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1、http:/ 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 北京 1 对 1 上门家教品 牌 北京市高二英语下册检测试题.单词拼写 1Those delicious foods are especially _(令人垂涎的)when someone is hungry. 2There is a growing t_ towards smaller families. 3The teacher asked us to make a _(评论)on the film. 4The people of the village held parties to celebrate another a

2、_ harvest. 5There were some _(人造的)flowers on the table. 6He was found stealing,and as a c_,he lost his job. 7Any kind of energy can be t_ into electricity. 8The shop ordered a great deal of goods to meet the _(要求)of consumers. 答案:1.appetising 2.trend 3.remark 4.abundant 5.artificial 6.consequence 7.

3、transformed 8requirement .单项填空 1In the Persian Gulf area,oil is found in _ and its production has been able to keep up with world demand.Aabundant Babundance Celegance Defficiency 解析:in abundance 意为“大量,丰富” 。句意为:波斯湾地区石油储量丰富,其产油量能满足世界的需求。A 项 abundant 是形容词,不能作介词的宾语;C 项 elegance 意为“优雅” ;D 项efficiency 意为

4、“效率” ;C、D 两项一般都不与 in 连用。答案:B 2The last time they went to Scotland was in May,_ the weather was beautiful. Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich 解析:此题考查定语从句。when 引导定语从句修饰先行词May。句意:他们最后一次去苏格兰是在五月,那时候天气非常好。答案:Bhttp:/ 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 北京 1 对 1 上门家教品 牌 3The old man said the accident _ careless driving,so th

5、e driver _ the money for the repairs. Aowing to;owed him to Bwas owing to;owed him Ccaused by;owed to him Dwas caused by;owing him 解析:本题考查 owe 的用法。be owing to 因为,由于;owe sb. sth.欠某人某物。答案:B 4This decision could have serious consequences _ the future of the industry. Aon Bat Cwith Dfor 解析:句意:这项决定对该行业的未

6、来可能会产生严重后果。have consequences for 对有后果。答案:D 5Do you know Lily has gone to London? Oh._ I havent seen her these days. ANo doubt BNo wonder CNaturally DOf course 解析:句意为:你知道 Lily 已经去伦敦了吗?喔,难怪这些天我没见到她。答案:B 6It is required that he_homework tomorrow morning. Ashould hand in Bwould hand in Chands in Dis to

7、hand in 解析:句意:“按要求他明天早晨应交上家庭作业。 ”考查 Its required that.主语从句,从句要用虚拟语气(受 require 的影响),故答案是 A。答案:A 7Its so nice to hear from her._,we last met more than thirty years ago. AWhats more BThat is to say CIn other words DBelieve it or not 解析:whats more 再有,还有;that is to say 也就是说;in other words 换句话说;believe it

8、 or not 信不信由你。答案:D 8The judges remarked _ the high standard entries for the competitions.http:/ 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 北京 1 对 1 上门家教品 牌 Aon Bto Cwith Dfor 解析:句意为:裁判评价了比赛参加者的高水平。remark on/upon 就作出评价。答案:A .翻译句子 1因为下雨,比赛被取消了。(owe to) _ _ 2他是个古怪的人物,我很难了解他。(make out) _ _ 3谁放火烧那房子的?(set fire to) _ _ 4编

9、辑评论说那篇文章写得很好。(remark) _ _ 5你必须承担这次事故的责任。(consequence) _ _ 答案:1.Owing to the rain,the match was cancelled. 2Hes an odd character.I cant quite make him out. 3Who set fire to the house? 4The editor remarked that the article was well written. 5You have to take the consequences of the accident. .阅读理解 If

10、you are invited to a formal dinner party in Paris,remember that the French have their own way of doing things,and that even your finest manners may not be “correct” by the French custom.For example,if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation,armed with gifts of wine and rose

11、s,praising your hostess on her cooking,laughing heartily at the hosts jokes and then doing something to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest,you are wrong. Here Madame Nora Chabal,the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris,explained how it works. The first duty of the guest is to

12、respond to the invitation within 48 hours.And,the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.http:/ 清华北大家教中心 家教电话:01062561255 北京 1 对 1 上门家教品 牌 Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift.They may also be sent afterwards with a thankyou note.It is considered a very b

13、ad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand,thereby forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is so busy.The type of flowers sent has a code of its own,too.One must never send chrysanthemums because they are considered too humble(卑微的)a flower for the occasion.Carnations are considered


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