吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】

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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 _第1页
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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 _第2页
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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 _第3页
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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 _第4页
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吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 _第5页
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《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省伊通满族自治县第三中学校高中英语必修三unit 5 canada-warming up & reading【课件】 (41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Reading (I)Unit 5 Canada”The True North”Maple Country- CanadaHow much do you know about Canada?Canada is the second largest country in the world. 9984670平方公里,居世界第二位,其中陆地面积9093507平方公里,淡水覆盖面积891163平方公里。Leading in and Warming Up自然资源9.98million km25,500kmthe national flag of Canada the national anthem o

2、f CanadaCapital city-OttawaOttawa is the capital of Canada.A population of 1,200,000 makes Ottawa the fourth-largest urban area in Canada. National animalLeader of the country:the French-speaking province -QuebeclanguagesOfficial languages:English and Frenchthe TV and radio in French; French restaur

3、ants; teaching in schools be done in French.fresh waterthe five great lakesone third of the worlds supply of fresh water1. What language (s) do Canadians speak?A. EnglishB. English and GermanC. English and FrenchD. English and Spanish2. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver Toronto C. D.Cal

4、gary Ottawa3. What is the national animal of Canada? A. B. Beaver Grizzly bear C. D.Polar bear Penguin4. What is the Canadian leader called?A. PresidentB. Prime MinisterC. GovernorD. King5. How many “Great Lakes” are there in Canada and what are they? A. Lake Superior B. Lake Huron C. Lake Erie D. L

5、ake Ontario E. Lake MichiganLake SuperiorLake HuronLake ErieLake OntarioLake Michigan6. Which is the national flag of Canada?A. B. C. Q D.Skim the passage and then answer the following questions: 1) What is the passage mainly about?It is about _ of two girls; and it tells us some information about _

6、. 2) What is “The True North”? The True North is a name of_.a trip Canada the cross-Canada trainSkimmingRead the text quickly and quietly to fill in the blanks and match the main idea of the 3 parts Part 1 Para(s)_Part 2 Para(s)_Part 3 Para(s)_What they really saw and felt after boarding the trainbr

7、ief introduction of their tripTheir chat on their way to the station123-5Characters: Places:Route:Scan the passage and find out characters, places and their travelling route. Li Daiyu liu Qian and Danny Lin Vancouver; the Rocky Mountains; Calgary; a wheat-growing province; Thunder Bay; The Great Lak

8、es; Toronto Draw a travelling route on the map on P33Scanningplane train.Brief introduction about the tripwho_ and her cousin _whyto _howfirst by_ , then by_whereLi Daiyu Liu QianMontreal, Canadavisit their cousinsPart 1 Read Para.1 and finish the chart below1. _ 2._population_Part 2Para.2Canadadist

9、ance _ (from coast to coast)Going eastward, youll pass1._3._Vancouver the warmest part the most beautiful city3. _increasing rapidly.5._4. _ wet climatetrees _extremely tall measuring 90 metresmountainswide rivers & large cities2. _scenery5,500 kilometresbeautiful forestsoldest & mostone of Canadas

10、most popular citieslakes & forestsPart 3 Read Paras 3-5 and answer the following questions.1 What mountains did they cross ealier that day?2 Which city did they go after crossing the mountains?3 What did the girls think about Canada after 2 days travel?4 Where did they go after dinner?5 Which lake d

11、id the train rush across that night, and whats their next destination(目的地)?1Earlier that day, Rocky Mountains.2 Calgary3 After 2 days travel, empty4 After dinner, Thunder Bay 5 That night across Lake Superior TorontoVancouverTime route_ 1. They will take the train across Canada westward._ 2. You can

12、 cross Canada in less than five days._ 3. Vancouver is the coldest part in Canada.FFFTrue or False._ 4. It is so wet in Vancouver that the trees are tall. _ 5. Canada is a large country with a small population. _ 6. The ocean ships cannot go to Thunder Bay. _ 7. Toronto is to the south of Thunder Ba

13、y.TTFT_8. Their trip across the whole continent was exciting because of some great scenery. _9. Their cousins took them and their baggage to catch “The True North”. _10. Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world.TTFAnswer questions according to the passage.1. Which continent ar

14、e the cousins crossing? They are crossing North American. 2. Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast? They are not flying directly to the Atlantic Coast because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada./ They want to see Canada./ They want to travel across Canada. 3. What is “The True North”? “The True North” is the train that runs through Canada.4. Why is the population of Vancouver growing so


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