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1、 一、动词不定式在 2010 年全国大部分省市的高考英语试题中,都对动词不定式这一考点进行了考查,考查重点与 2009 年高考英语一致,仍然是侧重于对动词不定式作定语(5 道题)和状语(4 道题)的考查。1. 动词不定式作定语2010 年高考英语试题中有关对动词不定式作定语的考查主要集中在动词不定式的一般式和被动式。例如:1)I have a lot of readings _before the end of this term. (2010 山东卷,23)A. completing B. to completeC. completed D. being completed2)That is

2、 the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water instudentsbathrooms. (2010 上海卷,40)A. reducing B. to reduceC. reduced D. reduce3)After she completes the project,shell have nothing to worry about (没什么要担心的). (worry)(2010 湖北卷,75)4)His first book _ next month is based on a true story. (2010 陕西卷,19)A.

3、 published B. to be publishedC. to publish D. being published5)Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one _ first is the library. (2010 重庆卷,34)A. repaired B. being repairedC. repairing D. to be repaired 解析这五道题的共同点是考查动词不定式(短语)作后置定语,所修饰的名词与不定式(短语)之间构成逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系。其中题 2)插入了一个省略了关系代词的定语从句 we

4、canimagine,以此来干扰学生的理解。题 3)的答案也可以不用不定式来做,可填名词短语 no more worries。2. 动词不定式作状语2010 年高考英语对动词不定式作状语的考查主要集中在动词不定式作目的状语和原因状语。例如:1)With Fathers Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad. (2010 全国卷 1,34)A. buy B. to buyC. buying D. to have bought2)There were many tal

5、ented actors out there just waiting _. (2010 江西卷,32)A. to discover B. to be discoveredC. discovered D. being discovered3)We were astonished _ the temple still in its original condition. (2010 辽宁卷,25)A. finding B. to findC. find D. to be found4)In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively

6、 small, is pleasant _.(2010 四川卷,11)A.to deal with B.dealing withC.to be dealt with D.dealt with 解析这四道题考查的共同点是动词不定式(短语)作状语,考查的时态都是不定式的一般式。1)、2)两道小题考查不定式作目的状语。题 3)考查不定式作原因状语。题 4)考查不定式作表语形容词 pleasant 的状语,此时不定式和句中主语 that company 构成逻辑上的动宾关系,但不定式只能用主动形式,因为人们往往认为形容词后省去 for people。其中题 3)、4)涉及到的考点近年很少出现,值得关注

7、。归纳1. 动词不定式作定语必须后置,即放在所修饰的名词或代词的后面,表示尚未发生的或将要发生的动作。2. 动词不定式作状语时,可以表示目的、结果、原因和条件等。元不定式作目的状语,位于句首时,用逗号隔开,位于句尾时不用逗号隔开。不定式作原因状语,通常用来修饰表示喜、怒、哀、乐的形容词。如:happy, glad, lucky, fortunate, surprised,angry, anxious, frightened, shocked, sor-ry, eager, disappointed 等。不定式作表语形容词(easy,hard, interesting, pleasant, he

8、avy, dangerous 等)的状语时,多用主动形式。备考建议考生在备考时,要继续重视不定式作定语和状语的用法。对不定式作宾语、补语,“疑问代词+不定式”,不定式 to 的省略,不定式的主动形式表示被动意义,动词不定式符号“to”的保留等用法也不可小视,同时要注意动词不定式的完成式和进行式的用法。二、动词的-ing 形式2010 年对动词的-ing 形式的考查较之 2009 年有所增加,考查的重点仍然是动词的-ing 形式作状语。全国大部分省市的高考英语试题中考查了这一用法(9 道题)。此外,动词的-ing 形式作定语、宾语、宾语补足语、主语等用法也在部分省市的英语试题中进行了考查。1.

9、动词的-ing 形式作状语2010 年对动词的-ing 形式作状语的考查主要集中在动词的-ing 形式的一般式。例如:1)Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _supplies to Yushu,Oinghai province after the earthquake. (2010 福建卷,25)A. sending B.to sendC. having sent D.to have sent2)The lady walked around the shops, _ an eye out for bargains. (2

10、010 江西卷,24)A. keep B. keptC. keeping D. to keep3)_ at my classmatesfaces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. (2010北京卷,21)A. Looking B. LookC. To look D. Looked4)_ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.(2010 上海卷,35)A. ApproachingB. ApproachedC. To approachD. To be

11、 approached5)Dina, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. (2010 湖南卷,26)A. strugglingB. struggledC. having struggledD. to struggle6)The news shocked the public, _ to great concern about studentssafety at school.(2010 重庆卷,30)A. having led B. le

12、dC. leading D. to lead7)It rained heavily in the south,_ serious flooding in severalprovinces. (2010 天津卷,12)A. caused B. having causedC. causing D. to cause8)The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _ the students to return to their classrooms. (2

13、010 江苏卷,28)A. enablingB. having enabledC. to enable D. to have enabled9)The lawyer listened with full attention,_ to miss any point.(2010 四川卷,17)A.not trying B.trying notC.to try not D.not to try 解析这九道题的共同点是考查动词的-ing 形式在句中作状语,在句中分别表示伴随1)2),时间3)4)5),结果6)7)8),原因9)。除题 5)考查动词的-ing 形式的完成式外,其余都是考查动词的-ing

14、形式的一般式。2. 动词的-ing 形式作定语动词的-ing 形式作定语,必须和先行词之间是“主动”关系。 期刊文章分类查询,尽在期刊图书馆The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. (2010 浙江卷,20)A. being weighedB. to weighC. weighed D. weighing 解析此题考查动词的-ing 形式作定语,相当于一个定语从句 who / that weigh.,修饰前

15、面 的名词 children.3. 动词的-ing 形式作宾语补足语Listen! Do you hear someone_ for help? (2010 湖南卷,21)A. calling B. callC. to call D. called 解析在此题中,call 的逻辑主语就是 someone, 与 someone 之间存在主谓关系,且这个 动作正在进行,所以用 calling 作宾补。4. 动词的-ing 形式作宾语在介词之后通常接动词的-ing 形式作介词的宾语。例如:I had great difficulty _ the suit-able food on the menu

16、in that restaurant.(2010 上海卷,32)A. find B. foundC. to find D. finding 解析句型 have difficulty (in) doing sth 中的 in 可以省略,直接保留介词的宾语,即动词 的-ing 形式。5. 动词的-ing 形式作同位语He had a wonderful childhood,_ with his mother to all corners of the world. (2010 安徽卷,30)A. travel B. to travelC. traveled D. traveling 解析句中 traveling with his mother to all corners of the world 具体解释说明 a wonderful childhood 的内容,这一用法很少



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