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1、1AnAn oldold manman triedtried toto movemove thethe mountainsmountains学习目标1、能会背本课的生词及短语2、运用所学的知识,学会表达故事中的人物或情节,并发表一些简单的看法或观点。导学过程【自主学习自主学习】1.听见某人正在做某事_ 2. 计划做某事 3.挽救某人 4.去睡觉_=_5.迷路 6.醒来 7.把某人唤醒_ 8.引导某人去某地 9.面包房_ 10.足够的勇敢 11.在月光下_ 12.在森林里 【合作探究合作探究】sound like,意为_ look like _ feel like _sound 也可作名词,泛指

2、在自然界中自然界中人所能听到的任何声音的任何声音;voice 指嗓音嗓音,即人说话或唱歌的声音;noise 特指噪音噪音。 1).He speaks in a weak . 2).They heard the of running water (流水). 3).The machine is making too much .4).Her (声音) sounds .(beautiful/beautifully)【达标检测达标检测】I.用所给单词的适当形式填空.1. The house is (make) of bread.2. The children got (lose) in the for

3、est.3. Did you read the story of (sleep) Beauty?4. Did you hear our stepmother planning (kill) us ?5. Western children became interested in (read) this story. 6. Unless we do, we _ (not find) our way out. ( (主将从现主将从现) )7. He was brave enough _ (tell) us the truth. (enoughenough toto dodo sth.sth. 足够

4、足够干干)2II.根据汉语提示补全下列句子。1.His _(妻子)is a beautiful woman .2.Jim was reading the book the _(全部的)afternoon yesterday。3.Oh, my Chinese book is on the _.(地面) 。4.The bridge is made of .(石头)5.My aunts _(声音) is very nice .6.The sun is _(照耀)bright.【课后作业课后作业】I.根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. The stepmother asked her h to kill

5、his son.2. The young man married his w two years ago.3. Dont throw s_ at the animals.4. Sun Wukong is b_ enough to fight bad people.5. I can hear the birds v_ when we wake up every morning.6. The guide(导游) will l you to the Bei Hai Park.7. He picked up the stones on the g_.II.根据汉语翻译句子。1.我一出去,我妈妈就关门了

6、。My mother closed the door_ _ _ I _ out. 2.有一年,天气太干燥?,以至于寸草不生。 One year, the weather was _ dry _ no food would grow.3.韩塞儿制定了一个计划来拯救自己和他的妹妹。 Hansel _ _ _ _ save himself and his sister. 4.花香引领他们来到一座奇妙的房子前。 The smell of flowers _ them _ a wonderful house. 5.我一进门,Katherine 就高兴地叫起来。 _ _ _ I went in, Kath

7、erine cried with pleasure. III.单项选择。( )1. At the foot Wulian Mountain , you can hear the _of running water .A. sound B. noise C. voice D. silence3( )2.The stepmother wanted to leave the children _in the forest .A. die B. dying C. to die D. dead ( )3.I have _to tell you .A. important something B. important anything C.something important D. anything important( )4.Its leading them to that wonderful house _of bread .A. make B. making C. to make D. made



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