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1、ESTATE AGENTS AUTHORITY 地產代理監管局 附錄二 2013/14年度服務達標率1031 The EAA s working days are from Monday to Friday.2 From the next working day following receipt of the enquiry.3 Issued by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, authorised by the EAA to administer the examinations.1 監管局的工作天為星期一至五。2

2、 收到查詢後下一個工作天開始計算。3 監管局委託香港考試及評核局舉辦資格考 試。考試的成績通知單由香港考試及評核局 發出。查詢 Enquiries服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results回覆查詢 Response to enquiries 電話查詢(留言信息) Telephone enquiries (voice mail messages) 1個工作天內1 Within 1 working day1100% 書面查詢 Written enquiries 7個工作天內2 Within 7 working days299.7%資格考試 Qualifying

3、Examinations服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results發出成績通知單3Issue result slips3考試後的23個 工作天內Within 23 working days after the examination100%Annex 2 Achievement of Performance Standards 2013/14ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 年報1044 由監管局收妥牌照申請、所需費用及文件之 下一個工作天起計,至發出牌照營業詳情 說明書 (即牌照可供領取之日) 為止。如牌照 申請須由監管局牌照委員會考慮,此服務指

4、 標則不適用。監管局處理此類牌照申請時, 須向申請人及或第三者 (例如破產管理 署、信託人或警務處) 查詢有關詳情,待得 到回覆後,才可以決定批准或拒絕申請。5 由取消或拒絕申請之下一個工作天起計;如 屬破產個案,則由收到破產管理署或信託人 指示之下一個工作天起計。4 From the next day following the receipt of an application, the required fee and documents to the day the licence/statement of particulars of business is issued (i.e.

5、 the day the licence is available for collection). This service target does not apply to applications requiring determination by the EAA Licensing Committee. A longer duration is needed for such cases for the EAA to make enquiries and for the applicant or any third party (such as the Official Receiv

6、er s Office, trustees-in-bankruptcy or the Police) to respond before the EAA approves or rejects the application.5 From the next day after an application is cancelled or rejected; for bankruptcy cases, from the next day following the receipt of instructions from the Official Receiver s Office or the

7、 trustee-in-bankruptcy.牌照 Licensing服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results處理新牌照申請Process new licence applications收到新申請後的 10個工作天內4Within 10 working days for new applications499.2%處理續牌申請Process renewal licence applications收到續牌申請後 的20個工作天內Within 20 working days for renewal applications99.9%退款予不獲發牌照 或取消

8、牌照申請的 申請人Refund of application fees for rejected/ cancelled applications10個工作天內5Within 10 working days594.0%ESTATE AGENTS AUTHORITY 地產代理監管局 附錄二 2013/14年度服務達標率1056 From completion of investigation or, in the event the case is submitted for an inquiry hearing, the date of the letter notifying the comp

9、lainee of the result of the hearing.7 Excluding cases that are submitted for inquiry hearings. In these cases, the statutory requirement is for the EAA “within the period of 21 days beginning on the date of the relevant decision, to notify in writing the licensee and any other person against whom th

10、e decision is made of the decision.”6 由完成調查之日起計;假如監管局須為有關 個案舉行紀律研訊,則以向被投訴人發出研 訊結果通知書之日起計。7 不包括要舉行紀律研訊的投訴個案。法例規 定,監管局 須自有關決定日期起21天內, 將該決定以書面通知持牌人和通知該決定所 針對的任何其他人 。投訴 Complaints服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results確認收到投訴人 的書面投訴Acknowledge receipt of written complaints5個工作天內Within 5 working days100%收

11、到足夠證明文 件後向投訴人作 出書面回覆Provide a written response to complainants upon receipt of sufficient supporting documents15個工作天內Within 15 working days100%通知投訴人調查 結果Notify complainants of the outcome of the investigation10個工作天內6 Within 10 working days697.6%通知被投訴人 (持牌人) 調查 結果Notify complainees (licensees) of the

12、 outcome of the investigation10個工作天內7Within 10 working days795.9%Annex 2 Achievement of Performance Standards 2013/14ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 年報106紀律研訊 Disciplinary Proceedings服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results舉行首次紀律 研訊Conduct the first disciplinary inquiry hearing of a case完成調查後的 90個工作天內Within 90

13、 working days after completion of investigation74.9%持續專業進修 Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”)服務類別 Service type指標 Standard達標率 Results完成處理持續 專業進修活動 認可的申請Process applications for endorsement of CPD activities20個工作天內Within 20 working days100%發出 出席證書 予參加監管局 舉辦的持續專業 進修活動的持牌人Issue certificates of attendance for EAA- organised CPD activities30個工作天內Within 30 working days100%



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