1、本本科毕业论文(设计)科毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)题目:农业栽培措施对烟草主要病害的影响论文(设计)题目:农业栽培措施对烟草主要病害的影响 贵州大学本科毕业论文(设计)贵州大学本科毕业论文(设计)诚信责任书诚信责任书本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所完成。毕业论文(设计)中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。特此声明。论文(设计)作者签名: 日 期: I目录目录目录.I摘要.III关键词.IIIAbstract.IVKey words.V前言.11、生石灰和有机肥配施田间试验.51.1、材料与方法.51.1.1、供试材料.
3、1、试验结果统计.103.2.2、试验结果分析.104.1、材料与方法.114.1.1、试验品种.114.1.2、品比田间设置.114.1.3、调查方法.114.1.4、烟草赤星病分级标准.114.1.5 控病效果计算方法 .124.2、结果与分析.124.2.1、试验结果统计.124.2.2、试验结果分析.125、结论与讨论.13参考文献.14致谢.15III农业栽培措施对烟草主要病害的影响摘要烟草是我国重要的经济作物,是国家和地方财税的重要经济来源,也是农民增收的重要途径。随着栽培条件的变化,烟草的病害为害日益严重,尤其是几种主要的烟草病害:烟草花叶病、马铃薯 Y 病毒病、黑胫病、青枯病、
5、因此,田间生产需科学合理的进行生石灰和有机肥配施。2.烟草马铃薯套种对烟草马铃薯 Y 病毒病、青枯病的影响较大,发病率比未套种的高很多, 烟草马铃薯套种对 TMV、CMV 的影响也非常显著,对黑胫病的影响差异不明显。3.随着施氮量的增加,烟草主要病害发病情况有加重的趋势。不同病害之间比较,其中气候斑点病情况较严重,普通花叶病相对较轻,马铃薯 Y 病毒最轻。4.不同移栽期对烟草根茎类病害的影响较大,移栽期对马铃薯 Y 病毒病、赤星病发生程度都有一定影响。关键词: 农业措施;烟草;主要病害;控病效果IVAbstractTobacco is an important economic crop in
6、 China is an important state and local tax sources of income, but also an important way to increase income of farmers. With the change in cultivation conditions, tobacco growing disease damage, especially in several major tobacco diseases: tobacco mosaic virus, potato Y virus, black shank, bacterial
7、 wilt, brown spot, climate spots on tobacco production in China resulted in huge losses, as a constraint to the development of tobacco production in China a major factor.Current use of tobacco diseases mainly chemicals for control, but drug-resistant bacteria and chemicals on the tobacco quality and
8、 the environmental impact of chemical control of tobacco diseases become major problems, is not conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of the tobacco industry. The study concluded tobacco agriculture on the basis of control measures on the basis of field trials passed, the system of ag
9、ricultural cultivation measures the impact of major diseases of tobacco, basic grasp of organic fertilizer and lime, different planting patterns, different different nitrogen fertilizer and transplanting of main diseases of tobacco disease control role. The results were as follows: 1. Lime and organic fertilizers on the main disease of tobacco is more obvious, the ratio of low concentration has little effect on the incidence of disease, with the application rate increased, the role of disease prevention and control to a certain extent