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1、四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文浅析我国花卉业的营销策略浅析我国花卉业的营销策略学生姓名学生姓名 李李 丽丽 院系名称院系名称 管管 理理 学学 院院 专业名称专业名称 市市 场场 营营 销销 班班 级级 20082008 级级 1 1 班班 学学 号号 200812045116200812045116 指导教师指导教师 钟钟 涛(讲涛(讲 师)师) 答辩时间答辩时间 20122012 年年 1 1 月月 8 8 日日 浅析我国花卉业的营销策略学生姓名:李丽 指导老师:钟涛(讲师)内容摘要:花卉是人们普遍喜爱的一种产品,花卉业也成为一种集生态、环保、效益于一 体

2、的时尚产业。纵观全球,花卉业欣欣发展,新品种花卉层出不穷,继而转眼我国 花卉业,由于起步较晚,花卉业产业结构并不完善,花卉质量得不到保证,品种结 构较为单一,与国际化花卉产业的标准有一定差距,但我国幅员辽阔,地处多个气 候带区,无论是土地还是气候都有利于花卉业的发展。虽然规模化的花卉业起步较 晚,但我国的花卉历史却源远流长,从古代开始,就不乏许多赞美花卉的诗词,为 我国花卉业的发展奠定了深厚的历史底蕴和文化底蕴。本文根据我国花卉业的生产 和消费现状以及在花卉生产营销过程中所存在的问题,运用现代市场营销中的相关 知识,就花卉产品的价格策略、品牌策略、绿色营销策略、花卉网络营销以及花卉 租赁业务进

3、行分析,并以三圣花乡、昆明斗南花卉有限公司的花卉产业为例,提出 了花卉产业获得成功的相关措施。关键词:花卉业 营销 营销策略The Analysis on the Marketing Strategy of Flower Industry in our CountryAbstract:The flowers are one kind of product generally liked by people, the flower industry is an item of collection economy, the society and offering ecology benefit

4、 to a fashion industry. Globally, the flower industry prosperous development and some new kind of flower have emerged in endlessly. For our country, because of late start, the flower industry structure not perfect, the quality of flower has not been promise and the breed structure singularity. There

5、 are a lot of gap from the international standards. Our country is vast in territory, crossing many climatic zones and so on while having many kinds of ecology types and weather patterns. Although the flower industry has a late start, our flower has a long history. From the ancient, there are so man

6、y poem praising the flower, it pave the way for the culture and history. The paper deals with the study of production and consume of flower and the problem exist in the marketing. Taking this as an entrance, this article has carried on a discussion using the modern marketing idea to our country flow

7、er industry marketing proposing the implementation of flower brand marketing, developing difference prices as well as extending leasehold and so on. Selecting the SanShengHuaXiang and DouNanHuaHui flower industry belt of YunNan as a case, and carried on an analysis pointing out the successful aspect

8、s of this industrial belt in its marketing strategies.Key words: flower industry marketing marketing strategy目 录一、我国花卉业的生产和消费分析 .1(一)我国花卉业的生产现状 .1(二)我国花卉业消费现状.21.我国花卉的消费状况及特点.32.影响花卉消费的因素 .3二、我国花卉业营销环境和营销中存在的问题分析.3(一)我国花卉业营销环境分析.31.经济环境 .32.社会文化环境.13.政治环境 .14.技术环境 .15.社会需求环境.1(二)我国花卉业营销中存在的问题分析 .11.产品结构 .12.产品营销策略.13.产品质量 .14.价格.4三、我国花卉业的营销策略分析.5(一)品牌营销策略.51.品牌对花卉业的作用 .52.实施品牌营销的措施 .5(二)网络营销策略.61.进行网络营销的意义 .62.网络营销的具体策略 .6(三)绿色营销策略.61.绿色营销的背景.62.开展绿色营销的策略 .6(四


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