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1、高一上名校英语试卷错题集高一上名校英语试卷错题集一、选择题1、 Jack described his father, who _ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man.A. would beB. would have beenC. must beD. must have been2、It was three more months _ he recovered and returned to work. A. when B. before C. since D. that3、 Tourism, _ it brings in mon

2、ey to a country, can also result in damage to the World Heritage sites there. A. whichB. asC. whileD. what4、 The generals order that all the enemy captured _ free surprised everyone.A. must be sentB. be sentC. should sendD. was sent5、 Dr. Margaret Chan was eventually selected as the worlds top healt

3、h official and it is the first time that a Chinese _ such a high-ranking U.N. post.A. holdsB. had heldC. will holdD. has held6、 Children are encouraged not to play such video games _ bad for their mental development.A. as areB. that areC. as it isD. as7、 A lot of animals we need for food have to spe

4、nd their whole lives in tiny spaces _ theyre killed.A. unlessB. onceC. untilD. when8、 _ to hide the truth from the public, the quality problem of its computer was revealed.A. As HP company tried hardB. As hard HP company triedC. Hard as HP company triedD. Hard did HP company try9、 Have you got the m

5、essage I left with your mother _ youll have a meeting tomorrow afternoon?A. where B. with whom C. that D. which10、 QQ, _ you can chat with your friends, makes communication easy.A. asB. whichC. thatD. where11、How can you expect him to make any progress _ you never give him a chance to have a try?A.

6、when B. unless C. even though D. until12、_ I read through the novel, which had a surprising ending, I had little idea what the writer wanted tell.A. WhileB. UntilC. SinceD. Not until13、The reason why I declined your invitation to the picnic was _ a job interview that day.A. because I hadB. because o

7、f havingC. on account ofD. that I had14、 Its difficult for college graduates to find a good job in China. It depends on whether they have _ it takes to be successful in todays world. A. whatB. which C. that D. whether 15、The newly-married couple made it a rule _ gets home first starts cooking the su

8、pper.A. whoB. whoeverC. no matter whoD. no matter whom16、_ seems annoying is _ these young people litter everywhere.A. It; thatB. That; whatC. What; thatD. It; why17、The Colosseum, _ Italians take pride, was built in AD 72.A. in whichB. whereC. of whichD. which18、The question that puzzles people is

9、_ the ancient people built the Great Pyramid of Khufu, which is made of 2.3 million stone blocks.A. how was itB. how it was that C. how it wasD. that how19、Living in the country has its advantages, _ freedom from pollution is the best.A. for whatB. whoseC. of whichD. from that2O、 All women want to e

10、scape from the kitchen, _ the limited place _ society expects them to fill.A. which, thatB. /, whereC. where, whichD. /, /21、 I have kept that portrait_ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.A. in whichB. whereC. whetherD. when22、When it rained, the roof bec

11、ame slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof, _ is the origin of the old-fashioned saying, “ Its raining cats and dogs”.A. itB. thatC. whereD. which23、Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.A. ifB.whenC. whichD

12、. since24、 The schools themselves admit that not all children will be successful in the jobs _ they are being trained.A. in thatB. for thatC. in whichD. for which25、 Many of us visited the industrial exhibition, _, to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products.A. whereB. whichC. asD. tha

13、t26、 _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.A. No matter whatB. No matter whichC. WhateverD. Whichever27、The companies are working together to create_ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. who28、 Having checked the d

14、oors were closed, and _ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door in his bedroom.A. whyB. thatC. whenD. where29、I think Father would like to know_Ive been up to so far, so I decided to send him a quick note.A. whichB. whyC. whatD. how30、 It is a common observation _ regulations have been carr

15、ied out to bring down the prices of houses recently, wages-earners never seem to be able to afford one.A. thatB. that althoughC. thoughD. whether 31、It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldnt _ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.A. make outB. work outC. make up forD. fill out32、I want to use the same tools _ used in your factory a few days ago.a. as wasb. which wasc. as were d. which33、The prize will go to the writer _ story shows the most imaginatio


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