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1、1ModuleModule 5 5 TheThe GreatGreat SportsSports PersonalityPersonality高考试卷分块专练语言知识运用保分练1篇完形1篇语法填空,限时25分钟.完形填空As a teenager, I was not very interested in sports. I hated team sports because I always felt like I was _1_ the rest of the team. During these years, I sometimes felt disconnected from my b

2、ody. It seemed that only my brain was mine and my body was just a vehicle for _2_ my brain around.I decided to try kung fu _3_ I started university. To my _4_, I loved it! It was a _5_ club and gave me a sense of relaxation. But as it is not a team sport, I didnt feel _6_ about not performing very _

3、7_. And because it is a fighting sport, you usually _8_ in pairs, which means that you have a chance to _9_ people and talk to them. Gradually, I made friends with some of them. I also appreciated the _10_ of the classes was on getting better at kung fu, _11_ exercising to change my body. However, w

4、hen I was doing it, I got stronger and quicker. The _12_ were a side effect of the sport, instead of the goal. _13_, in the last year of university I was too busy to do kung fu most of the time.When I moved to Italy this year, I found a great local club that mixed martial arts (武术) and I _14_ it. Th

5、e club is more serious than the one at my university and we do lots of boxing. I think that boxing is like chess, but much faster! If your boxing _15_ tries to strike you, you have to decide _16_ how you are supposed to _17_. You could avoid or catch their arm and then _18_ them to the mat.I would s

6、ay I just wasnt a(n) _19_ person while now I think that everyone should try as many sports as possible! Because practicing kung fu has made me feel _20_ to my body.语篇解读:我一直不喜欢团体运动,在我上大学后,我尝试了功夫,结果我对这种运动产生了兴趣。1A.pleasing BpuzzlingCdisturbing Ddisappointing解析:选 D 因为我感觉会让其他队员失望(disappointing),所以我不喜欢团体运

7、动。2A.passing Blooking2Ccarrying Dparking解析:选 C 有时我感觉我和我的身体不是连接在一起的,好像就只有大脑和我连在一起,而我的身体就如一台交通工具,专门带着(carrying)我的大脑四处走动。3A.until BwhenCunless Dbecause解析:选 B 我上大学时(when),决定尝试一下功夫这项运动。4A.surprise BsatisfactionCrelief Dregret解析:选 A 因为我以前不喜欢运动,所以我对功夫的喜爱让我感到惊讶(surprise)。5A.casual BtopCprivate Dsocial解析:选 A

8、 根据第三段的“The club is more serious than .(这个俱乐部比更正式)”可知,此处是说这是一个不是很正式的(casual)俱乐部。6A.serious BguiltyCpicky Dcautious解析:选 B 因为这不是一个团体运动,所以我没有因为我的表现不佳(well)而感到内疚(guilty)。7A.positively BsuccessfullyCwell Dcarefully解析:选 C 参见上题解析。8A.work BbenefitCtrain Dimprove解析:选 C 因为这是一项格斗项目,所以要经常成双结对地进行训练(train)。9A.und

9、erstand BteachChelp Dmeet解析:选 D 既然是成双结对去训练,所以就有机会和他人相识(meet)。10A.balance BlightCduty Dfocus解析:选 D 根据下文的“instead of the goal”可知课程的重点(focus)是让人把功夫练好。11A.apart from Bregardless ofCrather than Dbut for解析:选 C 而不是(rather than)通过运动来改变人的体型。312A.requirements BchangesCvalues Dgrades解析:选 B 我的身体变得强壮敏捷,这是参加功夫俱乐部

10、发生的变化(changes)。13A.Unfortunately BClearlyCCertainly DOppositely解析:选 A 根据逻辑关系,此处句意为:不幸的是(unfortunately),大学最后一年因为太忙大部分时间我都没有参加功夫俱乐部的锻炼。14A.joined BignoredCvisited Dbought解析:选 A 从下文作者参加拳击训练可知,作者报名加入(joined)了这个俱乐部。15A.coach BfriendCpartner Dkeeper解析:选 C 如果你的搭档(partner)试图击倒你。16A.finally Bin a while Csens

11、ibly Din an instant解析:选 D 你必须立即(in an instant)做出决定。17A.attack BescapeCquit Dreact解析:选 D 该如何对对方的攻击做出回应(react)。18A.place BleaveCthrow Dlift解析:选 C 你会躲开他,抓住他的胳膊,然后将其摔倒(throw)在垫子上。19A.aggressive BsportyCskilled Daverage解析:选 B 以前我总是说我不是一个喜欢运动的(sporty)的人。20A.connected BdevotedCadapted Daccustomed解析:选 A 现在我

12、认为每个人都应该尽可能多尝试一些运动项目,我感觉现在我和我的身体连在一起了(connected),照应上文的“I sometimes felt disconnected from my body” 。.语法填空The lion dance is one of the most outstanding traditional folk dances in China. It can date back to the Three Kingdoms period. Regarding the lion as _1_ symbol of bravery and strength, ancient pe

13、ople thought that it could 4drive away misfortune and protect people and _2_ (they) farm animals. Therefore, lion dances are performed at important events, _3_ (especial) the Lantern Festival, to drive away evil and pray for good fortune, _4_ (safe) and happiness.Two highlytrained performers in a li

14、on suit _5_ (require) in the lion dance. One acts as the head and forelegs, and the other the back legs. Under the guidance of a director, the “lion” dances _6_ the beat of a drum.The acting is very _7_ (amuse) and the audience enjoy it very much.So far, the lion dance _8_ (spread) to many other cou

15、ntries with overseas Chinese, and it is quite popular in countries like Malaysia and Singapore. In Europe and America, there are many Chinese communities _9_ Chinese people perform lion dances _10_ (celebrate) every Spring Festival and other important events.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国舞狮的起源、表演及其在国外的传播情况。1a

16、古代的人们把狮子当作勇敢和力量的象征,认为它能驱赶不幸、保护人们和他们的家畜。symbol“象征”是可数名词,在文中首次出现,表示泛指,故填不定冠词 a。2their 空格处在句中作定语,修饰“farm animals” ,故应填形容词性物主代词their。3especially 在这里用副词 especially“尤其,特别”表示强调。4safety 分析句子结构可知,空格处与“good fortune”和“happiness”之间是并列关系,共同作介词 for 的宾语,故应用 safe 的名词形式 safety。5are required 舞狮表演需要两位身着一套舞狮服且训练有素的表演者。句子的主语是 performers,谓语动词应用复数;re


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