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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 3 页 课课 题题 Unit 2 I remember sitting close to the radio.教学目标教学目标1.Grasp the words and the phrases.2.Grasp the important sentences.3.Grasp the grammar教学重点及难点教学重点及难点1.Grasp the words and the phrases.2.Grasp the important sentences.3.Grasp the grammar教学过程教学过程教学流程教学流程教师活动教师活动 学生活动学生活动 Step 1

2、 Warming up (Vocabulary)1. Review Unit 11) Showing some pictures and let the students recall some important words learnt in Period One .2) List out some radio programmes by giving moving-pictures.2. Lead-in some new words by showing different pictures or objects.“manager / presenter / voice / articl

3、e / earphone / microphone / Internet radio / glass / a pair of ”Step 2 Leading-in the paragraph1. Play Mp3 which is related to the text (a short story of Peter), while playing the information , showing pictures.2. Try to catch some information by listening to the Mp3.Step 3 Listening to the paragrap

4、h1. Give out some easy questions, let the Ss catch 第 - 2 - 页 共 3 页 the answers to each question by listening.(can take notes if its necessary)i. where was Dick at the beginning of the story? He was in a radio studio.ii. Did he enjoy listening to the radio when he was young? How do you know? Yes,he d

5、id. Because he always sat close to the radio and listened to it. iii. What did Dick and his friends prepare at junior high school? They prepared the weekly programmes on the radio.Step 4 Skimming and Scanning1. After reading, tell me two important events happened in the text.i I went to WXBM to find

6、 a job in radio. (from “How old are you?” to “He asked” andand from ”OK, come with me” to the end.)ii My great interest in the radio when I was young.(from “How could I explain?” to “out of the window”)2. And answer me some questions.i Why did Dick ask for jobs in radio station?ii What did Dick do a

7、fter he went into the radio studio?Step 5 Discussion Time1.Divide the class into 4 groups with 5 Ss each, every group please discuss and find out some questions to ask in line with the text, they 第 - 3 - 页 共 3 页 can ask their classmates or the teacher.Eg: 1.How old was Dick when he first met the man

8、ager?2.What does “in person” mean? 3.What did he do with his fathers computer? Why? 4.How did he prepare the weather report?(Give the students some example questions to ask.)2. Free-asking TimeStudents can write down the questions on pieces of paper and ask other groups or their teacher the questions they prepared.Step 6 Read the text out. Read the text out loudl归纳总结归纳总结Point out the teaching aims again.布置作业布置作业1,Read the text and try to retell it.2,Finish off workbook P105 Exe5.板书设计板书设计Look down,it seems that ,ask for ,close down,at the age of,教后反思教后反思本课内容多讲解多,学生不会翻译所以还需要再加以强调。


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