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1、Matlab Vision Function (matlab2012b) 1. Video Play function Matlab 可以读取或播放 avi 格式的视频文件, 但是 avi 格式是 N 多视频格式 的统称。只能读取未压缩的 avi 文件或压缩格式为压缩格式为MJPG的文件。如果 avi 文件 为其它压缩形式的则可以采用第三方软件将其进行格式转换, 比如 “AVI 视频转 换器”或“WinAVIVideoConverter9”。 1.1 mplay (视频播放函数) Example:mplay(vipwarnsigns.avi); 1.2 视频文件读取函数 OBJ = Video

2、Reader(FILENAME) 1.3 获取 avi 视频文件的压缩格式信息 可以调 aviinfo 函数,获取 avi 文件的属性信息,调用格式为: info=aviinfo(.filiname.avi) 1.4 逐帧读取视频文件中的帧图像 videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(viplanedeparture.avi); %vision.VideoFileReader - Read video frames and audio samples from video file videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(

3、test2.avi); % vision.VideoPlayer - Play video or display image videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer; while isDone(videoFReader) videoFrame = step(videoFReader); step(videoPlayer, videoFrame); end release(videoPlayer); release(videoFReader); 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

4、8 % step(videoPlayer, I) displays one grayscale or truecolor RGB video frame, I, in the video player. videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(viplanedeparture.avi); %vision.VideoFileReader - Read video frames and audio samples from video file videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(test2_1.avi); % visio

5、n.VideoPlayer - Play video or display image videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer; while isDone(videoFReader) videoFrame = step(videoFReader) step(videoPlayer, videoFrame) ; end release(videoPlayer); release(videoFReader); 1.4 matlab 图像处理函数中的“step” 在 matlab 图像处理函数中,比如“vision.VideoFileReader”, “vision.Vid

6、eoPlayer” 。这些函数中可以采用“step”方法来实现特定的功能, 每个函数的 step 所实现的功能都不一样,需要每个函数都进行特定的处理。 Appendix: to be processed International Journal of Computer Vision May 2004, Volume 57, Issue 2, pp 137-154 A1. Robust Real-Time Face Detection Paul Viola, Michael J. Jones 被引用次数:6631 相关文章 所有 297 个版本 引用 A2. Cell Counting Ope

7、n this Example This example shows how to use a combination of basic morphological operators and blob analysis to extract information from a video stream. In this case, the example counts the number of E. Coli bacteria in each video frame. Note that the cells are of varying brightness, which makes th

8、e task of segmentation more challenging. http:/:8080/shared/Brian/quad%20init%20load/opt/matlab/toolbox/vision/visiondemos/ A3. Algorithm to be studied 形态学算子; Hough 变换; 蛇形算法; Svm; Adaboost; help vision Computer Vision System Toolbox Version 5.1 (R2012b) 20-Jul-2012 Video Display mplay - View video f

9、rom files, the MATLAB workspace, or Simulink signals vision.DeployableVideoPlayer - Display video (Windows only) vision.VideoPlayer - Play video or display image Video File I/O vision.BinaryFileReader - Read binary video data from files vision.BinaryFileWriter - Write binary video data to files visi

10、on.VideoFileReader - Read video frames and audio samples from video file vision.VideoFileWriter - Write video frames and audio samples to video file Feature Detection, Extraction and Matching detectSURFFeatures - Find SURF features detectMSERFeatures - Find MSER features vision.CornerDetector - Find

11、 corner features extractFeatures - Extract feature vectors from image matchFeatures - Find matching features showMatchedFeatures - Display corresponding feature points vision.BoundaryTracer - Trace object boundaries in binary images vision.EdgeDetector - Find edges of objects in images SURFPoints -

12、Object for storing SURF interest points MSERRegions - Object for storing MSER regions Object Detection vision.CascadeObjectDetector - Detect objects using the Viola-Jones algorithm vision.PeopleDetector - Detect upright people using HOG features Motion Analysis and Tracking assignDetectionsToTracks

13、- Assign detections to tracks for multi-object tracking vision.BlockMatcher - Estimate motion between images or video frames vision.ForegroundDetector - Detect foreground using Gaussian Mixture Models vision.HistogramBasedTracker - Track object in video based on histogram configureKalmanFilter - Cre

14、ate a Kalman filter for object tracking vision.KalmanFilter - Kalman filter vision.OpticalFlow - Estimate object velocities vision.PointTracker - Track points in video using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) algorithm vision.TemplateMatcher - Locate template in image Stereo Vision disparity - Compute dispar

15、ity map epipolarLine - Compute epipolar lines for stereo images estimateFundamentalMatrix - Estimate the fundamental matrix estimateUncalibratedRectification - Uncalibrated stereo rectification isEpipoleInImage - Determine whether the epipole is inside the image lineToBorderPoints - Compute the intersection points of lines and image border Enhancement vision.ContrastAdjuster


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