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1、第 1 页 共 2 页上海外国语大学上海外国语大学 2009 年硕士研究生入学考试年硕士研究生入学考试英语语言文学专业英语语言文学专业 英汉互译试题英汉互译试题(考试时间 180 分钟, 满分 150 分, 共 2 页)I. Translate the following into Chinese (75 points)The Texas Ruffian(无赖) (Excerpts)He was the elemental man, a man of endless, restless ambition. Nothing was ever completed; each accomplishm

2、ent was a challenge to reach for more. He was a politician the like of which we shall not see again in this century, a man who bridged very different Americas, his early days and edge and attitudes forges by earthy, frontier attitudes, and whose final acts as President took us to the very edge of th

3、e moon. He was a man of stunning force, drive and intelligence, and of equally stunning insecurity. The enormity of his accomplishments never dimmed the hidden fears which had propelled him in the first place; he was, in that sense, the most human of politicians. There was about Lyndon Johnson somet

4、hing compelling; the more he tried to hide his warts(烂疮疤), the more he revealed them. Loyalty was crucial: Washington, after all, was a city with enemies everywhere, with sharks swimming out there waiting for any sign of weakness. Thus the inner circle had to be secure, truly secure; particularly a

5、man with as profound a sense of his own weakness and vulnerabilities as Lyndon Johnson wanted men around he could trust. “How loyal is that man?” he asked a White House staffer about a potential hand. “Well, he seems quite loyal, Mr. President.” said the staffer. “I dont want loyalty, I want loyalty

6、, I want him to kiss my ass in Macys window at high noon and tell me it smells roses” His almost desperate need for loyalty was the half of the coin of insecurity of this great towering figure who had accomplished so much, was so much a man of Washington, and yet in so many important sections of the

7、 city felt himself an alien, the Texas ruffian among the perfumed darlings of the East. It was a profound part of him; his sense of being alien, of the reduce against him, was never assuaged (in October 1964 when George Ball handed in his first memo against the Vietnam war, Johnson turned to an aid

8、and said, “youve got to be careful of these Eastern lawyers. If youre not careful theyll take you and turn you inside out”). He was hunted by regional prejudice and even the attainment of the Presidency did not temper his feelings. Later, after he had left office, he became convinced that it was Sou

9、thern origins, not the war, which had driven him put, and that they had lain in wait for an issue, any issued, and had used the war, which was their 第 2 页 共 2 页war in the first place, to drive him from office. The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him. He humiliated them in front of

10、their peers, then sometimes rewarded them, dressing down one staff member while others watched, then later in the day awarding the staff man a Cadillac, winking and explaining to someone else that it helped a man to strike with munificence when he was down.II. Translate the following into English (7

11、5 points)人不怕挤。尽管摩肩接踵,大家也挤不到一处。像壳里的仁,各自各。像太阳光里飞 舞的轻尘,各自各。凭你多热闹的地方,窗对着窗,各自人家,彼此不相干,只要挂上一 个窗帘,只要拉过那薄薄一层,便把别人家隔离在千里之外了。隔离,不是断绝。窗帘并不堵没窗户,只在彼此间增加些距离欺哄人招引人的距 离。窗帘并不盖没窗户,只隐约遮掩多少引诱挑逗的遮掩!所以,赤裸裸的窗口不引 人注意,而一角揿动的窗帘,惹人窥探猜测,生出无限兴趣。赤裸裸,可以表示天真朴素。不过,如把天真朴素做了窗帘的质料,做了窗帘的颜色, 一个洁白素净的帘子,堆叠着透明的软纱,在风里飘曳,这种朴素,只怕比五颜六色更富 有魅力。认

12、真要赤裸裸不加遮饰,除非有希腊神像那样完美的身体,有天使般纯洁的灵魂, 培根(Bacon)说过:“赤裸裸是不体面的:不论是赤露的身体,或赤露的心。 ”人从乐园里 驱逐出来的时候,己经体味到了这句话。所以赤裸裸的真实总需要些掩饰。白昼的阳光,无情地照彻了人间万物,不能久留下 些幽暗让人迷惑,让人希望。如果没有轻云薄雾把日光筛漏出五色霞彩来,天空该多么单 调枯燥!隐约模糊中,才容许你做梦和想像,距离增添了神秘。看不见边际,变为没边没际的 遥远与辽阔,云雾中的山水,暗夜的星辰,希望中的未来,高超的真相,仰慕名人,心许 的“相知”,隔着窗帘,惝恍迷离,可以产生无限美妙的想象。人家挂着窗帘呢,别去窥望。宁可自己也挂上一个,华丽的也好,朴素的也好。如果 你不屑挂,或懒得挂,不防就敞着个赤裸裸的窗口。不过,你总得尊重别人家的窗帘。



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