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1、新目标英语七年级下册新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 11, What do you think of game shows?第一课时练习第一课时练习一、词语英汉互译:1. 访谈节目_2. sitcom_3. 连续剧_4. stand_5. 游戏节目_6. sports show_7. 介意_8. situation_9. 主持人_10. in fact_二、用所给的词语的适当形式填空:1. My uncle is a big TV fan. He _ all kinds of TV shows.2. Sue says she _ soap operas. Sometimes she finds

2、 them fun.3. Some boys in our class _ game shows because they think they are really exciting.4. Family With Kids I is a great sitcom, I think. But some of my classmates _ Family With Kids III because Xia Xue is not acted by(由扮演) Yang Zi.5. What? You _ The Same Song? Dont you watch CCTV shows?三、补全对话:

3、Morry: Do you often watch TV, Li Hao?Li Hao: Yes, I do.Morry: What do you _1_of Sports World?Li Hao: I dont mind it. But I love Star Boulevard _2_.Morry: I do, too. What do you think of the _3_, Bi Fujian?Li Hao: Oh, I like_4_ very much .Hes so _5_.Morry: _6_about your parents?Li Hao: They both like

4、 Happy Dictionary. And we all love the hostess, Wang Xiaya.Morry: _7_ do you all like _8_?Li Hao: Because shes so nice and interesting.Morry: What_9_ do they like?Li Hao: Emm, my mother likes Fashion Show, but my father cant _10_ it. He loves World News.like, love, cant stand, not mind, not know新目标英

5、语七年级下册新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 11, What do you think of game shows?第二课时练习第二课时练习一、单项选择: 1. She enjoys _ the articles in the magazine “Zhi Yin”.A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads 2. I think that new TV play is boring. And you? I agree _ you.A. to B. for C. with D. on 3. What do you _ soap operas? I cant _

6、them.A. do B. like C. think D. think of 4. Thank you for _ us! Next were talking about “Healthy Living”.A. to join B. join C. joining D. joined 5. A: Do you mind _ off the fan? B: If you dont mind, I dont, _.A. to turn; too B. turning; either C. to turn; also D. turning; too二、完成句子 6. 你觉得电脑游戏怎么样?_ _

7、you _ _ computer games? 7. 欢迎收看中央电视台新闻联播!_ _ CCTV news! 8. 你赞同她的看法吗?不,我不能忍受。Do you _ _ her? No, I _ _ her. 9. 谢谢你帮我打扫教室。_ _ _ me to clean the classroom. 10. 今天她必须帮妈妈清洁房子。She _ _ _ her mom _ the house today.三、阅读理解CCTV PROGRAMMES (节目)Channel (频道) 1Channel 4 18:00 Around China 18:30 Childrens programs

8、19:00 News 19:30 Weather Report 19:40 Around the World 20:10 TV play: Liberation 21:00 English for Today 21:15 Animal World 21:45 Talk Show: Story17:45 Computers Today 18:10 Foreign Arts 18:30 English Classroom 19:00 News Report 19:15 TV Play: Brothers Happiness 19:50 English news 21:00 Across the S

9、traight 21:30 Sports 22:00 On TV next week 31. If you want to watch a football game, the best program for you would be _.A. Around China B. Sports C. Around the World D. Talk Show 32. The program of _ will let you know more about western (西方的) countries.A. English for Today B. Animal World C. On TV

10、next week D. Around the World 33. If you want to see some tigers, elephants or monkeys, the best program for you is _. A. Animal world B. Around China C. Across the Straight D. Foreign arts 34. English Classroom is a program that _.A. lets you know something about classroom B. tells you something ab

11、out studentsC. tells you something about school life D. teaches you English 35. The program at the end of Channel 4 means (意思是) _ on TV next week. A. news B. programs C. people D. places新目标英语七年级下册新目标英语七年级下册 Unit 11, What do you think of game shows?第三课时练习第三课时练习一、句型转换 1. How do you like soap operas?(变

12、为同义句) _ do you _ of soap operas? 2. I cant stand soap operas. (变为特殊疑问句) _ _ you _ _ soap operas? 3. Lucy has a wallet like that, too.(变为否定句) Lucy _ _ a wallet like that, _. 4. Whats up?(变为同义句) Whats _ _? 5. He wants to ask you some questions.(就划线部分提问)_ _ he _ to ask questions?二、单项选择:三、完成句子: 1. Mrs Green Mr Green Tom Jim


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