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1、年级:七年级年级:七年级 日期:日期:6.4 时间:时间:08:00-10:00 13:30-15:30 课型:复习课型:复习 内容:内容: Chapter1-6-Important Sentences重点句型Star/plan to do sth. one of help sb. do sth. would like (to do)sth. how can I get to? Can you tell me the way to? Enjoy doing be useful for warn sb. of/ against sth. was/were born in/onMake sb. d

2、o sth. pass sb. sth./sth. to sb. learn aboutfrom allow sb. to do sth. Hear sb. do/doing sth take care!/ watch out!/ look out! Stop doing sth./ to do sth.Keep doing sth. keep adj. hate doing sth. feel like doing sth. use to do sth. get sb. sth./get sth. for sb. lead sb. to after doing sth. the same a

3、s asas why not?/why dont you used to do sth. thank for know a lot about mind doing sth.句型应用一、 (句子解释) 1. The ruler is the same as yours in length. The ruler is _ _ _ yours. 2. How can I get to the zoo, please? _ _the zoo, please? 3. Why dont you do that first? _ _ _ that first? 4. He warned his son a

4、gainst going to the party. He warned his son _ _ _ to the party. 5. Can you get me a pen? Can you get_ _ _ _? 6. My father bought me a piano yesterday. My father bought a piano _ _ yesterday. 7. Whats the matter with you? _ _ _ you? 8. I dont feel like going out today. I _ _ _ _out today. 9. What do

5、es electricity look like? What _ electricity _?10. These books are theirs. These are _ _.句型应用二、 (句子翻译) 1. 我很了解她。 I know _ _ _ her. 2. 我爸爸讨厌购物,但是喜欢打牌。 My father_ _, but enjoys _ cards. 3. 老板警告他不要再犯同样的错误。 The boss _ him _ _ _ the same mistake again. 4. 当树遭到袭击的时候会产生一些化学物质,让它们的树叶尝起来味道很差。 Trees will _ so

6、me chemicals _ _ their leaves _ _ when they are attacked. 5. 暑假就要来了,他正开始计划他的欧洲之旅。 Summer holiday is coming. Hes _ _ _ his trip (旅行)to Europe. 6. 我们应该感谢那些发明让我们的生活更美好。 We should _ those inventions _ _ our life better. 7. 听到那个好消息后,他计划去法国旅行。 After _ the good news, he_ _ visit France. 8. 汤姆每天坚持跑步以保持活力。 T

7、om _ _ every day to _ _. 9. 她不介意在周末上班。 She doesnt _ _ on weekends. 10. 你能帮我照看一会儿我的妹妹吗? Can you _ me _ _ my sister for a while? 11. 广州与深圳有相同地铁。 Guangzhou has _ _ undergrounds _ Shenzhen.年级:七年级年级:七年级 日期:日期:6.5 时间:时间:08:00-10:00 13:30-15:30 课型:复习课型:复习 内容:内容: Chapter1-3-Language语法复习一 一、定冠词 the a. 基本用法 b

8、. 必须使用定冠词的场合 c.不能使用定冠词的场合 二、专有名词 a. 首字母大写 b. 不可数 c.不能被数次、指示代词、冠词等修饰(部分由普通名词转化的专有名词前面可 以有定冠词) 三、可数名词与不可数名词 a不可数名词没有复数形式 b 不可数名词不能用 many、不定冠词 a/an、指示代词和基数词来修饰,但可以 被定冠词 the 以及 some, any, a lot of, much, little 等词修饰。 c如果要表示不可数名词的具体数量,其前必须用”量词+of”短语。 四、现在进行时 a. 表示正在发生的动作 b. 表示现阶段一直进行的动作 c.某些动词表示按计划或安排将要发

9、生的动作 d. 有些动词不能用进行时,know, understand, love, like, hate, wish, want, think, hope, have, believe, agree, hear, see, notice,等等。这些动词通常用一般现在时 表示说话时发生的动作。 应用一、冠词填空(填入适当的冠词,不必填用“/”表示 1. Jims_ American boy. He goes to school by _ bus 2. _ sun is farther(更远) away from_ Earth than _ moon. 3. He said he would c

10、ome in _ hour. 4. Yesterday I received _ letter. _letter was from Mike. 5. Today is _ fourth of _ May. 6. _ number of children are playing _ violin in the concert hall(大厅) 7. Mr. Green sleeps in_ daytime, and words at_ night. 8. _famous writer was born in this town. Do you know him? 应用二、名词 1. Listen

11、! Ill tell you _. A. a good news B. good a news B. a piece of good news D. some piece of good news 2. - Whats the name of the hospital? -Its_ A. Buji Hospital B. the Buji Hospital B. Buji hospital D. the Buji hospital 3. -Could you wait for _ Mr. Green in _ meeting room? A. The, a B. a, a C. a, the

12、D. 不填,the 4. - Toms father works for_ China Daily.5. -Wow, thats_ great job. A. the, the B. 不填, the C. the, a D. 不填, a 6. -I went to _ Eiffel Tower. - Really. Is it in _ capital of France, Paris? 应用三、现在进行时(句型转换) 1. Im listening to music. (对划线部分提问) _ _you _? 2. Shes leaving for New Zealand next Monda

13、y. (改为同义句) Shes _ _ _ for New Zealand next Monday. 3. Daisy is writing a letter to her best friend. (改为一般疑问句) _Daisy_ a letter to her best friend? 4. My father is watching TV now.(改为否定句) 5. My father_ _ TV now.课后作业课后作业( ) 1. Beijing is _ capital of China. It is one of _ most beautiful cities in the

14、world. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. /; the( ) 2. -He used to _ me with my English.-You must thank him for that.A. helping B. help C. helped D. helps( ) 3. -We should do our best to protect our environment.-Yes. Many animals and plants are _.A. in danger B. in dangerous C. dangerous D. danger ( ) 4. This



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