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1、学案学案被动语态被动语态学习目标: 1. 回顾上节内容,巩固旧知识。 2.归纳学习语法:掌握各个时态的被动结构结构及其相关习题。 能力提升: 让自己大胆动手,在错误中进步 熟能生巧熟能生巧(同学们,对应好知识点,考什么练什么,你会很棒)(同学们,对应好知识点,考什么练什么,你会很棒)1. What are you going to do this Saturday? (烟台烟台2008)I _ yet. A. havent decided B. wont decide C. am not decided D. didnt decide 2. Where is Jim? I want to pl

2、ay chess with him. (江苏(江苏08) He _ the computer room. You might find him there.A. has been to B. has gone to C. had been toD. had gone to 3. His mother _for a year. A. Died B. has died C. has been dead D. had died .He has taught at this school since I came here,(划问)被动语态被动语态 一、语法知识语法知识(一)语态种类语态种类:_ 和_

3、.(二) 主动语态变被动语态的步骤主动语态变被动语态的步骤:(你能想出咱们的口诀吗)例如: We speak English.( ) ( ) ( )(三三) 各个时态的的被动结构各个时态的的被动结构:(学习方法:小组合作讨论,小 组长检查!)(对照课件核对答案) 小试身手小试身手:(参考上表,先自己动脑,然后核对讨论奥!) 1.We planted trees in our school last week. (改为被动结构) Many trees _ _in our school last week. 2. You should take care of the books. (同上)The

4、 books _ _ _ _ _. 3. Do people grow tea in South China?_ tea _ in south China? 4. The Olympic Games _(hold) every four year. 5. A school _(build) here next year. 6. Can the bike _(put) here? 7. I_(tell) to go to school early just now. (四) 1. We saw her cry just now.(变为被动)She _ _ _ _ just now.(你发现了什么

5、知识点了吗?)Feel等词变被动时要在后面加_. 小试牛刀小试牛刀 1.He was seen _ (play) basketball every day.2.Mary was heard _ just now. What happened? John was telling a joke. A. cry B. to cry C. laugh D. to laugh 3. Jim was made _ his homework at home.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did 课堂反思 1. 想一下我们复习了几个时态的被动呢?结构是? 2. 你能把不熟的单词和句子再

6、想一遍吗?1. The letter _ in French, I cant read it. (石家庄08)A. is writing B. is written C. wrote D. writes 2. Last yar, Li Hua, a college student,_ to work for the Olympic Games. (河北08) A. is choosing B. is chosen C. was choosing D. was chosen 3. How clean the window is! Yes, it _ just now.(盐城08)A. has b

7、een cleaned B. was cleaned C. is cleaned D. will be cleaned 学案(二) 一)单词: (学习方法:转移记忆) 1. 发明(联想一下名词)2. 加热 3. 注意到 4. 生产,制造 5. 合意的,令人愉快的 6. 馅饼 7. 投, 掷 8. 味道,风味 9. 世 纪 10. 活泼的,积极的 11. 敲击 12. 金属 13. 向着,朝着 14. 酸 的 15. 篮,筐 16. 咸的 17. 留下,被遗留 (二)重点短语 (学习方法:自我完成,参考板书对答案,再熟记句子。)1. Sorry, I rode the bike_ _(错误地)。

8、2. Photo Chips was invented _ _( 意外的)3. Pens _ _ _(被用来)writing.4. You must take the medicine _ _(根据) the instructions.5. A little girl _ _(跌落) the lake. (三) 重点句子 (学习方法:自我完成,参考板书对答案,再熟记句子。)1. 它用来干什么?Whats it _ _? 2. 电话是什么时候发明的?_ _ the telephone _? 3.谁发明了汽车?_ was the car _ _? 4.我们班有 27 名同学。 1. Flowers

9、 must _ well every day. 中考练兵场中考练兵场 A. be watered B. water C. watered D. be water 2. Have you moved into the house? -Not yet. The rooms _. A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting3. Where _ the 2010 World Expo( 世博会)_? In Shanghai. (08 安徽)A. does hold B. is, held C. wi

10、ll. be held D. will, hold 4. We _ in this poor when we were young but now it _fish.时态名称被动结构1. 一般过去时2.一般现在时3.现在完成时4.一般将来时5.现在进行时6.含情态动词的被动特例展示,小心奥特例展示,小心奥!A. are used to swim, used to keep B. are used to swimming, is used to keep C. used to swim; used to keep .D. used to swim; is used for keeping (08 滨州)5. Who is the little baby in the photo, Susan? Its me. This photo _ ten years ago. 5.takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken (08 北京)



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