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1、Chapter Two Beautiful Seaside City- -Qinhuangdao 美丽的海滨城市-秦皇岛 Qinhuangdao in Profile Qinhuangdao lies in northeastern Hebei Province, bordered on the north by the Mount Yan, on the south by the Bohai Sea, on the east by Liaoning Province and on the west by Beijing and Tianjin. It has 3 districts (Bei

2、daihe District,Haigang District,Shanhaiguan District) and 4 counties (Changli,Qinglong,Funing,Lulong), with a population of 2,640,000, covering 7,812 square kilometers. Called Jieshi in ancient times, Qinhuangdao has a long history. In 215 BC Qin Shihuang (256-210 BC), First Emperor of the Qin, arri

3、ved here on his fourth inspection and sent Lu Sheng from Yan State and Han Zhong (a necromancer) out to the sea to beg the gods that he might make him live forever. Qinhuangdao is the only city named after one of the 340 emperors in the feudal society in China. Qinhuangdao is a beautiful seaside cit

4、y that is famous for its ice-free port, the famous ancient city-Shanhaiguan and the summer resort-Beidaihe. She is one of the 14 coastal cities opening to the outside world; ranked as a class tourist city in China and also known as the countrys “Summer Capital” and “China Top Tourist City”. Tourism

5、industry of Qinhuangdao has a long history. Early in 1898, the Qing government had defined Beidaihe as the summer resort. After the founding of new China, especially after the reform, tourism has been developing rapidly. Relics have been renovated and service facilities have been set up. Qinhuangdao

6、 is rich in tourism attractions. Along the 126.4 km coastline, there is 100 km of soft sand beach,which is one of the longest coast in China that looks like a golden sand belt, inlaid on the vast blue sea ,composing beautiful scenery. In 1991, Shanhaiguan Great Wall and Beidaihe seaside were ranked

7、among the top 40 tourist Attractions of China. As you see,Qinhuangdao possess 23 scenic areas, 63 scenic spots altogether with some famous sites as representatives, such as the beaches in Beidaihe, Nandaihe and Changli Golden Coast the Old Dragon Head (the east starting point of the Great Wall),the

8、Shanhaiguan Pass, the Jiaoshan Great Wall and the Mengjiangnv Temple which was built according to a popular legend about the Great Wall made up a unique tourist district,the Qinhuangdao Wild Animal Zoo and the Xinao Sea World and so on.Qinhuangdao also has more than 50 star hotels and 70 travel agen

9、cies. It has convenient communications: G205 and three railway trunk lines (Beijing-Shenyang, Beijing-Qinhuangdao and Datong-Qinhuangdao) run through the city. Now, its only about two and a half hours driving from Beijing to Qinghuangdao since the expressway between them is opened. There are more th

10、an 30 domestic air routes to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Kunming and some other cities at Shanhaiguan Airport. In addition, sea passenger transport is opened to Dalian and Shanghai seasonally. Tourism in Qinhuangdao has form a complete reception net to meet the needs of tourists foraccommodation,

11、traveling, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment. Qinhuangdao is a beautiful seaside city. It has unique natural resources, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate and perfect facilities. Every year the city attracts more than six million tourists from home and abroad for sightseeing and holidays. In

12、this century, an ecological, international and modern coastal tourist city is warmly welcome friends from all over the world.秦皇岛简介秦皇岛简介 秦皇岛地处河北省东北部,北倚燕山,南襟渤海,东接辽沈,西近京津,辖三区(北 戴河区、海港区、山海关区)四县(昌黎、青龙、抚宁、卢龙),总面积 7812 平方公里, 人口 264 万。 秦皇岛历史悠久,古称“碣石”。公园前 215 年,秦始皇第四次东巡至碣石,驻跸于此, 派燕人卢生、方士韩终入海求仙,秦皇岛由此得名。我国封建社会

13、历史上共有 340 位皇帝, 而秦皇岛市是唯一一处以皇帝名号命名的地方。早在 1898 年,清政府就正式将北戴河辟为 “各国人士避暑地”。国内外知名人士纷至沓来,使北戴河充满了传奇色彩。秦皇岛素以北方天然不冻良港秦皇岛港、历史名城山海关和避暑胜地北戴河而闻名中 外,是我国北方著名的旅游城市、也是全国十四个沿海开放城市之一、全国甲级旅游城市、 中国国家领导人暑期办公的“夏都”和首批“中国优秀旅游城市”。 秦皇岛旅游业发展有很长的历史。早在 1898 年,清政府就正式把北戴河海滨辟为避暑 旅游区。新中国成立后,尤其是改革开放以来,全市旅游业得到了迅速的发展。旅游景区 及其配套服务设施逐步得到修复、

14、完善和发展。在 126.4 公里的海岸线上有近 100 公里的 沙岸,是中国版图内绵延最长的沙岸,而且难得的是质细滩缓,像一条金色的软带,镶嵌 在蓝色的海滨,构成了一幅绝妙的天然画卷。在 1991 年,山海关及老龙头长城和北戴河海 滨分别入选“中国旅游胜地四十佳”,成为中国旅游胜地的佼佼者。正如您所看到的,秦皇 岛有以北戴河、南戴河和昌黎黄金海岸,万里长城之首-老龙头,山海关,角山长城,根 据长城历史传说而建的孟姜女庙,秦皇岛野生动物园、新澳海底世界等 23 个旅游区 63 个 旅游景点。 目前,秦皇岛市的星级饭店超过 50 家、旅行社超过 70 多家。秦皇岛旅游交通便捷, 205 国道和京沈

15、、京秦、大秦铁路在此交汇。京秦高速公路全线通车后,从北京到秦皇岛 只需两个多小时。山海关机场已开通可至北京、广州、上海、昆明等地的 30 多条国内航线。 海上客运开通了秦皇岛至大连、上海两条季节性航线。秦皇岛已经形成了能满足游客食、 住、行、游、购、娱等各类需求的旅游网络。 秦皇岛是一个美丽的海滨城市,拥有独特的旅游资源、美丽的旅游景点、宜人的气候 和完备的设施。每年都吸引 600 多万中外游客来这里旅游、观光、度假。在 21 世纪,秦皇 岛正努力把自己打造成一个集生态型、国际性、现代化于一身的海滨旅游城市,欢迎八方 来客。 Major Routes for Sightseeing 主要游览线

16、路主要游览线路Route 1: Shanhaiguan Airport-Old Dragon Head- -Shanhaiguan- -Mengjiangnu Temple- Shanhaiguan Happy Ocean Park- Mount Longevity 线线 路路 1: 山海关机场山海关机场-老龙头老龙头-山海关山海关-孟姜女庙孟姜女庙-山海关欢乐海洋公园山海关欢乐海洋公园-长寿山长寿山Old Dragon Head Old Dragon Head is the starting point of the Ming Great Wall. It stands on the highlands off the seashore 5 kilometer south of Shanhaiguan Pass. From there the wall meets the sea. According to General Records of Lin


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