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1、DESCRIPTIONThe Tri-Carb2900TR is a computer-controlled benchtop liquid scintillation analyzer for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity.STANDARD INSTRUMENT FEATURES QuantaSmartsoftware for the Windows XP operating system is a 32-bit operating system software that provides a

2、robust multitasking and easy networking environment and unlimited assays in a secure multiuser environment. Hypertext on-line comprehensive HELP provides context-specific help for every screen and data entry field. Powerful integrated computer system control with 256 MB RAM and 40 GB hard disk (mini

3、- mum) with a 17-inch SVGA monitor, built-in CD R/W and 3.5 inch floppy disk drive. Robust downloading sample changer mechanism with a double light sealing shutter, allows the photomultiplier tube detectors to remain on for maximum stability even during sample changing. Patented TR-LSC(Time-Resolved

4、 Liquid Scintillation Counting) is featured for high sensitivity, low background counting of LS samples. TR-LSC increases sample throughput and reduces cocktail consumption. Multi-parameter linear MCA (Multichannel Analyzer) with an effective resolution of 1/10 keV, offers an extended dynamic quench

5、 range and provides multi-parameter spectrum analysis to correct for luminescence, color quenching and background radiation. SpectraBase counting and data management system provides regionless counting and storing of complete spectra for all samples and standards.Tri-Carb 2900TR Low Activity Liquid

6、Scintillation Analyzer SPECIFICATIONSLIQUID SCINTILLATION ANALYZERS Features include automatic recall of spectra stored in the quench library for region-indepen- dent quench correction and post-processing of sample data. A cassette-loaded bi-directional sample conveyor mechanism is standard with a s

7、ample capacity of either 408 standard 20 mL vials, or 720 small 4 or 7 mL vials depending upon configuration purchased. Positive sample identification provides protocol number, cassette number, sample number, and user-selectable printout and data file storage of the counting time and date for each s

8、ample. Quick-Count sample loading for 30 independent protocols (with unlimited assays) provides unrestricted access to sample changer and protocol selection plugs. Sample batches are processed by simply activating the Quick-Count protocol plugs, thus minimizing any user programming. Auto QA (Automat

9、ic Quality Assurance) automati- cally prints reports for backgrounds, efficiencies, E2/B, and Chi-square values for both 3H and 14CTri-Carb 2900TRincluding the date and time for each test. Auto QA results may be transmitted via RS-232 for archiving. SIS (Spectral Index of Sample) quench indicating p

10、arameter determines counting efficiency by analysis of sample spectrum. Enhanced Replay sample post processing provides complete recall and post processing of historical count data to eliminate sample recounting. It enables changes to count conditions and reports and executes user application softwa

11、re for optimization of data analysis.133Ba low energy external standard source and tSIE(transformed Spectral Index of External standard) calculations eliminate the effects of vial glow, plastic wall and cocktail changes on the DPM results. The use of integral spectrum counts eliminates the need for

12、repeat counting of the external standard and negates the effect of isotope half-life on quench monitoring accuracy and precision. The 133Ba external standard is centered under the sample vial which eliminates the affects of volume variations and assures reproducible quench monitoring for the life of

13、 the instrument. AEC (Automatic Efficiency Control) corrects for differential quenching effects in multi-label samples. The low energy spectrum of the external standard ensures accurate tracking of 3H, 14C and other low energy sample spectra over a very wide quench range. Quench standard spectra are

14、 factory-installed for single and dual label counting of 3H and 14C samples. Quench standard spectra are stored for both Ultima Goldliquid scintillation cocktail samples and toluene- or xylene-based samples. Luminescence detection and reporting with percent luminescence is flagged on printout to ale

15、rt user of possible sample problems. Enhanced Direct DPM technique determines the DPM of any single label pure beta or beta/gamma radionu- clide in any cocktail without the use of quench standards. Dynamic color-corrected single and dual label DPM is based on tSIE/AEC. It includes DPM based on SIS,

16、constant quench DPM, and full spectrum DPM based on spectrum unfolding. Live SpectraViewautomatic spectrum display aids in optimizing counting conditions and helps evaluate complex sample situations. It allows setting temporary regions on the spectrum screen and enables the operator to monitor the effect of AEC while the sample is counting.2 Automatic spectrum plot (on demand) per sample allows spectral documentation of samples. Password p



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