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1、REO/C/16 (CE-E) (SDF) - 1 -接受捐贈預先申報書及聲明接受捐贈預先申報書及聲明 ADVANCE RETURN AND DECLARATION OF DONATIONS 政長官選舉政長官選舉 Chief Executive Election 投票日期:2005 7 月 10 日 Polling Date: 10 July 2005附註: 在填寫此表格前,請閱夾附的申報書及聲明填寫明。 Note: Before completing this form, please read carefully the attached “Explanatory Notes on Ret

2、urn and Declaration”. 1. 本人 , 地址為 , I of 將加上述於 2005 7 月 10 日進的政長官選舉。 will stand as a candidate at the above election to be held on 10 July 2005. 2. 現將接受之捐贈預先申報如下。稍後本人會於適當時間根據選舉(舞弊及非法為)條(第 554 章) 第 37 條之 規定,向總選舉事務主任呈交選舉開支及接受選舉捐贈之申報書及聲明(表格編號:REO/C/1(CE-E) (SF)。 I hereby make the following return of do

3、nations in advance of my submission to the Chief Electoral Officer of the Return and Declaration of Election Expenses and Donations (form no.: REO/C/1(CE-E)(SF) under Section 37 of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap. 554) later. 各項捐贈一覽表各項捐贈一覽表 SUMMARY OF DONATIONS RECEIVED (詳

4、情於以下各有關部分) (with details supplied under the sections that follow) 1,000 元或以下之捐贈(A 部) $ 元 Donations of $1,000 or less (Section A) 1,000 元以上之捐贈 (B 部) $ 元 Donations of more than $1,000 (Section B) 總 $ 元Total 減除: 已處置之捐贈(如有的話)(C 部)(附註 3) $ 元 LESS: Donations disposed of, if any (Section C) (see Note 3) 用於

5、選舉中之接受捐贈總額 $ 元 Total donations used for the election REO/C/16 (CE-E) (SDF) - 2 -A 部 : 1,000 元或以下之捐贈。 Section A : Donations of $1,000 or less. 日期期間 Date/Period 捐贈明 Description of Donation 捐款額或其他捐贈之價值 Amount or Value of Donation $ 元$ 元$ 元$ 元總 Total$ 元B部 : 1,000 元以上之捐贈。 請在下表填報每名(在一次或多於一次之捐助中)捐贈總額在 1,00

6、0 元以上之人士的姓名及地址,並附上 就有關捐贈發給捐贈者之劃一格式收據(附件)副本。收據上應順序註明編號,並填寫在收據一。 Section B : Donations of more than $1,000. Enter the name and address of each donor who has donated more than $1,000 (in one or more donations). Each entry must be accompanied with a copy of the standard receipt for donations (see Annex)

7、 issued to the donor. All receipts should be marked in numerical sequence and, for cross-referencing purpose, the number assigned to each receipt should be correspondingly entered in the “Receipt” column. 捐贈人士 Donor 捐贈明 捐款額或 捐贈之價值 收據(附註 1)姓名 Name 地址 Address Description of Donation Amount or Value of

8、 Donation Receipt (Note 1) $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 REO/C/16 (CE-E) (SDF) - 3 -捐贈人士 Donor 捐贈明 捐款額或 捐贈之價值 收據(附註 1)姓名 Name 地址 Address Description of Donation Amount or Value of Donation Receipt (Note 1) $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 總 Total$ 元 C部 : 已處置之捐贈(如有的話)。每項填報資,均須附上收款人所發之收據副本,收據上須順序

9、註明編號, 並填寫在收據一。 Section C : Donations disposed of, if any. Each entry must be accompanied with a copy of the receipt issued by the recipient. All receipts should be marked in numerical sequence and, for cross-referencing purpose, the number assigned to each receipt should be correspondingly entered i

10、n the “Receipt” column. 屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託的名稱 Name of Charitable Institution or Trust of a public character 額 Amount 收據(附註 3) Receipt (Note 3)$ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 $ 元 總 Total$ 元 附註 (1) 所有捐贈均須填報,但候選人只須個別出 1,000 元以上之捐贈,以及提交就該等捐贈發給捐贈者之劃 Note 一格式收據(附件)副本。為方照起,收據上應順序註明編號,並填寫在B部收據一。 All donations are to be de

11、clared, but only donations of more than $1,000 are required to be individually listed and accompanied with copies of the standard receipts for donations (see Annex) issued to the donors. All receipts should be marked in numerical sequence and, for cross-referencing purpose, the number assigned shoul

12、d be correspondingly entered in the “Receipt” column in Section B. (2) 凡屬非現之捐贈,亦應在申報書的相關部份中填報。 All donations in kind must also be accounted for under the relevant sections in the return. REO/C/16 (CE-E) (SDF) - 4 -(3) i) 任何由沒有表明姓名及地址的捐贈人士捐助之 1,000 元以上之捐贈;或 ii) 任何沒有用於選舉開支之捐贈;或 iii) 任何超出候選人可使用的選舉開支限額的

13、捐贈 均須捐贈候選人所選的屬公共性質的慈善機構或慈善信託 。 經候選人這樣處置之所有捐贈均須附上收款 人所發之收據副本,收據上須順序註明編號,並填寫在C部收據一。 i) Any donation of more than $1,000 which was received from a donor whose name and address are not identified; or ii) any donation which has not been used to defray election expenses; or iii) any donation which is in e

14、xcess of the limit of election expenses that the Candidate is allowed to expend must be donated to charitable institutions or trusts of a public character chosen by the Candidate. All donations so disposed of by the Candidate must be accompanied with copies of receipts issued by the recipients. All

15、receipts should be marked in numerical sequence and, for cross-referencing purpose, the number assigned to each receipt should be correspondingly entered in the “Receipt” column in Section C. (4) 如任何部分篇幅足應用,可採用同樣格式另紙填寫,然後夾附在申報書內。 Please use additional sheets in the same format and attach them to the return and declaration if the space provided for in any section is insufficient. (5) 請將填妥的申報書向總選舉事務主任呈交。 Please submit the completed return to the Chief Electoral Officer. 3. 本人謹以至誠鄭重聲明,本人及本人之選舉代人或任何其他人代表本人在. .月.日至.



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