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1、 中 北 大 学毕业论文开题报告学学 生生 姓姓 名名:戴琳学学 号:号:08080342X11学学 院院、系系:信息商务学院学院外语系专专 业业 :英语论论文文题题目目:Humanity and Culture-Wuthering Heighets love浅 谈 呼 啸 山 庄 中 的爱指指 导导 教教 师师:李 建 明2012 年 2 月 28 日毕毕 业业 论论 文文 开开 题题 报报 告告1结合毕业论文情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,撰写 2000 字左右的文献综述:Literature Review .Background.In Wuthering Heights by Emily B

2、ronte, based on love, on the other side, demonstrates the collision between humanity and culture. The humanity is very complex. Accordingly, this novel has the haunting plot. This novel reveals the humanitys complexity and profundity, because it implies the love and resentment, furthermore, the huma

3、nity has impacted on the temporal social culture. This paper explores the love and hate producing from the collision between humanity and culture. And try to illustrate the undying love between Catherine and Heathcliff through humanity and culture and how to face their love. Under the social culture

4、, when love turns to hate , hate twists humanity. Thereby, humanitys love is as tragedy through culture. Because they missed the beautiful time for love ,when humanity arises again.In Wuthering Heights, the topic is love, deduces us a world-shaking undying love. They are not only have the lingering

5、love, but also a deeply ingrained hate between them. Catherine and Heathcliffs love has both humanity and social culture and which bind with them. The humanity has made their love unchanged and undying, but culture destroys this love, and causes hate, Catherine betrays him. Therefore Heathcliffs hat

6、e is quite incisive and vivid, but still comes back to the love.In the novel by Emily Bronte, the two main characters have the natural style and primitive nature naivete, truculence, frankness, firmness, a flush of sentiment, behavior is crazy. They love very desperately, they hate is regardless of

7、whatever. As a result, the characters love quite strong, shaking-heart. “Unchanged as the mount, ferocity as the lighting” (song p7).Hence, Wuthering Heights becomes the most magnificent love epic in the world. Significance.“Inevitably , the unbridgeable gab in Catherines and Heath cliffs social pos

8、itions renders their fervent romance unrealizable on any practical level ”.(Liu p77)Catherines actions are so stringing driven by her social ambitions , that she betrays her humanity, and consequently Heathcliffs love turns top the hate. Heathcliff becomes a so-called genteel man, returns to Wutheri

9、ng Heights and carrying out all the cruel acts of revenge. Nevertheless, this love is natural, primitive, inner, and spiritual one. On account of their soul has been the unit cant separate from each other, no more than two bodies. The emotion cant use the culture to explain and alter it. The tempora

10、l social culture compares with the delicate humanity, thereby resulting in a painful ending to this love story. When love turns to hate, hate twists the humanity .This profound avatar is shown through Heathcliff and Catherine. The author shows for us the struggle between humanitys love and social cu

11、lture. In light if this ideal, today, how do we choose our love when faced it?. Research at home and abroadThe social culture and humanityIn the nineteenth century, the Victorian period the nobleman is enormously proud of their success, full of the temporal rank concept. Status is first, money is Go

12、d. Peoples spirits suffer from the intense oppression. Humanity is twisted without mercy. The Earnshows hold a precarious place within the hierarchy. Although the gentry, possessed servants and often large estates, they nonetheless hold a fragile social position. The Lintons are relatively firm in t

13、heir gentrys status, but the Earnshows are on much shakier ground social. Catherine wants to marry Edgar so that she will be “the greatest woman of the neighborhood”. Above all, this is the social culture and humanity on that time.、 、But Catherine and Heathcliffs character is governed by their passi

14、ons, not by reflection or ideals of civility. Also the house where they live comes to symbolize the humanity, but Thrushcross Grange represents culture, convention, refinement. When Catherine left for Thrushcross Grange the first time, she has impacted on this culture and finds herself deeply attrac

15、ted by it. Therefore, for love her heart so ambivalent. Owning to Catherines changing, Heathcliff begins to resent the society that is responsible, “when he acquires power and returns to Wuthering Heights with money and the trappings of a gentleman he becomes a villain”. Humanity was dispelled in a

16、corner; social culture was filled in civic brain.Catherines love under the social cultureThe heroineCatherine is very ambivalent in her love .Due to human nature, she loves Heathcliff deeply with childlike passion, and her soul cant live without him. But the social culture made her betray the love in order to satisfy her yearning for fame and wealth. She chooses Linton, hereby her love becomes a tragedy.Catherine is crazy about Heath cliff. Their love


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