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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 GlobalGlobal warmingwarming.完形填空2018四川绵阳实验学校模拟WiseWise ProfessorProfessorOne day a wise man and his student traveled to a remote and mountainous place. They were well _1_ at a cottage by a family of five. The wise man asked, “How do you _2_ in such a poor place?” “Thats what keeps us g

2、oing, ” said the host, _3_ to a thin, tired cow.“She gives us milk, some of which we drink and some we make into _4_. When there is extra, we _5_ the milk and cheese for other types of food.” The wise man thanked them and left. When he reached the first _6_ in the road, he said to his student, “Get

3、the cow, take it to the _7_, and push it off.” _8_ and angry though the student was, he obeyed. As years passed by, the _9_ became too much to bear and the student returned to that cottage to find out what he could do. Upon rounding the bend, he could not believe his eyes. In place of the _10_ there

4、 was a beautiful house with trees all around, several cars in the _11_, a satellite dish (圆盘式卫星电视天线), and on and on. He _12_ the host, who was strong and confident. He went _13_ to the man and asked, “What happened?” The man _14_ with a smile, “Our cow fell off the cliff and died. To survive, we had

5、 to _15_ new ways of doing things and _16_ new skills. And so, we are now much _17_.”Sometimes our _18_ on something small and limited is the biggest obstacle to our growth. Once you _19_ yourself of the thought “its little but its certain” , then your life will really change. May you have the _20_

6、to recognize our “cow” this new year, and the courage to push it off the cliff.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一位智者带着学生来到了一个偏远山区,他们发现一家人只依靠一头瘦瘪的奶牛为生,于是智者命令他的学生将奶牛推下悬崖。这个学生虽然感到迷惑不解,但还是照做了。多年来这个学生一直负疚在心。后来他回到了这个地方,发现这里发生了翻天覆地的变化。这个学生才意识到,解放思想才能发生变化。1A.received BacceptedCeducated Dbehaved答案:A 句意:有一天,一位智者和他的学生游历到一个偏远山区

7、,在农舍里他们受到了一个五口之家的热情招待。be well received 意为“深受欢迎” ,符合语境。2A.succeed BsurviveCaccommodate Dcommunicate2答案:B 根据本句中的“in such a poor place”可知,智者疑惑这家人在这样偏僻遥远的山区是如何生存下来的,所以用 survive,意为“活下来;幸存” ,倒数第二段中的“To survive”也是解题线索。3A.referring BpointingCsticking Dattending答案:B 这家的男主人指着一头又瘦又困倦的奶牛说,是这头奶牛让家人得以维持生计。此处是现在分词

8、短语作状语表示伴随。point to 意为“指着” ,符合语境。4A.cream ByogurtCcheese Dbutter答案:C 根据下一句中的“the milk and cheese”可知,这家人用这头奶牛的奶制成奶酪(cheese)。5A.replace BplaceCexchange Dchange答案:C 根据本句中的“for other types of food”可知,这个家庭利用剩余的奶酪拿到市场上去换其他种类的食物。exchange 意为“交换” ,强调通过物物交换进行易货贸易。6A.bend Bvillage Ctree Dbridge答案:A 根据句中的“Get th

9、e cow”可知,这个智者交代他的学生任务的时候,是避开他人的,所以应该到路的转角处,bend 指“道路或河流的拐弯” ,下一段第二句中的“Upon rounding the bend”也是解题线索。7A.valley BriverCcliff Dcave答案:C 根据“push it off”可知,智者让这个学生把奶牛弄到手之后,从悬崖(cliff)上推下去。倒数第二段中的“Our cow fell off the cliff”也是解题线索。8A.Puzzled BBoredCExcited DAshamed答案:A 根据句中的“angry though the student was, h

10、e obeyed”可知,这个学生对智者的想法感到困惑、生气,不明白他为什么让自己这样做,但是还是做了。puzzled 意为“困惑的” ,符合语境。9A.depression BconfusionCanger Dguilt答案:D 根据上文语境可知,学生执行老师的决策后,负罪感与日俱增,所以数年后他又回到了这里。guilt 意为“负罪;内疚” ,符合语境。10A.fence BcottageCroad Dhill答案:B 根据第一段第二句中的“at a cottage by a family of five”可知,当年智者和学生初次来到这里的时候,这家人住的是农舍,而现在当年的农舍已经变成了一座

11、漂亮的房子。cottage 属于原词复现。311A.house BpassageCbalcony Dgarage答案:D 根据本句中的“several cars”可知,此处指车库里有几辆汽车。garage 意为“车库” ,符合语境。12A.congratulatedBrecognizedCacknowledged Dgreeted答案:B 此处指这个学生认出了原来的主人。recognize 意为“认出” ,符合语境。13A.by BbackCover Dabout答案:C 根据本句中的“and asked, What happened? ”可知,接下来这个学生询问发生了什么,故此处指走近这个男

12、主人。go over to 意为“走过去” ,符合语境。14A.replied BrecalledCreflected Dreacted答案:A 结合上下文可知,此处指男主人回复了学生的问题。reply 意为“回答” ,符合语境。15A.come up with Bput up withCkeep up with Dcatch up with答案:A 句意:这个男士微笑着回答说:“我们的奶牛从悬崖上掉下去摔死了。为了生存,我们不得不想出新办法应对,还要开发新的技能。因此,我们现在过得好多了。 ”本空后的 new ways of doing things 是 come up with 的宾语,该

13、短语意为“提出(方法/想法)” ,符合语境。16A.evolve BextendCdevelop Dpolish答案:C 句中的 new skills 是 develop 的宾语,develop 意为“发展;研发” ,符合语境。17A.well off Bbadly offCbetter off Dworse off答案:C 正是因为有了新的想法和技能,这家人才过上了更好的生活。better off 意为“比较富裕的;情况好转的” ,符合语境。18A.dependence BattentionCfocus Dfaith答案:A 根据第二段这个主人的解释可知,这家人以前只是依靠一头又瘦又困倦的奶

14、牛为生,这事实上成了他们发展的最大障碍。dependence 意为“依靠” ,符合语境。19A.remind BinformCwarn Dfree答案:D 综合上文这家人的经历可知,正是因为解放了思想,他们的生活才发生了改变。free sb. of sth. “解除” ,符合语境。20A.perseverance BfortuneCwisdom Ddistinction4答案:C 句意:希望你也会在新的一年里拥有这样的智慧,认识到你自身的“奶牛” ,并有勇气将它推下悬崖。作者希望读者能拥有智者那样的智慧。wisdom 意为“智慧” ,符合语境。.阅读理解A A2017全国卷A buildity

15、ourself solar still (蒸馏器) is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily available.Developed by two doctors in the US.Department of Agriculture, its an excellent water collector. Unfortunately, you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since its all but impossible to find natural substitutes. The only components required,though, are a 5 5 sheet of clear or



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