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1、Water organFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from Hydraulis)The water organ or hydraulic organ (Greek: ) (early types are sometimes called hydraulis, hydraulos,hydraulus or hydraula) is a type of pipe organ blown by air, where the power source pushing the air is derived by water from

2、a natural source (e.g. by a waterfall) or by a manual pump. Consequently, the water organ lacks a bellows, blower, or compressor.On the water organ, since the 15th century, the water is also used as a source of power to drive a mechanism similar to that of the Barrel organ, which has a pinned barrel

3、 that contains a specific song to be played. The hydraulis in ancient Greek is often imagined as an automatic organ, but there is no source evidence for it. One of the oldest automatic instruments known is the automatic flute player invented by Ban Ms brothers in 9th-century Arabia. Contents1 Hydrau

4、lis2 Mechanics3 History4 The hydraulis of Dion5 See also6 Notes7 Sources8 VideoHydraulisA hydraulis is an early type of pipe organ that operated by converting the dynamic energy of water (Ancient Greek: hdr) into air pressure to drive the pipes (Ancient Greek: aulos). Hence its name hydraulis, liter

5、ally “water (driven) pipe (instrument).“ It is attributed to the Hellenistic scientist Ctesibius of Alexandria, an engineer of the 3rd century BC. See more about the Hydraulis and its further development in pipe organ. The hydraulis was the worlds first keyboard instrument and was, in fact, the pred

6、ecessor of the modern church organ. Unlike the instrument of the Renaissance period, which is the main subject of the article on the pipe organ, the ancient hydraulis was played by hand, not automatically by the water-flow; the keys were balanced and could be played with a light touch, as is 水风琴来自维基

7、百科,自由的百科全书(或查询水动风琴)水风琴,或者是水动风琴(希腊语:) (早期有时也被称作hydraulis, hydraulos,hydraulus or hydraula) ,是一种吹入空气的管风琴。它通过自然源(例如,通过瀑布)或者是手动泵来获得能量源。因此,水风琴没有波纹管、鼓风机和压缩机。关于水风琴,自 15 世纪以来,水就和装有特定要播放歌曲的固定横条的手摇风琴一样被当做驱动装置的动力源。古希腊的水动风琴常被认为是自动风琴,但被没有证据证实这一说法。已知的最古老的自动乐器之一是阿拉伯的巴努穆萨兄弟在 9 世纪发明的自动长笛演奏装置。目录1. 水动风琴2. 机械学3. 历史4. 戴恩水力学5. 参见其他6. 来源7. 录像水动风琴水动风琴是一种早期的管风琴,通过将水的动能转化成空气压力驱动管来操作。因此,水动风琴也被称为“水(驱动)管(仪) ” 。这归功于公元前 3 世纪受古希腊文化影响的科学家特西比乌斯。可以查看更多关于 Hydraulis 及其管风琴的进一步发展。水动风琴是世界上第一个键盘乐器,事实上,也是现代教堂风琴的前身。不像文艺复兴时期的乐器,主体的部分是在管风琴上,古代的水动风琴是用手弹奏的,不是通过水的自动流动弹奏的,琴键都是均匀分布的,只需要用手轻轻地触碰。



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