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1、1UnitUnit 1 1 CanCan youyou playplay thethe guitarguitarPartPart 6 6 SelfSelf CheckCheck自我检测,综合提升一、读音标,写单词。1 /s/ /gt(r)/valn/sing guitar violin 2 /swm/ls/wikend/swim also weekend 3 /dr/sent/mjuzn/draw sentence musician 4 /dn/pipl/pin/join people piano 5 /rat/tde/wi:kdewrite today weekday 二、单元语法过关。(

2、B )1Jack is very nice, he likes to make _ with others.Afriend Bfriends Chappy Dfun( C )2Will you _ the singing game? Im not sure, but I really likes singing.Ajoin Bjoins Ctake part in Dtakes part in ( D )3Jack and Mary want to be _, they always play the piano after school.Asinger Bsingers Cmusician

3、Dmusicians( D )4Are you _ this weekend?Yes, I have a lot of homework to do.Afree Bhappy Csad Dbusy( A )5Can Bill play the guitar ? _, but he cant sing.AYes, he can BYes, he cant CNo, he cant DNo, he can( D )6There are many _ in our school, football is Jacks favorite _.Aclub; club Bclubs; clubs Cclub

4、;clubs Dclubs; club ( B )7Susan _ us English , shes one of the best _ in our 2school.Ateach; teacher Bteaches; teachers Cteach; teachers Dteaches; teacher( D )8We go to school on _.Aweekend Bweekends Cweekday Dweekdays( B )9Music festival is coming, we need _ for the school concert.Ahelper Bhelpers

5、Cplayer Dplayers( D )10If you want to play soccer, please come to the _ Sports Center ?Astudents BStudents Cstudents DStudents 三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对 5 个人的情况介绍,右栏是 7 个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对。( C )1Crystal likes music very much. She can play the piano and sing well. ( E )2Tom wants to practice speaking English a

6、nd make friends with people who are also interesting in English.( G )3Jane likes playing tennis , but she cant play well. His parents are thinking about finding her a teacher. ( D )4Sandy likes singing and dancing with others, but she is only free on weekends.A AWinterWinter CampCampThe winter holid

7、ay is coming ! Do you want to make it colorful ? If you do, please call Mr. Green at 235-221.B BSportsSports ClubClubDo you want to keep fit ? Then welcome to our sports club. Its open on weekends from 9 a.m. and 7 a.m. Here you can find all kinds of sports and good partners. C CWANTEDWANTEDAre you

8、good at singing ? Our band is looking for a singer. Its great that if you can play the piano.D DHealthHealth CenterCenterDo you want to be fit and happy ? Please come and join us. You can take part in many healthy and enjoyable activities such as sing, dancing and parties. We will open on Saturdays

9、and Sundays.E EEnglishEnglish ClubClubWelcome to our English club! Here you can take part in many English parties and make a lot of friends. Just open your mouth and speak English. 3( B )5Mrs. Brown likes eating chocolate and meat. She is getting fatter and fatter. She really wants to do some sports

10、 to keep fit.F FPeoplesPeoples HospitalHospitalOpen from 8:00am to 17:00pm. The doctors and nurses are kind and patient.They have lots of experience.Tel:(022)8312657G GSportsSports clubclubWe have a lot of sports activities and sports lessons. A lot of good teachers can help you learn to play basket

11、ball, tennis and volleyball.四、短文填空。Do you know Lang Lang ? He is a famous 1 all over the world. He learned to play the piano when he was a small 2 . Langlangs father found he was 3 in piano. When most of his friends played football or basketball on the playground, Lang lang liked to 4 at home and pl

12、ay the piano. Its not 5 to play it well. Sometimes, he felt sad when he couldnt 6 well. But he never 7 up. There was a very good music school at Beijing. His parents sold the house and moved to Beijing. At first, Lang lang felt 8 . He had no friends in Beijing. Then his father often drove him to sch

13、ool and talked 9 him. Lang lang 10 the music club and learned a lot in the school. After he finished the school , he became a young pianist. 1 pianist 2 child / boy 3 interested 4 stay 5 easy6 play 7 gives 8 sad/ unhappy 9 with10 joined五、读写综合。A A信息归纳。信息归纳。SchoolSchool ClubsClubs inin AmericaAmericaH

14、ow much do you know about the school clubs in America? Do they have the same clubs as ours ? Take Hill Top School for example, they have lots of the clubs. Such as the stories telling club, the sports club, the music club, the art club. And they also have some special clubs, such as cooking club, it is very popular among the girls. They learn something about cooking, such as how to make cakes. And they always share(分享)the dishes in class. Another club is the carpenter club


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