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2、企业的利益。基于以上时代背景及薪酬激励对提高企业竞争力的重要作用,本文从我国中小企业的薪酬激励现状出发,通过对出现的问题进行深入的剖析,以探索出一条符合我国中小企业实际情况的薪酬激励机制,为中小企业在如何激励员工方面提出一些合理化建议,最大限度地开发企业人力资源的潜能,使我国中小企业在健康的轨道上飞速发展。关键词:中小企业,员工,薪酬,激励策略,研究;关键词:中小企业,员工,薪酬,激励策略,研究;AbstractMarriage is not only a private act, but also a social line, a legal act. If the family is th

3、e cell, stability and development of the society plays a fundamental role in the most prolonged, then the institution of marriage is such a fundamental role in the foundation. It is both the starting point of the family and the formation of signs, and the central axis and the family. Ignorance time

4、(especially before the rise of Islam to 100 years) the whole Arab society is a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society from the period of transition, marriage is still in the hazy state, society and there is no uniform system to regulate its adjustment, and the main depend on the country, custo

5、mary practices within the clan. The combination between men and women living 中小企业人力资源激励机制的研究together is not the exclusive premise of the dual system of universal popularity of marriage. The conclusion of the marriage and the dissolution of marriage should be very easy, frequent changes in marital re

6、lations. Muhammad in Medina created the process of religious communities, it is aware of the importance of marriages place in society, so “the Koran“ in the behavior of many of the norms relating to marriage verses and adjustment. Which proposed “to encourage marriage, divorce, serious,“ “Marriage T

7、aboo,“ “restricted polygamy,“ “be married“, “employed instrument system“ and other legislative ideas are positive sense of the times. After Muhammads teachings scientists is in the “Koran“ on the basis, through the development of the Hadith, public discussion, analogy and other forms of marriage and

8、 constantly improve the legal system of Islam, but also formed a four famous schools of teaching : Hanafi school, school of Malik, Shafei rare instrument and a hundred schools of Le School. The institution of marriage they made a more detailed provision regarding marriage, the marriage effect, the r

9、ights and obligations between husband and wife, divorce, custody, parental rights and other issues is recognized. Keywords: Islamic, law, marriage, system, research; 目录目录摘要.1 Abstract.1 目录.2 引言.3 一、激励理论.4 1.1、薪酬激励理论及启示.4 1.2、国内外关于薪酬激励的研究现状.5 二、相关概念的界定.6 2.1、中小企业.6 2.2、薪酬.7 2.3、激励.7 三、我国企业薪酬激励问题分析.7 3.1、企业当前发展状况简述.7 3.2、我国企业发展特点.8中小企业人力资源激励机制的研究四、企业现有薪酬激励中存在的问题.9 4.1、重视激励的灵活性,忽视激励的制度化.9 4.2、薪酬激励模糊,缺乏透明度.10 4.3、重视经济性报酬,忽视非经济性报酬.10 4.4、重视短期激励,忽视长期、综合激励.11 五、企业激励问题产生的原因分析.


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