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1、法律图书(中文翻译仅供参考)法律图书(中文翻译仅供参考)1.10 Years Southeast European Cooperative Initiative 东南部欧洲合作计划的十年:从代顿 到布鲁塞尔,207pp 2.Abuse of Dominant Position: New Interpretation, New Enforcement Mechanisms? 滥用市 场支配地位:新的解释,新实施机制?,204pp 3.Accountability for International Humanitarian Law Violations: The Case of Rwanda a

2、nd East Timor 违反国际人道法的责任:卢旺达与东帝汶的案例,384pp 4.The Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice 1946-2005 国际法院的谘询功 能 1946-2005,315pp 5.Argumentation Methods for Artificial Intelligence in Law 法律中的人工智能论证法,270pp6.Autonomy法律中的自治,196pp 7.The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea 海上危险品货物运输,352pp 8.C

3、haracterisation in Federations: Six Countries Compared 联邦特征:六国比较,183pp 9.Charity Law & Social Policy 慈善法与社会政策 10. Children in Tort Law Part I: Children as Tortfeasors 侵权行为法中的儿童 第 I 部分:作为 侵权行为人的儿童,400pp 11. Children in Tort Law Part II: Children as Victims 侵权行为法中的儿童 第 II 部分:作为 受害者的儿童,320pp 12. A Comm

4、on Consolidated Corporate Tax Base for Europe Eine einheitliche 欧洲通用综 合公司税税基,183pp 13. Comparative Corporate Governance 比较公司治理:作为规则的制定者的股东,445pp 14. Compulsory Insurance and Compensation for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 船用燃油污染 损害的强制保险与赔偿金,261pp 15. Coping with Overloaded Criminal Justice Systems 应对超负

5、荷的刑事司法制度:欧洲检察 权的兴起,333pp 16. The Council of Europe 欧洲理事会,542pp 17. Digital Media & Intellectual Property 数字媒体与知识产权:权利与消费者保护管理比较 分析,187pp 18. Diplomacy and International Law in Globalized Relations 全球化关系中的外交与国际法, 153pp 19. Essential Cases on Natural Causation 有关自然因果关系的基本案例,632pp 20. Estimates of Cost

6、 of Crime 犯罪成本估算:历史、方法学与意义 21. EU Digital Copyright Law and the End-User 欧盟数字版权法与最终用户,374pp 22. European Ombudsman-Institutions 欧洲的监察员体制:有关一种主张的多层面实现之综 合法律分析,584pp 23. European Tort Law 2004 欧洲侵权行为法 2004,700pp 24. European Tort Law 2005 欧洲侵权行为法 2005,711pp 25. European Tort Law 2006 欧洲侵权行为法 2006,661p

7、p 26. Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes 大灾难受害者的经济补偿,466pp 27. Formulation of Appropriate Laws: A New Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach and an Application to Electronic Funds Transfer Regulation 适当的法律阐述:新的多学科探讨及 在电子资金转帐法规上的应用,204pp 28. German Corporate Governance in International

8、 and European Context 国际与欧洲环境中的德国公司治理,150pp 29. Globalization and Health 全球化与健康:向健康法与生物伦理学的挑战,218pp 30. Good and Evil in Art and Law 艺术与法律中的善与恶,264pp 31. Governing Europe under a Constitution 依据宪法治理欧洲,492pp 32. Group Rights as Human Rights 群体共有权利与人权:多元文化主义的自由派方式, 263pp 33. Handbook of Employment Dis

9、crimination Research 雇佣歧视研究手册:权利与现实, 461pp 34. Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia 实现中亚水资源的 综合管理,180pp 35. Individual Criminal Responsibility for Core International Crimes 核心国际犯罪的个人刑事 责任 36. International Humanitarian Law Facing New Challenges 面对新挑战的国际人道主义法: Knut Ipsen

10、 纪念专题会议,280pp 37. International Law Today: New Challenges and the Need for Reform? 今日国际法:新的挑 战与对改革的需求,268pp 38. International Prosecution of Human Rights Crimes 国际人权犯罪的检举,232pp 39. The Internationalization of Law and Legal Education 法律与法律教育的国际化,224pp 40. Israel and the Palestinian Refugees 以色列与巴勒斯坦难

11、民,509pp 41. Jurisdiction of the Coastal State over Foreign Merchant Ships in Internal Waters and the Territorial 沿海国对外国商船在国内水域与领海的管辖权,285pp 42. Key Aspects of German Business Law 德国商业法的重点方面:实用手册,522pp A Large Spectrum of Free Oscillations of the World Ocean Including the Full Ocean Loading and Self-

12、attraction Effects 世界海洋包括全海洋负荷与自身的吸引力效应的大范围自由 震荡,120pp 43. Law Against Unfair Competition 反不正当竞争法:走向欧洲新范例,230pp 44. Law As Symbolic Form 作为象征形式的法律:Ernst Cassirer 与法律的人类中心说观, 339pp 45. Legitimacy in International Law 国际法中的合法性,422pp 46. The Liability of Classification Societies 船级社的责任,402pp 47. The Li

13、sbon Treaty 里斯本条约:没有宪法条约的欧盟立宪?383pp 48. Marine Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation 海洋环境保护与生物多样性 保护:国际海事组织的特别敏感海域概念之应用与未来发展,288pp 49. Maritime Work Law Fundamentals: Responsible Shipowners, Reliable Seafarers 海事工程 法基础:负责的船东,可靠的海员,823pp 50. The Market for Corporate Control in Japan 日本

14、的财团控制市场:M&As、敌意收购与规 章制度,387pp 51. Methodology of Uniform Contract Law 统一合同法的方法论:国际法律学说与实践中的 UNIDROIT 通则,230pp 52. Methods of legal reasoning 法律推理的方法,234pp 53. New Forms of Governance in Research Organizations 研究组织中的新管理形式:学科研 究、界面与整合,242pp 54. On Law and Reason 论法律与理性,366pp 55. On The Interpretation

15、of Treaties 论条约的解释:1969 维也纳条约法公约表述的现代国际法,410pp 56. Outsourcing to India A Legal Handbook 印度的外购 - 法律手册,228pp 57. The Politics of Adoption 收养政治:法律、政策与实践国际展望,334pp Pollution of the Sea Prevention and Compensation 海洋污染 - 预防与补偿,186pp 58. The Principle of Indemnity in Marine Insurance Contracts 水险合同中的赔偿原理

16、:比较研 究,297pp 59. Principles of European Tort Law 欧洲侵权法法则:原文与注释,282pp 60. Principles of Law Relating to International Trade 与国际贸易相关的法律原则,303pp 61. Procedures in International Law 国际法中的诉讼程序,351pp 62. The Public Nature of Science under Assault 遭受攻击的科学的公共性:政治、市场、科 学与法律,148pp 63. Real Estate Investments in Germany 德国的房地产调查:交易与发展,300pp 64. Recordkeeping, Ethics and Law 记录保存、伦理学与法律:在线世界的法规模型、参与 者间的关系及权利与义务,339pp 65. Shifts in Compensating Work-Related Injuries and Diseases 因工负伤与得病赔偿的转移, 236pp


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