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1、第八章 激励填空:1、Supervisors may be able to motivate workers by giving them more attention and by allowing them to participate.2、Maslows Hierarchy of Needs suggests that people rank their needs into 5 general categories.3、Firms can attempt to satisfy employees by offering adequate compensation for the wor

2、k involved.4、Employees commonly compare their compensation and perceived contribution with others.5、Another form of employees involvement is teamwork, in which a group of employees with varied job position have the responsibility to achieve a specific goal.选择:1、 suggest that different employees may

3、be at different places in the hierarchy.A. Reinforcement Theory B. Equity Theory C. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs D. Theory Z2、 in which employees work with their managers to set their goals and determine the manner in which they will complete their task.A. Empowerment and participative managementB. Te

4、amworkC. Open-Book ManagementDManagement by objectives(MBO)3、 suggest that an employees efforts are influenced by the expected outcome (reward) for those efforts.A. Hawthorne Studies B. Theory Z C. Herzbergs Job Satisfaction Study D. Expectancy Theory4、 allows a set of employees to periodically rota

5、te their job assignments.A. Empowerment B. Job rotation C. Open-Book Management D. Teamwork5、_a program to expand (enlarge) the jobs assigned to employees.A. Job enlargement B. Teamwork C. Open-Book Management D. Job rotation 6、Many of the theories on motivation suggest that firms can motivate emplo

6、yees to perform well by ensuring job satisfaction. A more popular job enrichment programs is _A. Teamwork B. Job security C. Open-Book Management D. Job rotation 7、Putting emphasis on _can improve a firms profits and value.A. Job security B. Teamwork C. adequate compensation D. job satisfaction8、The

7、 following guideline can help in designing a compensation plan that motivate employees A. Empowerment B. Specific Employee Goals.C. Open-Book Management D. Teamwork9、_ allows employees the power to make more decisions.A. Empowerment B. Specific Employee Goals.C. Job enlargement D. Teamwork10、Open-bo

8、ok management has_ distinct characteristics.A. One B. ThreeC.Four D. Five-(1-5:C D D B A 6-10:B D B A B)判断:1、Many businesses are successful not just because of their business ideas, but also because of their employees. ()2、When the lighting was increased, the production level increased. Yet the prod

9、uction level also increased when the lighting was reduced. ()3、To decrease job satisfaction, many U.S .firms have begun to allow employees more responsibility. ()4、Z Theory emphasizes that employees can become dissatisfied with their jobs if they believe that they are not equitably compensated. ()5、

10、 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs suggest that different employees may be at different places in the hierarchy. ()6、 Theory X suggest that people prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition. ()7、Expectancy Theory suggest that an employees efforts are influenced by the

11、 expected outcome(reward) for those efforts. ()名词解释:1、Open-Book ManagementOpen-Book Management which educates employees on their contribution to the firm and enables them to periodically assess their own performance levels.2、Job rotation Job rotation allows a set of employees to periodically rotate

12、their job assignments.3、Empowerment and participative managementSupervisors at many firms have delegated more authority to their employees. This strategy is referred to as empowerment, as it allows employees the power to make more decisions.案例分析:张小姐是一家软件公司的销售人员,能力强,热爱工作,成绩显著。今年被派到她最喜欢的上海去工作并升任销售经理,薪水也增加了。但是近期她工作热情减弱,甚至还有辞职的念头。原来公司李总对她在上海工作不放心,总是安排简单琐碎的工作给她,还在张小姐工作时经常干预。张小姐性格独立,爱思考,喜欢独立解决问题,对于上司的频繁干预,非常不习惯,并逐渐感到不满。问题:如果你是公司老板,你会用什么方式来激励员工。答案要点:精神与物质激励相结合、关注员工的即时需要、决策权、目标激励、马斯洛 需要层次理论、分配有挑战性的工作、



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