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1、专业文稿写作 扣扣:506717090高级管理人员工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBAEMBA)学学 位位 论论 文文高校共青团工作管理信息系统设计高校共青团工作管理信息系统设计英文标题:?英文标题:?作作 者者 年年 级级 20102010 级级 学学 号号 310460102125310460102125指指 导导 教教 师师 何何 杰杰 定定 稿稿 时时 间间 20132013 年年 1010 月月 西南财经大学西南财经大学西南财经大学西南财经大学 学位论文原创性及知识产权声明学位论文原创性及知识产权声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究工作所取


3、此声明。学位申请人:2011 年 1 月摘 要1摘摘 要要随着科学技术的日新月异,特别是近年来计算机技术、通讯技术的迅速发展,使得人们对信息社会和安全舒适的方便的管理方式的需求在不断的增加。各个行业也随着信息技术的发展也在发生着很大的变化,特别是近些年互联网的不断深入各个行业,在管理领域已经取得了巨大的发展,目前从国家到企业都掀起了信息化的高潮,信息化以其特有的特点,成为目前各项、各级别管理工作的研究的重点。在中央纪念中国共产主义青年团成立 90 周年大会上,胡总书记发表了重要讲话。讲话高度评价了 90 年来各级团组织团结带领广大团员青年为党和人民的事业不懈奋斗的光辉历程。历史告诉我们:共青团


5、来管理共青团工作的一个信息化方案,为提高我国高校共青团管理工作的信息化提供参考方案。本文主要分为四个部分,首先针对高效共青团管理工作的重要性进行阐述和研究。第二部分对信息化的必须性进行分析和研究。第三部分对那些工作要进行信息化进行确定,并且列出信息化的需求。最后一部分是对信息化建设的方案进行设计,并进行可行性的论证。关键字:关键字:科学信息 共青团 信息管理 可行性论证Abstrac1AbstracAbstracWith the advances of science and technology, especially computer technology in recent years,

6、 the rapid development of communication technology, making people a steady increase in demand for the information society and the management of safety and comfort convenient way. Various industries with the development of information technology is also undergoing great changes, especially in recent

7、years the Internet continues to deepen various industries in the field of management has made tremendous development, set off from the national to the enterprise information The climax of information technology with its unique characteristics become all, at all levels of management studies focus.Cen

8、tral to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League in the General Assembly, the General Secretary Hu Jintao delivered an important speech. The speech spoke highly of the glorious history of 90 years to unite and lead the members of youth organizations at v

9、arious levels of the cause of the Party and the people of unremitting struggle. History tells us: Youth League party faithful assistant and reserve force worthy, worthy is firmly bridge and link of the party to reach out to young people, is indeed an important social pillar of the socialist state po

10、wer. General Secretary Hu Jintaos speech has important guiding significance for accomplishing the work of the Communist Youth League in the New, in particular highlighted the work of the group and the self-construction, and continuously improve the scientific level of the work of the Communist Youth

11、 League to promote the spirit of reform and innovation; clearly stated The four functions of the Communist Youth League, and further emphasized the “two all the goals and tasks of the youth; clearly important expositions of the important requirements of the four focus“, and pointed out the direction

12、 to strengthen the work of the group under the new situation and construction. It is because of the Communist Youth League has a very important role in our political system, so the management of the work of the Communist 高校共青团工作管理信息系统设计2Youth League should keep up with the times, so that the informa

13、tion technology, high efficiency and stability.In this paper, according to the characteristics of modern information technology, some of the features in the current management of the Communist Youth League of China, proposed how information technology to manage an information technology program of t

14、he Communist Youth League work program to provide reference information technology to improve the management of Chinas Communist Youth League. This paper is divided into four main parts, first described the importance of the efficient management of the Communist Youth League and research. The second

15、 part of the information technology must be analysis and research. The third part of information for those who work to determine, and lists of information needs. The last part is the design and demonstration of the feasibility of the program of informatization construction.Keyword: Scientific inform

16、ation;communist youth league;information management;feasibility Abstrac11 绪论11 1 绪论绪论1.1 课题背景课题背景随着经济社会的发展,管理工作也发生着改变,特别是信息技术出现后,彻底的改变了管理方式和模式。给管理工作带来翻天覆地的变化,随着我国信息化建设全面的展开,各个行业都在通过信息化来改变自身的管理,从而使用信息技术来提高管理的效率,并且弱化人和人之间等级。信息技术经过几十年的发展,已经彻底的改变了人们的生活,一些基础的管理学、经济学、社会学不段的被改变。特别是管理学,在工业社会,管理是靠人和人之间进行管理的,一套好的管理模式,往往是分工明确、等级明确。而进入信息社会后,


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