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1、关注:盗版,食品健康,环境污染,经济危机,洋快餐,私家车,住房问题相关的理由,与问题有关的表达,结尾处的对策方面:加强政府的管理,加大资金的投入,制定相关的更加规范的法律,加强对学生、公民的相关教育,呼吁民众行动起来、从自身做起等。二选一型Para-1 背景描述,阐明观点With the advance of (science and technology, society), an increasing number of people come to realize that 相关问题重要性. Some argue that, however, I hold the opinion tha

2、t .。Para-2 分析原因To begin with, 原因之一。 Furthermore,原因之二。And finally, 原因之三。Para-3 重申立场Despite 对立观点的一点点优势。Personally, 重申我的观点。问题原因分析型Para-1 背景描述,阐明观点With the advance of (science and technology, society), an increasing number of people come to realize that 相关问题重要性. There are numerous reasons why 出现这个问题, an

3、d I would like to explore a few of the most important ones here.Para-2 具体原因一二三To begin with, 原因之一。 Furthermore,原因之二。And finally, 原因之三。Para-3 呼吁解决问题To sum up, I would say that the more are aware of the phenomenon, the more benefits we will get in (our daily study and job). 问题影响(利 gaining/弊 effects)型P

4、ara-1 背景描述,阐明观点With the advance of (science and technology, society), an increasing number of people come to realize that 相关问题重要性. 说明这个问题有利还是弊(题目已给出,重申一边) 。Para-2 具体阐述一二三To begin with,之一。 Furthermore,之二。And finally,之三。Para-3 重申利;解决弊是利的话:Personally, 重申我的观点。是弊的话:To sum up, I would say that the more are aware of the phenomenon, the more benefits we will get in (our daily study and job).


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