U1 学案The Second Period

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《U1 学案The Second Period》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U1 学案The Second Period(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Second Period: Reading and Language points一采访游戏:Gather materials about one or two scientists , then accept others interview acting as him/her.在下面写出关键词:二 Check the answers to homework(.检测)A、根据首字母和英文释义,完成下面单词填写。1. s about or related to science 2. c the end or final part of something3. c to come or

2、 bring to an end4. a to examine or think about something carefully.B、翻译下列句子。1. 从事实中得出结论很重要。_2. 他/们提出了许多建议。_3. 领导能力和诚实是一位优秀管理人员的典型特征。_4. 她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。 _三 New lessonA. 阅读课文后(10),按发生的先后顺序排列下列事件( P3 Comprehending: 1.)Paragraph Stages inan experiment Example in this investigation1 What causes cholera?2

3、3-4 Collect data on those who were ill or dead and where they got their water. Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.5 Analyze results6 Find other evidence to confirm the conclusion.7 It was certain that polluted water carried the disease. The source of all drinking

4、water should be examined to make sure it is safe.B.按课文内容填空。John Snow was a famous doctor in London. There was the most deadly 1._ called King Cholera of his day. Every time there was an 2. , many people died of the disease. John Snow wanted to use his knowledge to help solve this problem. He knew it

5、 would never be 3._ until its cause was found. At that time, there were two theories about cholera. The first suggested that cholera 4 _in the air. The second suggested that people 5. this disease into their bodies with their meals. John Snow was determined to find out why. He suspected the second t

6、heory was correct but needed evidence. So he 6. data to test the two theories. He 7. on a map where all the dead people had lived and the map gave a 8. clue about the cause of the disease. It seemed that the water was to 9. . Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these streets. Wit

7、h enough evidence, he announced with 10. that polluted water carried the virus. Homework:1. 继续阅读课文,注意新词汇和语言点;2. 组内讨论并完成 教材 P3 Comprehending 的 3、4 题。Period 4 口语训练一、模仿朗读朗读下列两段解说词。“I want to take you on a journey. Its a journey like no other, a journey out there.” Look up at the night sky. What do you

8、see? The planets, the stars, a million points of light. Youre looking at your universe. This series will take you there. We experience firsthandthe wonder of the universe, its power and its danger: And to take a close look, we even bring space down here to earth. Well seek out alien life, witness th

9、e birth of new worlds, and well discover why, what happens out there in space affects all of us here on the one small planet, we callour home. Last week, a mother took her four-year-old daughter Sally to a childrens party by train. Sally sat near the window and a middle-aged lady who was dressed in a blue coat and a large, funny hat sat opposite her. After the train left the station, the lady began to make up her face. Sally told her she was still ugly though she had made up, and this made the mother very embarrassed!


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