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1、长沙市体育健身娱乐市场现状调查与研究长沙市体育健身娱乐市场现状调查与研究论文摘要论文摘要硕士研究生硕士研究生 李晓东李晓东指导老师指导老师孙葆丽孙葆丽体育健身娱乐市场是指为满足消费者强身健体 娱乐休闲的体育需要而提供 体育器材 场地 技术服务的场所 调查发现长沙市体育健身娱乐市场已经初具 规模 但也存在不同程度的问题 加强健身娱乐市场研究对引导和指导长沙市体 育健身娱乐市场逐步走上健康有序的发展轨道具有重要理论价值和现实意义 本文从哲学 社会学 市场营销学等多学科的角度出发 综合运用文献资料 法 专家访谈法 问卷调查法 调查访问法 数理统计法等研究方法 对长沙市 体育健身娱乐市场的经营环境 经

2、营单位 消费等方面的问题进行了全面的详细 研究研究结果显示 长沙市体育健身娱乐市场的经营单位存在着地理分布相对集中 以私人经营 为主体 多种经济成分并存 经营规模大小不等 经营项目多样和多档次服务等 现象 大多数健身娱乐企业起步较晚 管理人员的经营意识不强且人数太多技术 人员相对太少 营销手段缺少多样性但市场前景看好 经营娱乐场所的消费对象主要是文化程度比较高收入可观的中青年人但 消费的总体水平不高 并且从事健身娱乐活动的人数少且频率比较低 在项目选 择方面 不同年龄段的人在选择适当的健身娱乐活动项目上也有不同的表现 人 们不参加付费健身娱乐活动的原因主要是 体育消费环境受经济条件的限制其次为

3、缺乏消费者的动机主要是健康娱乐 影响消费者参加体育健身娱乐活动的首要 因素是 工作紧张家务繁忙价格偏高 等 在社会因素中 相关群体影响最 大消费者选择经营场所因人而异主要是结合个人习惯价格服务等因素 选择环境较好的经营场所 消费者参加健身娱乐活动的主要形式是与亲戚 家人 朋友同事等相关群体为伴 多数消费者不清楚体育健身娱乐市场的现状一部分消费者认为目前长沙市 体育健身娱乐市场还存在许多方面的不足 主要问题有 市场规模不大 价格太 高服务质量差和管理不完善等看好长沙市体育健身娱乐市场的人数很少 长沙市体育健身娱乐市场存在的主要问题有1 体育健身娱乐市场的经营 环境有待进一步改善2 体育健身娱乐市

4、场本身发育不成熟 现有消费群 体不大高素质体育经营人才匮乏投融资渠道不畅 长沙市体育健身娱乐市场需求的发展趋势如下体育健身娱乐消费行为 大众化 ,多样化消费档次的需求 体育健身娱乐消费项目综合性满足的需求体育健身娱乐市场对特色项目的需求老年人娱乐体育将受到全社会 的普遍重视 加快长沙市体育健身娱乐市场发展的建议() 更新观念 加强宏观管理 () 借鉴经验 制定体育健身娱乐市场的发展战略 () 优化资金 加大政府扶 持力度 () 努力扩大消费群体 积极开发适销对路的消费品 () 培养和造就 体育健身娱乐市场经营管理专业人才 关键词关键词长沙市 体育健身娱乐市场 调查 研究 2The status

5、 investigation and study about the fitness and amusementmarkets in ChangSha cityMaster GraduateXiaodong LiTutorBaoli SunAbstract:The sports fitness and amusement market is the place, which supply sports implements, court and technique service, to satisfy the consumer sports requirement of sports fit

6、ness leisure and entertainment. It is surveyed that the sports fitness and amusement market in Changsha city has been established but exists some problems. It is valuable and important to impose the research of the sport fitness and entertainment markets. The study can lead and guide the development

7、 of the sport fitness and amusement of Changsha city. The article analyzes completely the main problem in manage environment, manage units and consumers by cultural heritage data method, expert interview method, questionnaire investigate method, visit investigate method, statistic method and so on.

8、From the angle that philosophy, sociology, market etc. The paper conclude that: 1.The sports fitness and amusement market in Changsha city is geographically distributed too centralized and is mainly operated privately. It also consists of many other economic sectors is with varying scales and grades

9、. 2.Most of the fitness and amusement enterprises are stared late. And there are too many administrative personnel with poor managing ideas. In comparison, here are too few technical personnel. But the future of the market is bright. 3.The consumers are mainly mid-age and young people with high educ

10、ation and considerable income. But the balanced level of consumption is low. Population to be engaged in fitness and amusement activities is small, and those who are engaged dont take part in it very often. For the choosing of programs, people in different ages have different choices. The reasons wh

11、y people dont join charging sports are mainly the limitation of income and the lack of sports environment. 4.The main purpose of consumers is to gain better health and amusement. The basic factors that affect people taking sports fitness and amusement are “being busy at working and housework”, “too

12、high prices” etc. Among the social factors, people are more affected by the groups they live together. The choosing of places is different from person to person. They usually choose better places according to their habits, the prices and the services. Their relatives, families, friends and colleague

13、s while taking such activities usually accompany the consumers. 5.Most consumers are not clear about the current condition of the sports fitness amusement market. Some of them think that there are many weak points in changsha citys sports fitness amusement market. The key problems are: the scales ar

14、e not big enough, the prices are too high, the services are not good and the management is poor. Those who think highly of the market in changsha city are few. 6.The key problems of the sports fitness amusement market in changsha city: the3operating environment is to be improved; the market itself i

15、s not mature yet; the current consumption community is not very big; it lacks highly talented operating persons; the investment channels are not smooth. 7.The development tends of the sports fitness amusement market in changsha city are: the popularization of the sports fitness amusement and the div

16、ersification of consumption grades; the need of multiple consumption programs; the need of characteristic items; items for persons of advanced age will be valued generally by the public. 8.Suggestions for fastening the development of the sports fitness amusement market: More new ideas, enhance the macro view management. Draw lessons from experience, and establish the development strategy of sports fitness and amusement market. Make better use of the funds



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