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1、开场白:Good afternoon,lidies and gentlemen,honorable judges.Its my great honor to speak hereMotion: pay women an absolute equal salary for an equal months work定义:享有相同的工资是指工资标准,也就是说男女完成同样工作量的情况下工资应该是相同的.另一种观点是按时间计算,男女每天的工作时间相同所以工资应该相同.Definition: Enjoy the same wages means wage standard, under the circu

2、mstances of men and women do the same work wage should be the same. Another view is calculated according to the time, the daily working hours of men and women the same wages should be the same so.不应该:I hold the view of under the current situation the same work men get higher wages than women are und

3、erstandably 论据:1.在很多工作上男人自然比女人的工作量大,效率高,男人工作能力更强In many work mens workload is more than womens and higher-efficiency, in the fact,it is hard for them to do the equal work when they do the same work.For example,when a man and a woman do the same work, there is no doubt that the man will take more res

4、ponsibilities as a chief and the woman usually does the assistants work.so how can you say that women should get the same work pay when they do the same work? it is generally accepted that the working efficiency of men is higher than women. Because it is typical of women to talk when they are workin

5、g while man prefer to getting down to their work.2.看是什么样的工作,就算同类型的工作同样的工作量,但是男人比女人相对来说要稳定,女人可能生孩子或是照顾家而分心,潜在的风险性也是公司考虑的问题。妇女常常在职业生涯的关键时候退出工作来操持家庭,研究表明,在25 岁至 35 岁的年龄段,坚持不懈的努力工作对取得晋升及工作保障至关重要。而正是在这个年龄段,妇女可能会开始生孩子并会在工作上落后于男人,而当生完孩子后再进入公司,知识陈旧,技能老化,很难再与之前同样的男工相比,所以公司在工资上会更加优待男士。To see what kind of work

6、, even if the same type of work the same amount of work, men more likely to be relatively stable than women, woman may have children or take care of home and distraction, the potential risk is the company should considered. Women are often at a critical time of her career to manage family and quit w

7、ork, studies show that in ages 25 to 35 years old,persistent hard work is critical to achieving promotions and job security. And it is at this age, women may begin to have children and be at work behind the man, when women take time off to have children, they dont always recover the same power when

8、they return to work. And through the long maternity leave, they may be unfamiliar with their work.so we support that men should earn more than women.3. 男女的工资至今仍有这么大的差异,部分原因是立法的滞后性和救济程序的复杂性造成的,在没有足够完备的法律以及充分的救济的情况下,根本无法讨论同工同酬。以我国为例,我国同工同酬立法存在不足。虽然我国宪法 、劳动法均确立了同工同酬原则,明确对劳动者的同工同酬权予以保障。但由于未进行专门立法,而现有规定还

9、处于宣示性和原则性阶段,缺乏具体适用范围、判断标准、救济方式、抗辩事由的审查及可操作的惩罚措施等重要内容,因此同酬权益得不到有效保障也就不足为奇。The wages of men and women still have such a big difference, partly because of the lag of legislation and the complexity of the relief program.Without complete laws and adequate relief, its meaningless to say that equal work as

10、ks for equal pay. In our country, for example, there are legislative shortcomings for the regulation(the specific legislation and existing regulation is still in the declaration and principle, the lack of specific scope, judgment standard, the relief way, the censorship and justifications operationa

11、l penalties and other important content).Therefore,although in Chinas “constitution“,and“labor law“ ,the principle of the regulation is established.and equal work is guaranteed equal pay,the rights and interests still can not get effective guarantee. 4.因为社会性别角色的分工,妇女在家庭中承担了大量的家务劳动,抚育子女、照料老人、日常家务等等一般

12、都被认为是女性该做的,所以在社会上承担的工作量和工作时间必然相应要减少,所以相应的,社会收入也必定要减少。 与其在叫喊“男女平等” 、 “男女同工同酬”上证明女性的确在社会工作上加倍牺牲,不如让政府在女性实在地付出的生育、抚养和家庭劳动量上给予报酬。 另外,尽管有很多女性一生没有生育,但同样因为这种潜在可能性和社会普遍倾向而不得不令其所在的单位考虑这种可能性,因为这个原因她们在职业机会和收入上受到严重损失,所以这些女性只有比男性干得更好更多,才能拿到同等的机会和收入Since the division of gender roles, women bear a lot of housework

13、 in the family, raising children, caring for the elderly, daily chores, etc. are generally considered to be women do, so bear in society workload and time will be appropriate to reduce, Therefore, women will reduce the workload and work time, at the same time, also must reduce their own income.Compa

14、red whith constantly promoting like “equality“ and theory“men and women get equal pay for equal work“, making government pay women to thank their contribution to the birth and breeding of children and family labor is better. Moreover, due to the widespread tendency reproductive potential and many ot

15、her social factors, its of necessarity to consider this possibility in a lot of work, as a result, there are a lot of women on their career still suffer heavy loss in both between opportunities and income although they are not married. In this way, these women must afford much more than men if they

16、want to get equal opportunities and revenue.5. 任何劳动肯定产生经济效益。Any labor certainly generate economic benefits, For a boss,giving salary to employees depending on how much profit the employees generate for the company. But as we all know,for the same position ,men usually do better and generate more profit for company.6. 由于生理原因,妇女工作的强度和复杂程度不如男人 ,像女生那样每个月都有几天不舒服啊,要不然工作个 1 年 2 年就要休产假啊,所以作为用人单位当然更乐于把更多的工资给麻烦事比较少的男士Due to physiological reasons, intensity and complexity of womens work a



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