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1、 (工商管理硕士) 黑龙江省农行代收代付业务发展对策研究 STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT COUNTERMEASURE OF THE SURROGATE GATHERING AND PAYMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA HEILONGJIANG BRANCH 张 驰 2008 年 11 月 国内图书分类号:F830.4 国际图书分类号:336.71 工商管理硕士学位论文 黑龙江省农行代收代付业务发展对策研究 硕 士 研究生:张 驰 导 师:杨喜月 副教授 申 请 学 位:工商管理硕士 所 在 单 位:中国农业银行哈尔滨市香坊支行 答 辩 日 期:

2、2008 年 11 月 授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: F830.4 U.D.C.: 336.71 A Dissertation for the Degree of MBA STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT COUNTERMEASURE OF THE SURROGATE GATHERING AND PAYMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA HEILONGJIANG BRANCH Candidate: Zhang Chi Supervisor: Vice Prof. Yang Xiyue Academic Degree

3、Applied for: MBA Affiliation: Harbin XiangFang Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Date of Defense: December, 2008 Degree-Offering-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 摘 要 我国加入 WTO 后,外资银行进入中国金融市场的速度不断加快,与中 资银行竞争与合作全方位展开。黑龙江省农行靠传统的存贷业务,已难以与 外资银行甚至是国内同业开展竞争,必须开辟新的利润来源。此外,随着我

4、国资本市场的迅速发展,以及国际金融市场发展带来的利率市场化趋势,使 得传统存贷业务的盈利空间进一步受到挤压,利差收入开始出现萎缩。银行 经营应该是全方位的,代收代付业务具有操作简单、投资少、见效快、风险 小、效益高的特点,在这一情况下,研究黑龙江省农行代收代付中间业务便 有了实际的意义。 本文立足黑龙江省农行,剖析其代收代付业务发展现状、存在问题,目 的是寻求黑龙江省农行发展代收代付业务更为行之有效的策略。首先,阐明 全省农行代收代付业务发展现状。 指出全省农行代收代付业务种类不断丰富、 代理网点覆盖率高、业务收入逐年增加、业务系统配套、代理方式灵活。业 务发展在宏观环境、 同业市场及人才竞争

5、方面面临机会与威胁, 在管理架构、 运行机制、人力资源、客户资源等方面存在优势与劣势。其次,分析全省农 行代收代付业务存在问题。指出农行代收代付业务市场份额低、业务发展目 标定位模糊、配套制度薄弱、市场营销乏力、项目竞争力不足、考核激励不 到位。然后,针对存在问题,从思想意识、责任分工、代理产品、激励考核 和风险控制等方面提出了推动代收代付业务发展的对策和建议。希望可以对黑龙江省农行改善代收代付业务现状有所启发和帮助。 关键词 商业银行;代收代付业务;经营管理 - I - 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 Abstract With Chinas joining into the WTO,

6、foreign capital banks are getting faster and faster into Chinese finance market. They will cooperate and compete with Chinese banks in different fields. Agricultural Bank Of China HeiLongJiang Branch is going to face many problems in competing with foreign capital banks. Only providing traditional b

7、usiness is not enough to win the harsh competition. Seeking for new source of profit is necessary. Furthermore, because of the finance markets developing fast in the seven seas and the trend of marketization of interest rate, it becomes more difficult to get enough profit by developing traditional b

8、usiness. Therefore, it is meaningful to study surrogate gathering and payment. The thesis analysis surrogate gathering and payment of Agricultural Bank Of China HeiLongJiang Branch in five parts. Based on the direction of development and the management mode of surrogate gathering and payment, the th

9、esis points out the achievement, disadvantage, provides countermeasures on how to develop surrogate gathering and payment of Agricultural Bank Of China HeiLongJiang Branch. The first part points out the background of the thesis, ways of studying, some concept, etc. The second part is mainly about th

10、e state of surrogate gathering and payment of Agricultural Bank Of China HeiLongJiang. The third part makes it clear that lots of problems exist. The forth part provides some countermeasure of the surrogate gathering and payment. Wish that it can do some good to the development of surrogate gatherin

11、g and payment of Agricultural Bank Of China HeiLongJiang Branch. At last, the thesis makes some conclusions. Key words commercial bank; surrogate gathering and payment; operation and management - II - 哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文 目 录 摘 要 . I Abstract.II第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 问题的提出.1 1.2 研究的目的和意义.2 1.3 国内外商业银行代收代付业务的经验比较.4 1.3.1 国外银行代收代付业务比较.4 1.3.2 国内银行代收代付业务经验.6 1.4 本文研究的主要内容.7 1.5 本文结构.9 第 2 章 黑龙江省农行代收代付业务发展现状.10 2.1 代理业务种类.10 2.2 业务发展成绩.11 2.2.1 网点网络 .11 2.2.2 业务收入 .12 2.2.3 业务系统 .14 2.2.4 代理方式


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