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1、18A Unit1一、根据括号中所给汉语写出单词1. He has a_(方形的) face and looks handsome.2. Alan is very smart and always answers questions_(正确地) .3. Could you give me some _(建议) on how to learn English well?4. Do you like reading _(杂志).5. He has poor _(视力), so he wears glasses.6. Amy is helpful,she often _(解决) problems f

2、or others.7. Dont be _(紧张) when you make a speech at the meeting.8. Betty is _(苗条的) enough to wear the tight trousers.9. An _(诚实的) girl will not tell a lie.10. We all like our history teacher, because he has a sense of _(幽默).二、翻译词组1. 乐意干某事_2. 对人很慷慨_3. 一个叫马克斯的好朋友_4. 从事太多电脑工作_5. 面带微笑 _6. 使他看上去帅帅的_7. 感

3、到厌倦或不快_8. 给需要的人让座_9. 和某人分享快乐_10. 保密_11. 读一则广告_12. 有一头直直的齐肩发_13. 尽力干某事_14. 在绘画比赛中_15. 想要成为一名社会工作者_16. 成为一名著名的歌手_17. 周游世界_18. 告诉你关于我的未来计划_19. 左边这位科学家_ 20. 讲有趣的笑话_三、选择题( )1. I like that restaurant _ Happy House. The food there is very delicious.A. name B. named C. naming D. to name( )2. Everything is p

4、repared. We are ready _ work.A. to start B. for start C. start D. starting( )3. The computer is much too expensive. Ill _ it.A. talk about B. think of C. think about D. say about ( )4. The apple tastes _. Would you like to have a taste?A. well B. bad C. badly D. nice( )5. He was in such a hurry that

5、 he _ my book _ my desk when he walked past.2A. knocked; on B. knocked; downC. knocked; over D. knocked; off( )6. A friend _is a friend indeed.A. in need B. on need C. at need D. of need( )7. The streets in Shanghai are much _ than before.A. wide B. widely C. more widely D. wider( )8. Things are get

6、ting _.A. bad and bad B. worse and worse C. worst and worst D. badly and badly( )9. Who is _ of the two boys?A. careful B. the more carefulC. much careful D. the most careful( )10. The teacher often makes us _ in class, and life here makes us _.A. laugh; happy B. to laugh; to happy C. to laugh; happ

7、y D. laughing; happy( )11. No hurry. Theres _time left.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few( )12. He is not _ Tom.A. as a good student as B. so a good student asC. so good a student as D. as a student as( )13. Skiing and diving are _ our favourites. The students in our class _ like them.A. all; bot

8、h B. both; all C. all; all D. both; both( )14. _ he spoke, _ tired he felt.A. The more; the better B. The many; the betterC. The more; the more D. The many; the much( )15. Tokyo is larger than _ in Japan.A. any city B. any other city C. any other citiesD. any cities四、句子翻译1. 周杰伦比孙楠瘦得多。_2. 我想知道他长什么样。_

9、3. 这些天我很不开心,因为我的学习遇到了一些问题。_4. 他不知道怎样和新同学谈话。_35. Millie 认为徒步旅行没有潜水危险,所以她喜欢徒步旅行。_6. 她很善良,从不说任何人的坏话。_7. Millie 说她长大想当一名社会工作者。_8. 如果我们细心点的话,我认为任何一种户外活动都不会有危险。_9. 我不喜欢天黑后独自外出。_10. 你相信她所说的话吗?_五、 书面表达要求: 李老师是你最喜欢的老师,向大家介绍一下他的情况。字数 60 字左右。1李老师是我校最受欢迎的数学老师之一。年近四十,身高 1.75 左右。2去年在市教学(teaching)比赛中获一等奖。3工作之余喜欢运动。4对学生友善,是学生的朋友。_48A Unit 1 参考答案参考答案一、根据括号中所给汉语写出单词 1. square 2. correctly 3. advice 4. magazines 5. eyesight 6. solves 7. nervous 8. slim 9. honest 10. humour二、翻译词组 1. be willing to do sth /be ready to do sth2. be generous to sb 3. a good friend called Alax4. work on too much



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