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1、1新目标英语八年级下册新目标英语八年级下册 Unit 1 教学案教学案(第一课时) 审核:课课 题题Unit 1 Will people have robots ? (P2-3)2-3)执笔:舒海燕教学目标教学目标1. Master vocabularies: will, robot, wont, everything, paper, fewer, pollution, tree. 2. Master and use: Future with will. Quantities with more,less,fewer.教学重点教学重点1. The vocabulary. 2. Use the

2、language to make predictions. 教学难点教学难点Use the language to make predictions. 教教 学学 程程 序序学学 习习 过过 程程教学过程教学过程一一.课前反馈课前反馈 Ask and answer: 1. What do you usually do on weekends. 2. What does he she usually do on weekends? 3. How often do you/we/they exercise/shop/watch? 4. How do you get to school? 5. Co

3、uld you please come to my party this Saterday? 6. What are you going to do on vacation? 二二.自主学习自主学习1.自主学习P2-32-3的单词 ( 找出新单词,边读边写两遍。)2.熟读 1a 中的句子,初步掌握 1a 中的句型。 3.自主练习 1c 中的对话,并做人称代词的替换练习 Will people use money in 100 years? (they, you, he,she, xiaoming and I, we) No, they wont. Everything will be free

4、. Will people live to be 200 years old? Yes, they will. 4.通读 2a, 2b 中的句子,注意单词 more, less, fewer. 理解句子意 思,为听力练习做好准备。(帮你学:few, a few, little, a little, much, many)few 和 a few 修饰或代替复数可数名词,few 表示否定意义, a few 表示肯定意义;little 和 a little 修饰或代替不可数名词, little 表示否定意义,a little 表示肯定意义。可数名词和不可数名词前都可用 some, any, a lo

5、t of, lots of 等修饰。可数名词表示不确定数量时,用 a few, few,many 修饰。 询问数量时用 how many;不可数名词表示不确定数量时,用 a little, little,much 修饰。询问数量时,用 how much。 三三.合作探究合作探究一.Review a.Organize the students to have a dictation then make evaluation.b.Review the sentences learned in last lesson.二. Let students learn and discuss the pro

6、nunciation of new words,then show them and complete 1a.三. Finish 1a with the students. And ask students to practice the dialogue in 1c. Let students do listening exercises. Use the sentences to comnunicate with others in groups.21.小组讨论并完成 1a。 2.听录音,完成 1b,并检查答案。 (探究 less、fewer 的区别) 3.分组练习 1c 的对话。 4.听

7、录音,完成 2a, 2b,并检查答案。 5.仿照 2c 的对话,小组合作编对话,并俩俩练习所编对话。 四四.一课多练一课多练1. 熟练 P2-3 的对话。2.用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。 A: What do you think Sally will _ (is) in 5 years?B: I think she will _ (is) a doctor. Ill _ with my friend because I dont like_ alone .(live) Hell probably go _ (skate) and _ (swim). What _ you _ (do) at

8、9:00 last Saturday morning. 五五.总结延伸总结延伸 小组讨论语法要点并总结本节课我学到了六六.新知提示新知提示预习教材 4 页,圈出不认识的单词.并尝试完成 3a,3c.四. Ask students to finish the exercises and check the answers.五.Let students summary what they have learned this class. 六.New content preparing and homework板书设计: Unit 1 Will people have robots ?will ro

9、bot Will people use money in 100 years? (they, you, he,she, xiaoming and I, we) wont No, they wont. Everything will be free.everything Will people live to be 200 years old? paper fewer Yes, they will.pollution tree3新目标英语八年级下册新目标英语八年级下册 Unit 1 教学案教学案(第二课时) 审核:课课 题题Unit 1 Will people have robots ? (P4

10、)4)执笔:舒海燕教学目标教学目标1.Master vocabularies: shell, building 2.Master and use: Future with will.教学重点教学重点1 The vocabulary. 2.Talk about the future with will. 教学难点教学难点Use the language to talk about the future with will. 教教 学学 程程 序序学学 习习 过过 程程教学过程教学过程一一.课前反馈课前反馈Dictation: will, robot, wont, everything, pape

11、r, fewer, pollution, tree.Ask and answer:1. Will people use money in 100 years? 2. Will people live to be 200 years old?3. Will kids go to school?4. Will books be on paper?5. Will there only be one country?6. Will you have robots?二二.自主学习自主学习 1. 自主学习 P4 4的单词。( 找出新单词,边读边写两遍。)2. 自读 3a,看图理解,完成填空后熟读句子两遍。

12、 ( 通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。)三三.合作探究合作探究 1. 小组讨论并熟读单词,相互检查。 2. 小组合作编关于 Sally 的预言完成 3b,并练习对话。 3. 让各小组展示本组所编对话。一.Review a.Organize the students to have a dictation then make evaluation.b.Review the sentences learned in last lesson.二. Study the new words on P4 and copy these words twice. Ask students t

13、o read 3a, and finish it.三. Ask students to read 3a, and finish it. Use the sentences to comnunicate with others in groups. 四. Ask students to finish the exercises and check the answers.五.Let students summary 4四四.一课多练一课多练 1. 讨论并完成 3c。 2. 根据句意和首写字母写出正确的单词。 What do you think life w_ be like in 100 yea

14、rs? Scientists are trying to make r_ work for us. There will be fewer trees and more p_. People will use l_ paper in the future.The b_ in Guangzhou are becoming taller and taller.五五.总结延伸总结延伸本节课我学到了六六.新知提示新知提示预习教材 5-6 页,圈出不认识的单词.并熟读。what they have learned this class. 六.New content preparing and homew

15、ork板书设计: Unit 1 Will people have robots ?shell = she willbuilding(学生写 3c 的答案)5新目标英语八年级下册新目标英语八年级下册 Unit 1 教学案教学案(第三课时) 审核:课课 题题Unit 1 Will people have robots ? (P5-6)5-6)执笔:舒海燕教学目标教学目标1.Master vocabularies: astronaut, rocket, space station, fly, moon, fall in love with, alone, pet, parrot, probably, suit, go skating, be able to, dress, casually, which, even, the World Cup, wrote, took, fell. 2.Master and use: Listening skills and reading skills.教学重点教学重点1 The vocabulary. 2. Master and use: Listening skills and reading skills. 教学难点教学难点Master and use: Lis


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