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1、Unit Four一、一、Workbook 1. 他的同事不相信他能够按时完成这个项目。 (believe in) His colleagues did not believe in his ability to finish the project on time. 2. 由于画廊的主人缺乏管理经验,现在这家画廊正处于财务困难之中。 (financial) As the owner of the gallery lacks management experience, now the gallery is in financial difficulty. 1. 完成这个棘手的项目后,每个人都

2、该放假。 (deserve) Everyone deserved a holiday after completing the difficult project. 2. 虽然我不同意她的观点,但是我很赞赏她提出自己的观点的勇气。 (admire) Although I did not agree with her, I admired her very much for putting forward her own views. 3. 宇宙中有许多肉眼看不见得星星。 (visible) In the universe, there are many stars that are not v

3、isible to the eyes. 4. 真是遗憾,梵高在 37 岁的时候就结束了自己的生命。 (take ones own life) It is a pity that Van Gogh took his own life when he was only 37 years old. 5. 凯莉的桥车左车身上有一块大的凹痕(dent)。她一定是出过车祸了。 (must+have +past participle) Kellys car has got a big dent in the left side. She must have had an accident. 6. 玛丽不可能

4、忘了在这里和我们会面。 我昨晚打了电话提醒她野餐的事。 (cannot+have+past participle) Mary cannot have forgotten to meet us here. I called to remind her of our picnic last night. 7. 杰克还没回家,他可能误了飞机。 (may+ have + past participle) Jack isnt home yet. He may have missed the plane. 8. 这家食品公司雇佣了一些人,为他们产品的销路调查市场。 (investigate) The fo

5、od company hired some people to investigate the market for sales of its products. 2.根据自己的经验和艺术鉴赏能力(expertise), 画商断言年轻人提供的油画是一副赝品。 (fake)。 (base on; maintain) Based on his experience and expertise, the art dealer maintained that the oil painting provided by a young man was a fake. 3.眼镜始用于十三世纪末。 (date

6、 from) The use of glasses dates from the end of the thirteenth century.二、二、additional translation 3.这位战士值得尊敬,因为他为祖国献出了一切。(deserve) The soldier deserved honour because of his sacrifice for his country. 2. 伊莉萨白是新到公司的,但她与上司相处得很好。 (superior) Though Elizabeth is a new worker at the company, she gets alon

7、g well with her superiors. 3. 她放弃了教学生涯,成为了一个课后看护中心的保姆。 (abandon) She abandoned her teaching career and became a nanny in an after-school care center. 4. 尽管他饱受挫折,他的父母却始终相信他的能力,最终他非常成功。 (believe in) Though he suffered many failures/frustrations, his parents always believed in his ability, and he was s

8、uccessful in the end. 5. 他的英勇行为令他声名远扬。 (fame) His fame spread far and wide as a result of his bravery. 6. 尽管我并不很喜欢他,但他那种坚忍不拔的精神令人敬佩。 (admire) Though I dont like him very much, one has to admire his persistence. 7. 如果你想看长城的话,北京是个开始的好地方。 (view) Beijing is a good place to start from if you want to view

9、 the Great Wall. 8. 心理咨询与治疗有助于预防人们自杀。 (take ones own life) Counseling and therapy can be helpful in preventing a person from taking his or her own life. 9. 生命的起源和进化一直以来都吸引着很多人。 (origin) The origin and evolution of life has long been fascinating to many people. 10. 她声称那个故事是她写的,可没有人相信她。 (claim) She cl

10、aimed to have written that story, but no one believed her. 11. 根据李教授的研究,这项风俗起始于唐朝。 (date) According to Professor Lis research, this custom dates from the Tang Dynasty. 12. 这些研究人员在调查全球变暖的原因。 (investigate) The researchers were investigating the causes of global warming. 13. 这些油画是一位业余画家的作品。 (amateur) T

11、hese oil paintings are the works of an amateur painter. 14. 这对年轻夫妇遇到很多困难,但是他们从父母的身上得到了鼓舞,因为他们的父母在 漫长的人生中平静地承受而来许多艰难。 (inspiration) The young couple faced lots of difficulty, but found inspiration in the example of their parents, who had patiently endured much during their long lives. 15. 尽管住在一座大房子里,

12、那人却坚持说自己很穷。 (maintain) The man continued to maintain that he was poor, even though he lived in a big mansion. 三、三、KJXB translation 1.他坚持称自己曾看见过飞碟。 (maintain) 1. He maintained that he once saw a UFO. 2.她声称是她写了这部小说,但是没有人相信她。 (claim) 2. She claimed that she had written the novel, but no one believed he

13、r. 3.根据李教授的研究, 这个风俗来源于唐朝。 (date from) 3. According to Professor Lis research, this custom dates from the Tang Dynasty. 4.当她得到这份工作时,她知道这是千载难逢的机会。(lifetime) 4. When she was offered the job she knew it was the chance of a lifetime. 5.依赖于艺术销售商的经济资助,那位年轻的艺术家逐渐扩大了他的名气。(depend, develop) 5. Depending on the

14、 financial support of an art dealer, the young artist gradually developed his fame. 6.直到上世纪初,人们才了解电对生活的重要影响。(It is not until that ) It was not until the beginning of the last century that people got to know electricity has a great impact on their life. 四、四、KJXB-Test Four 中的翻译中的翻译 1.欢迎任何人对我大胆地说出反对意见。

15、(speak out) 1. Anyone is welcome to speak out against me.2.要平等不要凌驾于男人之上,也不要低声下气。(superior) 2. Feel equal - neither superior nor inferior to men.3.为了寻求更高的生活目标,他从不坐失良机。(chance) 3. In order to look for a deeper purpose in life, he never missed any golden chance.4.她在会上的可笑评论引来了在场所有人的讥笑。(greet, ridicule) 4. His silly comments at the meeting were greeted with ridicule from all the people present.5.根据自己的经验和艺术鉴赏能力,画商断言年轻人提供的油画是一幅赝品。(base on; maintain) 5. Based on his experience and expertise, the art dealer maintained that the oil painting provided by a young man was a fake.


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