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1、1WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing whenwhen thethe rainstormrainstorm camecame学习目标1 知识目标:能根据掌握的词汇,短语理解并翻译短文。2 能力目标:能用笔头表达过去发生的事请并培养讲故事的能力。导学过程【预习检查】.翻译下列短语1.沉默,无声 2.前往 3.拆除 4.首先,起初 5.向外看 6.如此以至于 7.走着,经过 8.记得做过某事 9.对.来说有意义 10.忘记去做/(做过)某事 【合作探究】I.根据汉语意思完成句子1.昨天晚上发生火灾时你正在干什么?What you when the fire la

2、st night?2.风逐渐变弱,太阳出来了。The wind was and the sun rose.3.2008 年,8 月 8 日对中国人来说很有意义。The date ,August 8th ,2008 great to Chinese.4.今天早上我给汤姆打电话可惜没人接。I called Tom this morning, but nobody II用给词的适当形式填空1. We got excited when we (hear) the good news.2.Speak (clear) so that they can understand you3. His dog (d

3、ie)two years ago4.We (eat)dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news5.Can you tell me whats the (mean)of the word?【达标检测】3I.I.用给词的适当形式填空用给词的适当形式填空. .1.While I (sit) in the barbers chair, my mom (phone) me2The students (have)a math class when the visitors (come)in3. They were practicing (speak)Engli

4、sh When I came in .4. I had some trouble in (talk)with the foreigner.5.My mother was reading while I (wait for ) the bus.6.Kate didnt tell her friend the (true) about the event.7.Whats happening in Canada (recent)?8.He had the fight with his best friend , and they walked home in (silent).【课后作业】I I.

5、.单项选择( )1.The old man on April 14th ,2011.A.is killed B.was killed C.was killing D.has killed( )2.Can you tell me what happened him just now?A.with B.for C.to D.at( )3.After a serious illness, he finally the importance of health.A.realized B.meant C.added D.impressed( )4.-What did the teacher say ju

6、st now?Sorry,I didnt hear it. I out of the windowA.look B.looking C.am looking D.was looking( )5.-Were you at home at nine oclock last night?-Yes, I at that time.A. take a shower B.took a showerC.was taking a shower D.am taking a shower( )6. Its five oclock now . My mother dinner in the kitchen .A w

7、as making B is making C makes D made( )7.At that time ,they needed some to make a fire .A light B match C wind D wood( )8.Li Ming is so careful that he always looks over his exercise to there are no mistakes1A.make sure B.find out C. think of D.think about( )9.We went to the beach last Sunday ,and w

8、e had great fun volleyball.Aplay B.playing C.played D.to play( )10. They made me one family.A. look like B.feel like C.would like D.take after( )11. will go to the old peopeles home this weekend.A. I and Lily B. Lily and I C.Lily and me D. Me and LilyII.用给词的适当形式填空1. I was too tired and still sleeping when my alarm (go off) 2.We were climbing up the mountain when it began to rain (heavy).3. I looked out of the window and (realize) that it was dark.



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