _ swimming, sailing and all the team sports.答案:that; with5_ a matter of fact, every country wants the opportunity.答案:As6Its a great _ (responsible) but also a great honour to be chosen.答案:responsibility47If you are discovered, you will _ (fine)答案:be fine

9、d8She was not allowed _ (run) and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.答案:to run9She was _ angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone _ could not run faster than her.答案:so; who10There was a man _(call) Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atalantas rules.答案:called1

10、 competecompete vi.vi.比赛;竞争教材原句How many countries competedcompeted in the ancient Olympic Games?(P9)有多少国家参加了古代奥运会?(1)compete in 参加(比赛/竞赛)compete for 为而竞争compete against/with sb. for sth.与某人竞争某物(2)competition n比赛;竞争competitor n比赛者;对手competitive adj.有竞争力的;竞争性的compete 多用作不及物动词,必须跟适当的介词才能跟宾语。表示与某人比赛用 wi

11、th或 against;表示比赛的目的用 for;表示比赛参与的项目时用 in。Like many young athletes, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness 5kept her from competing_in the Games.和很多年轻运动员一样,她也有奥运梦想,但严重的疾病使她无法参加奥运会比赛。Young children will usually compete_for their mothers attention.小孩通常都会在母亲面前争宠。Life is like a long race where we c

12、ompete_with others to go beyond ourselves.人生就像长跑比赛,在这场比赛中我们常常在与他人的竞争过程中来超越自己。There is now intense competition between schools to attract students.现在学校之间为了招揽生源展开了激烈竞争。Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.没有人能够完全远离这个充满竞争的社会。2 admitadmit vt. roofs collapsing from the weight of snow

13、 go in the hate category.To find joy with winter I have tried various activities to get me out and playing in it. My new favorite for the past 10 years is snowshoeing. The sport becomes popular because it only requires you to lift your knees up higher, which provides a greater exercise benefit.Accor

14、ding to the Canadian Icons website, snowshoes have been a common form of transport in this country for hundreds of years thanks to the creativity of the native people. The oldest snowshoes were made by the Ojibwa people. With the snowshoes their deep powdery snow walking would be possible. The snows

15、hoes allowed them to float on top of the deep snow by having the weight of the walker distributed across the surface. The snowshoes allowed people to migrate across the top of the globe from Central Asia to Canada.This past New Years Eve my oldest son and I went snowshoeing as a great way to end the

16、 year by getting to the mountaintop. We enjoyed a snack at the top and our dog Indiana rounded out our party. My son took several photos along the way of the amazing views to send them to his new city friends. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of this amazing country.Snowshoeing is a great



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